Monday, July 21, 2008


I hate it. I called Jamestown and Randy (the recruiter) was out with some drivers. He must also do the orientations.

Still waiting for a response from my affiliate application for. I could have got it started with articles and search-engine entries. I used to know how to enter words in the background "source" which the engines recoignize and count to elevate your listings, but forgot the codes...might look that up again.

But my best luck should be addressing the niche directly. I have my blog as a resource, and can copy/paste. These guys will listen to another trucker who they know is telling the truth. But what really bugs me is that the companies I'm in contact with are interested in the generators for their own sakes, and I have no link to give them. What are they waiting for?

Still waiting for the last-chance lender to finish combing through my largely false credit history and decide whether 25% of the truck's price, a healthy income, and more savings than the truck is worth, is enough to overcome the libel.

I can't jump to a cash offer at this point. I'll seem too desperate. It has to be a last resort, and they have to come down to their bottom line. I'll then have to figure out how I can screw myself the least in selling depressed stocks, make a big cash transfer, maybe wait for the transfer...God I'm bleeding buckets of money here.

I think I'll hit the hotel bar tonight. (Remarkably, I've only done that once. And I have beer in the fridge that I haven't touched. Man, have I Changed!)

Hate it hate it hate it.

That is all.

UPDATE: Jamestown Trucking in Jamestown, OH wishes to announce the imminent contracting of the best trucker in America. The Operations manager is partying and the dispatchers are fighting over him as I write.

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