I t's Save $1,000s On Your Vehicle Fuel Costs! Onboard On Demand Vehicle Hydrogen Generator
Another one I checked out includes a water-pump and cooling system, but nowhere else have I found any references to overheating; if there IS an issue, I can route an A/C vent to the self-contained diamond-plate box the six-pack of generators come in. (I'll get the skinny version and bolt it to the back of my sleeper.) I might also cut some vents--but I still don't see heat as an issue.
And the other one requires a drain and refill every 750 miles. For me, that's daily. This one, you refill every 250 operational hours. It's no doubt harder to refill, since (I think) you need to refill each of the six generators individually. But I can manage that once every 250 hours of driving!
I was also thinking that it would be great if every US big rig had one of these on it. Those mideast bastards hate us. Including Saudi Arabia. They're screwing us now in order to weaken us. I'm a patriot. (And if you just smirked, screw YOU.)
We can reduce demand. We SHOULD be drilling our own, but CONGRESS is preventing this. There isn't oil in the 68,000 acres, and they're just muddying the waters to block drilling...
But I digress: I'm also losing a boatload of money, sitting here idle trying to get credit approval (the potential lender stipulates a 60-inch sleeper! How much senseless crap do I have to deal with with these people? )...
But I digress again: So I thought to myself, well, why not see if I can make money by pushing this product, which (by creating a complete flame-spread and up to 100% combustion) eliminates (or at least drasticly reduces) carbon emissions? Which increases fuel economy by at least 20%? Which delivers more power? Which eliminates carbon deposits inside the engine? Which requires no circuits or adapters for big rigs, since fuel-air mixes are automaticly optimized by the ECM? Which would, if enough of us have them, drasticly reduce our national consumption of fossil fuels and, along with domestic drilling, could wipe out or need for foreign oil.
So I've signed up as an affiliate. I've tried this, unsuccessfully, before. Though I failed to generate much interest in those products, I learned a great deal about how it's done. NOW, I have the best product on the planet to promote!
And you'll note: I'm not automaticly pushing both of these products. I favor this one, and my targets are other owner-operators and carriers who are getting screwed right now. For me, the refill frequency thing is pretty huge. I'm too lazy for that: Each and every night, drain and refill. I just want to drive, eat, and sleep. And play internet poker.
And I am honorable and honest. (Are you smirking again? Who the hell told you that patriotism and these were a joke? Your marxist teachers and mass-media? All those war movies painting every situation as...ah the hell with it. And with you, you smirking pinko bastid.)
Anyway, I PROUDLY promote this product. I've been doing it for free. I told USA. I told SelecTrucks (would you want a truck that gets 8 mpg's? Huh? Would ya?) I've told everybody I know about the more common versions for gasoline engines. I've been prostelitizing about this simply because I want to help my peeps, and my country.
Hell--might as well make some money off it!
So, since I'm out of commission anyway, I'll be applying this to the internet, and getting the word out there.
I'll get a coded website. Maybe I can get some traffic over here (haha)---that's the one I'll be pushing in the engines and stuff.
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