Well the truck is paid off, although due to technicalities they can't confirm the check receipts yet.
The good news is that the new truck...which I will name after driving it awhile--is being tested and fine-tooth combed as we speak. After this is done, it will be taken to a highly-recommended shop, where I will be able to take Christine for the stuff-moving and installations. Now THEY can remove and maybe buy my passenger seat, install my computer stand, bolt down my fridge (which I'd better buy), put in my CB and inverter...
Actually, I'll probably take the seat out myself and get the move done while there's nothing in the way first. Then I can leave instructions with these guys to have the rest done while I go to Van Buren and come back and get all the other crap done. This way I can come back (with groceries), settle up and get on my way to Jamestown.
The truck should be over there tomorrow (friday), and ideally I can go to SelecTrucks for my paperwork and computer stand, then to a Lowe's or something for the fridge, then to the repair place to get my stuff moved and leave instructions.
If I can get all that done, I'll ride out the weekend here and hit Van Buren monday morning--stopping at my Accountant's and mailbox enroute. If all goes well, I should be back at AEL with Christine by tuesday morning, and check out of here wed. to drive to Jamestown. (I've already paid for it.) Unless thier orientation schedule says I should be there sooner.
The (extremely) painful part will be the moving. It's sweltering here and I have a ton of disorganized crap to move, and try to organize as I do so. This could be a hundred trips from truck-to-truck, and I MUST take my time in order to set up a sensible system of organization.
I'll throw out as much stuff as I can (which is hard for me). I have a lot of old paperwork that I've clung to and will never need, including logs dating back to my start in this industry. When I get my refridgerator, I should also get some boxes...I'm already starting to percolate on what goes where.
The interior of this truck is identical to Christine's, so I'm starting with "emergency/rarely accessed stuff" which will go IN BOXES at the very back of the upper bunk. One for winter shoes and clothes ONLY, and at the very back under the lower bunk, one box for old logs...yeah I've got it started. By the time I have to do it, I'll be looking foreward to it. I'm blessed with that kind of pathology.
Meanwhile, I'm sick of losing to lucky idiots in sit-and-go poker tournaments, so tonight I'll get a good buzz on and join a real full-fledged freeroll or cheap tournament and see if it plays out more according to the real odds--as it would in a Casino.
That is, if you have crap pair and bet them like you have queens or kings in early position on a full table, your third six does NOT come up on the river almost FOURTY PERCENT of the time, and the face cards come up NO LESS often.
And I repeat that this kind of monkeying around with randomness is despicable. Idiots SHOULD lose more often than non-idiots. It's POKER, NOT BINGO! Yeah...
You have three to a flush out the gate in stud. You have 4 more cards coming. You're 50% to fill out the flush. If you raise, you shrink the pot, and unless you also have a good pair or something, don't even increase your odds of winning by much. If you play passive, more people stay in and the pot gets bigger. Only a boat beats a flush. Let them bid it up--hope some clown gets 2 pair or even a straight---they don't know you've got 3/5ths of a flush! The idiots ASSUME you've got crap because you didn't raise the hell out of it like THEY would. (Then--it's beautiful--they ASSUME you chased it and got lucky on the river because heaven forfend that THEY did anything wrong! AND they play YOU like a river-rat from then-on. Usually, this means raising and reraising to get more money in the pot and get rid of you...and forgetting about all the other players who saw what I just did to you!!!)
I mean...slow-plays and and playing odds WORK in the REAL world! You win a little less often, but win much, much bigger pots from idiots.
Well the hell with it. Happy Hour approacheth. I think my residual dinner from last night might not be lethal yet so I can focus on drinks...okbye.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
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