First a disclaimer: I am not a technician nor mechanic, nor have I spoken to any. All I did was check the ampherage output of my Freightliner Century's alternator.
The hydrogen (or more accurately Brown's Gas) generator I'm going to install on my truck pulls 40 amps cold and 60 amps hot. My alternator kicks out 140 amps. (Delco/Remy 8700017).
Well, diesels don't have spark plugs. The procedure is, you start the engine, then flip a switch to activate the Hydrogen Generator. I guess this is why there's a separate switch; so that the alternator doesn't start under the 40 amp load.
Anyway, when running at night, how many amps could all your running lights pull? Can't be much. With the A/C on--that's the engine doing the work; only the blowers pull from the alternator.
I can't see an issue. 140 minus 60= 80 for the lights, blowers, your pc, a fridge maybe...
But then, aside from controlling current, I couldn't tell you how a regulator works, or is adjusted--or if mine could be.
Naturally, anybody thinking of doing this should check with a trusted mechanic--which I'll do, but can't right now because I'm stuck here waiting for a lender to make a decision on my newused Columbia.
OK--I can see the city and local driving thing, maybe--where your RPMs drop down a lot, reducing the alternator's output. I'm clueless about how a regulator works, but I do know that if your alternator (generator) drops below the output required to keep everything going, you pull the extra from the batteries, and then the batteries need to be "topped off" (charged up) when you get back to higher RPMs.
This would seem to make the alternator work harder. IF, I said, you drop below that threshhold.
I mean, probably 140 is my max output. The formulae I've seen, generally, indicate that at idle, I'm still probably kicking out around 70. (A VERY rough, uneducated estimate DOUBLE-CHECK EVERYTHING I SAY ABOUT THIS STUFF. I'M NOT A MECHANIC).
For me, I'll still check with some pros on this issue, but am not really worried about it. I'm OTR long distance, high RPMs 90% of the time.
And you know...every time you shut down and then start up again, your batteries are down to some extent, and you are recharging them. And you can disengege the Hydrogen Generator when you idle...I really think there are a lot of Chicken Littles on these Trucker Forums who never saw a mole-hill for what it was.
For most of us, or at least those with two brain-cells to rub together, we drain and recharge our batteries at least once daily. For those with optimized idle, it's more often than that. The rate-of-charge is restricted to a trickle, so you don't blow your batteries up.
But maybe I'm missing something. Don't rely on me; all I'm doing is analyzing what data is available to me at this time, and I remain largely ignorant about this stuff. Just don't let some other trucker who'd even MORE clueless talk you out of getting one of these things based on an assumption.
I might do a couple things, just to make sure: Maybe step my idle up slightly, and see about that regulator settings stuff (ie ask mechanics).
This issue addressed, I have another:
1: The oil companies made record profits. This is total (devalued) dollars, not as a percentage. They also paid record taxes. Various levels of government also raked in record revenues at the pump--more than double the pre-42% tax profits Marxocrats want yout to be enraged about.
2: There is NOT likely to be oil on the 68 million acres Marxocrats want you to think "Big Oil" is ignoring. They would go BROKE looking for it, do you understand? They KNOW about the reserves which have been carefully, and I suggest deliberately, walled off from them.
3: These include working wells which were capped by Comrade Carter, and need only to be re-opened.
4: Once oil is located, a portable rig can be brought to it and it can be producing oil in three to eleven WEEKS. (This is if it's on land). Those at sea can be brought on-line in from two to five years. When the Marxocrats cite longer time-frames, they are lying to you, deliberately. And so are their hired guns.
5: When Reagan deregulated, the bottom fell out of oil prices, long before domestic production could begin. OPEC understands supply-and-demand, and wanted to discourage domestic production by making it less profitable. (There is a great deal of risk and expense to exploration. This is why the Oil companies sometimes lose money.)
6: (This is for some of those conservatives who make us look bad sometimes): Solar, wind, geothermal, and nuclear power need not directly power cars and trucks in order to reduce petroleum prices. Part of our petroleum and natural gas now goes to produce electrical power. It aint rocket science.
7: We SHOULD have more wind-turbines, etc. DUH! But it will take some time. And ya want grass roots? Here's my retirement plan: Get some well-placed acreage where zoning isn't a big problem, put up some wind-turbines, let the power company install a 2-way meter, and produce enough juice to provide me with a nice income. It's amazing that more people aren't doing this, especially with the tax incentives as they are. In some areas, it's a 100% write-off; you can do it for free, and depreciate it 3 years if you need to! DUH!!!
8: It is cooler now than it was 10 years ago. The pattern fits the geological record. 51,000 environmental scientists signed a paper repudiating manmade global warming. The MAJORITY of environmental scientists, including many who earlier promulgated it, disagree with it. NASA admitted that the results of their study contradicted the theory. Were, in fact, entering an ice-age!
9: Renewables such as biodiesel and ethanol require more energy and government money to produce than a normal free market allows. They consume food-crops, and drive up those prices. Wind, solar, geothermal, diesel and hydrogen are the only sustainable alternatives.
10: Meanwhile, if we don't tap our domestic reserves immediately, we are going to collapse. This is another front in a World War. If you are a marxist, or a mindless tool of the same, you see no probem with it. We should share what we have with the world; from each according to his means, to each according to his needs.
But for those of you who believe in the America (and world) intended by the framers, and that which MADE us the pre-eminant world power, and in FREEDOM for us and everybody else, it is a war, and we are being destroyed economicly. DRILL HERE NOW because it's a matter of survival. IT'S NOT OPTIONAL, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?
Look what they've done to my country!
Save $1,000s On Your Vehicle Fuel Costs! Onboard On Demand Vehicle Hydrogen Generator
Saturday, July 19, 2008
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