Ok I went to both hotel bars and nobody liked me. I never talked about myself but wanted to help everybody. It's ok I grok I can piss people off like that...except at the first place the tenders knew me and I was pretty normal but they acted like I had the plague and I hadn't pissed myself yet or anything...
Don't give a damn saved me tips.
Back now. Iced up some beer I bought a week ago. Registered in a cheap real tourney which I hope not to win since the 1st prize is an entry into another tourney which I probly can't -participate in anyway. Second is 30 bucks I think so I'll try to lose head up if I get there ok it just started okbye
Thursday, July 31, 2008
More Big Adventures
Well the truck is paid off, although due to technicalities they can't confirm the check receipts yet.
The good news is that the new truck...which I will name after driving it awhile--is being tested and fine-tooth combed as we speak. After this is done, it will be taken to a highly-recommended shop, where I will be able to take Christine for the stuff-moving and installations. Now THEY can remove and maybe buy my passenger seat, install my computer stand, bolt down my fridge (which I'd better buy), put in my CB and inverter...
Actually, I'll probably take the seat out myself and get the move done while there's nothing in the way first. Then I can leave instructions with these guys to have the rest done while I go to Van Buren and come back and get all the other crap done. This way I can come back (with groceries), settle up and get on my way to Jamestown.
The truck should be over there tomorrow (friday), and ideally I can go to SelecTrucks for my paperwork and computer stand, then to a Lowe's or something for the fridge, then to the repair place to get my stuff moved and leave instructions.
If I can get all that done, I'll ride out the weekend here and hit Van Buren monday morning--stopping at my Accountant's and mailbox enroute. If all goes well, I should be back at AEL with Christine by tuesday morning, and check out of here wed. to drive to Jamestown. (I've already paid for it.) Unless thier orientation schedule says I should be there sooner.
The (extremely) painful part will be the moving. It's sweltering here and I have a ton of disorganized crap to move, and try to organize as I do so. This could be a hundred trips from truck-to-truck, and I MUST take my time in order to set up a sensible system of organization.
I'll throw out as much stuff as I can (which is hard for me). I have a lot of old paperwork that I've clung to and will never need, including logs dating back to my start in this industry. When I get my refridgerator, I should also get some boxes...I'm already starting to percolate on what goes where.
The interior of this truck is identical to Christine's, so I'm starting with "emergency/rarely accessed stuff" which will go IN BOXES at the very back of the upper bunk. One for winter shoes and clothes ONLY, and at the very back under the lower bunk, one box for old logs...yeah I've got it started. By the time I have to do it, I'll be looking foreward to it. I'm blessed with that kind of pathology.
Meanwhile, I'm sick of losing to lucky idiots in sit-and-go poker tournaments, so tonight I'll get a good buzz on and join a real full-fledged freeroll or cheap tournament and see if it plays out more according to the real odds--as it would in a Casino.
That is, if you have crap pair and bet them like you have queens or kings in early position on a full table, your third six does NOT come up on the river almost FOURTY PERCENT of the time, and the face cards come up NO LESS often.
And I repeat that this kind of monkeying around with randomness is despicable. Idiots SHOULD lose more often than non-idiots. It's POKER, NOT BINGO! Yeah...
You have three to a flush out the gate in stud. You have 4 more cards coming. You're 50% to fill out the flush. If you raise, you shrink the pot, and unless you also have a good pair or something, don't even increase your odds of winning by much. If you play passive, more people stay in and the pot gets bigger. Only a boat beats a flush. Let them bid it up--hope some clown gets 2 pair or even a straight---they don't know you've got 3/5ths of a flush! The idiots ASSUME you've got crap because you didn't raise the hell out of it like THEY would. (Then--it's beautiful--they ASSUME you chased it and got lucky on the river because heaven forfend that THEY did anything wrong! AND they play YOU like a river-rat from then-on. Usually, this means raising and reraising to get more money in the pot and get rid of you...and forgetting about all the other players who saw what I just did to you!!!)
I mean...slow-plays and and playing odds WORK in the REAL world! You win a little less often, but win much, much bigger pots from idiots.
Well the hell with it. Happy Hour approacheth. I think my residual dinner from last night might not be lethal yet so I can focus on drinks...okbye.
The good news is that the new truck...which I will name after driving it awhile--is being tested and fine-tooth combed as we speak. After this is done, it will be taken to a highly-recommended shop, where I will be able to take Christine for the stuff-moving and installations. Now THEY can remove and maybe buy my passenger seat, install my computer stand, bolt down my fridge (which I'd better buy), put in my CB and inverter...
Actually, I'll probably take the seat out myself and get the move done while there's nothing in the way first. Then I can leave instructions with these guys to have the rest done while I go to Van Buren and come back and get all the other crap done. This way I can come back (with groceries), settle up and get on my way to Jamestown.
The truck should be over there tomorrow (friday), and ideally I can go to SelecTrucks for my paperwork and computer stand, then to a Lowe's or something for the fridge, then to the repair place to get my stuff moved and leave instructions.
If I can get all that done, I'll ride out the weekend here and hit Van Buren monday morning--stopping at my Accountant's and mailbox enroute. If all goes well, I should be back at AEL with Christine by tuesday morning, and check out of here wed. to drive to Jamestown. (I've already paid for it.) Unless thier orientation schedule says I should be there sooner.
The (extremely) painful part will be the moving. It's sweltering here and I have a ton of disorganized crap to move, and try to organize as I do so. This could be a hundred trips from truck-to-truck, and I MUST take my time in order to set up a sensible system of organization.
I'll throw out as much stuff as I can (which is hard for me). I have a lot of old paperwork that I've clung to and will never need, including logs dating back to my start in this industry. When I get my refridgerator, I should also get some boxes...I'm already starting to percolate on what goes where.
The interior of this truck is identical to Christine's, so I'm starting with "emergency/rarely accessed stuff" which will go IN BOXES at the very back of the upper bunk. One for winter shoes and clothes ONLY, and at the very back under the lower bunk, one box for old logs...yeah I've got it started. By the time I have to do it, I'll be looking foreward to it. I'm blessed with that kind of pathology.
Meanwhile, I'm sick of losing to lucky idiots in sit-and-go poker tournaments, so tonight I'll get a good buzz on and join a real full-fledged freeroll or cheap tournament and see if it plays out more according to the real odds--as it would in a Casino.
That is, if you have crap pair and bet them like you have queens or kings in early position on a full table, your third six does NOT come up on the river almost FOURTY PERCENT of the time, and the face cards come up NO LESS often.
And I repeat that this kind of monkeying around with randomness is despicable. Idiots SHOULD lose more often than non-idiots. It's POKER, NOT BINGO! Yeah...
You have three to a flush out the gate in stud. You have 4 more cards coming. You're 50% to fill out the flush. If you raise, you shrink the pot, and unless you also have a good pair or something, don't even increase your odds of winning by much. If you play passive, more people stay in and the pot gets bigger. Only a boat beats a flush. Let them bid it up--hope some clown gets 2 pair or even a straight---they don't know you've got 3/5ths of a flush! The idiots ASSUME you've got crap because you didn't raise the hell out of it like THEY would. (Then--it's beautiful--they ASSUME you chased it and got lucky on the river because heaven forfend that THEY did anything wrong! AND they play YOU like a river-rat from then-on. Usually, this means raising and reraising to get more money in the pot and get rid of you...and forgetting about all the other players who saw what I just did to you!!!)
I mean...slow-plays and and playing odds WORK in the REAL world! You win a little less often, but win much, much bigger pots from idiots.
Well the hell with it. Happy Hour approacheth. I think my residual dinner from last night might not be lethal yet so I can focus on drinks...okbye.
I've finally found commercial generators, and got a bead on money. My brother in Ohio uses 486 kwh/month at 5.5 cents per. I can use this as my baseline.
A generator producing 1100 kwh/month needs an acre and costs 30 thousand. One of these would, in an all-electric home, eliminate all my own utilities and probably net me 150 bux/month to boot.
This sounds daunting, but I might be able to swing a government-backed loan, or even get a grant. However, I would consider even paying cash for them. One per year would eliminate my taxes as a trucker for years to come.
And we tend to think too simplisticly about money. Saving ALL utilites per-month, plus the power wholesaled off the single generator would leave around 500 bucks more per-month in my pocket.
A second generator would increase this to over 900/month. Four would cost me 120 thousand bucks--or about a year's pay...but would generate 4400 or so KWH per month for a total net of over 1600 bucks/month.
Whether financed (with no grants) or paid for in cashed, the tax credits would by far exceed my tax liability as a trucker, and the income (literally) generated, making the REAL net gains a good deal higher.
If I could get grants/financing, I'd need to pay one off or two off in full, and then could add more quickly; the income from the owned ones could offset the payments for the others.
Long story, and I haven't thought it through at all yet. There are many types of generators, and I will have multiple ones. Many are under 5k, and I could start out with these mounted on rooftops and paid for in cash. Other intermediate sizes are also more affordable, so I could then add one or more of these, again paid for in cash--so long as they wouldn't interfere with the longer-term plan of taller towers and bigger generators.
My entry-point would be the acquisition of the acreage, then the rehab or installation of some habitation, and clearing the acreage (selling the wood). Next, since I still need to drive, I'd need a caretaker. If financed, I could be deficit-spending for awhile.........
So I need to build up the bankroll. I need to be ready to acquire, upgrade, and immediately pay for and install 15k-worth of generators to give me free utilities and some little positive cash-flow....
Yeah, definitely a long-term thing that I'll have plenty of time to research more completely.
Short-term, my account reflects that both my checks are gone, so I'm driving to the dealer to make my final credit card payment and get the note for my new truck. They still have to dynometer and inspect it, but after that I'm trying to move my stuff into it--they've got liability concerns. If I can't, I'll have to take a cab there and drive it back here for the moving part.
I need to get this done, fast. I have to take Christine back to Van Buren and then back here to turn her in. I have to get my taxes resolved. I have to get insured by Jamestown and drive there...
It's about to hit the fan for me....and so it begins okbye
A generator producing 1100 kwh/month needs an acre and costs 30 thousand. One of these would, in an all-electric home, eliminate all my own utilities and probably net me 150 bux/month to boot.
This sounds daunting, but I might be able to swing a government-backed loan, or even get a grant. However, I would consider even paying cash for them. One per year would eliminate my taxes as a trucker for years to come.
And we tend to think too simplisticly about money. Saving ALL utilites per-month, plus the power wholesaled off the single generator would leave around 500 bucks more per-month in my pocket.
A second generator would increase this to over 900/month. Four would cost me 120 thousand bucks--or about a year's pay...but would generate 4400 or so KWH per month for a total net of over 1600 bucks/month.
Whether financed (with no grants) or paid for in cashed, the tax credits would by far exceed my tax liability as a trucker, and the income (literally) generated, making the REAL net gains a good deal higher.
If I could get grants/financing, I'd need to pay one off or two off in full, and then could add more quickly; the income from the owned ones could offset the payments for the others.
Long story, and I haven't thought it through at all yet. There are many types of generators, and I will have multiple ones. Many are under 5k, and I could start out with these mounted on rooftops and paid for in cash. Other intermediate sizes are also more affordable, so I could then add one or more of these, again paid for in cash--so long as they wouldn't interfere with the longer-term plan of taller towers and bigger generators.
My entry-point would be the acquisition of the acreage, then the rehab or installation of some habitation, and clearing the acreage (selling the wood). Next, since I still need to drive, I'd need a caretaker. If financed, I could be deficit-spending for awhile.........
So I need to build up the bankroll. I need to be ready to acquire, upgrade, and immediately pay for and install 15k-worth of generators to give me free utilities and some little positive cash-flow....
Yeah, definitely a long-term thing that I'll have plenty of time to research more completely.
Short-term, my account reflects that both my checks are gone, so I'm driving to the dealer to make my final credit card payment and get the note for my new truck. They still have to dynometer and inspect it, but after that I'm trying to move my stuff into it--they've got liability concerns. If I can't, I'll have to take a cab there and drive it back here for the moving part.
I need to get this done, fast. I have to take Christine back to Van Buren and then back here to turn her in. I have to get my taxes resolved. I have to get insured by Jamestown and drive there...
It's about to hit the fan for me....and so it begins okbye
Sunday, July 27, 2008
There goes another 17.2k.But after a fruitless search for a truck fridge that would fit my cabinet, the guy at SelecTrucks pointed out what was in front of my nose. I'll take out the passenger seat! This will give me all the space in the world; I can get the biggest little refrigerator I can find, with a decent freezer in it.Then I'll need to figure how to mount my laptop. Might need a different type of stand--I need it sort of in front of me, and not blocking windows or mirrors. And not falling on the floor. Guess I'll do more internet hunting soon as I'm done here...Anyway maybe I can get SelecTrucks to take something off the price for the passenger seat, or else AEL. You don't just throw these out--they're 4-600 bucks retail.Time to find a laptop stand okbye.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Wile E Impaired
OK first of all why uis everybody I'm currently spamming boycotting my blogs? I mean, it's not that you don't have time. It's an AVERSION, which I take personally. I used to be funny/entertaining--but am now kinda bitter, and this blog has devolved. NOW, I bet, you will at long last check it out and find it wanting...you bastids.
ANYHOO, I went to SelecTrucks and wrote a chaqck for 15k out of my personal account and ran the visa for 2200 off the Corporate account. I am now within 4k of full payment, and will do that in two credit card installments. Later, I will have to arrange for the Corp. to buy "me" out by transferring about 25k from it to my personal account.
That works good, since as a start-up business, I the Corp. have not payed me the oppressed proletarian--hence lack the tax write-off.......and I think I will probably stall this transaction til fiscal '09 for tax purposes.
If I'm correct about this, this would mean that I the oppressed worker will have zero income for '08; the Corp. will have a 10k write-off, which it might depreciate or take as a whole for this year. In fiscal '08 the Corp. will install a truck and hydrogen generator as well, and depreciate these to the max...combined with capital losses, it should pay little or no taxes--should be able to depreciate the losses as well.
Bat Owtahel Inc. will launch 'o9 by going in the hole 25k to buy the oppresseed driver's interest in the truck. The driver is merely being repaid. It aint income. But the Corp. will now begin underpaying the driver, at a little over the per-diem allotment...the driver will earn well under the tax threshhold. The capital losses for '08 are his...so the Corp. might pay him a little more.
(Keep in mind that this spoiled brat gets free hotel stays like this one and stuff).
...anyhoo, after my last blog I spent 5 hours searching, and finally ordered a computer stand. It whoukd arrive at SelecTrucks on wednesday. I can install it with an additional two minutes as I remove the passenger seat. It cost Bat Owtahel Inc. less than 100 bucks.
I then went to the hotel bar, where I got impaired on 3 Long Island iced teas and one draft beer.
I met two Obama supporters who me and and Namvet on the other side of them gently humiliated. I mean, they were a nice young couple; he a manager of a landscaping business, and niether what you'd call stupid....nice people, but clueless. Naturally, nothing said put a dent in them. They'll vote for Obama, no madder what.
I was a good boy and changed subjects. I snuck under the landcape manager's guard by asking him what they paid entry-level workers--then pointing out that (because this was over 1.50 over minimum wage)--he got better people that way. His competitor might leave a job looking bad and lose contacts. He would not, because he paid more for better employees. I asked him if they promoted from within, and he said that he was the example of that--he started at the bottom.
Why don't they get it?
Anyway, now here I am.....okbye.
ANYHOO, I went to SelecTrucks and wrote a chaqck for 15k out of my personal account and ran the visa for 2200 off the Corporate account. I am now within 4k of full payment, and will do that in two credit card installments. Later, I will have to arrange for the Corp. to buy "me" out by transferring about 25k from it to my personal account.
That works good, since as a start-up business, I the Corp. have not payed me the oppressed proletarian--hence lack the tax write-off.......and I think I will probably stall this transaction til fiscal '09 for tax purposes.
If I'm correct about this, this would mean that I the oppressed worker will have zero income for '08; the Corp. will have a 10k write-off, which it might depreciate or take as a whole for this year. In fiscal '08 the Corp. will install a truck and hydrogen generator as well, and depreciate these to the max...combined with capital losses, it should pay little or no taxes--should be able to depreciate the losses as well.
Bat Owtahel Inc. will launch 'o9 by going in the hole 25k to buy the oppresseed driver's interest in the truck. The driver is merely being repaid. It aint income. But the Corp. will now begin underpaying the driver, at a little over the per-diem allotment...the driver will earn well under the tax threshhold. The capital losses for '08 are his...so the Corp. might pay him a little more.
(Keep in mind that this spoiled brat gets free hotel stays like this one and stuff).
...anyhoo, after my last blog I spent 5 hours searching, and finally ordered a computer stand. It whoukd arrive at SelecTrucks on wednesday. I can install it with an additional two minutes as I remove the passenger seat. It cost Bat Owtahel Inc. less than 100 bucks.
I then went to the hotel bar, where I got impaired on 3 Long Island iced teas and one draft beer.
I met two Obama supporters who me and and Namvet on the other side of them gently humiliated. I mean, they were a nice young couple; he a manager of a landscaping business, and niether what you'd call stupid....nice people, but clueless. Naturally, nothing said put a dent in them. They'll vote for Obama, no madder what.
I was a good boy and changed subjects. I snuck under the landcape manager's guard by asking him what they paid entry-level workers--then pointing out that (because this was over 1.50 over minimum wage)--he got better people that way. His competitor might leave a job looking bad and lose contacts. He would not, because he paid more for better employees. I asked him if they promoted from within, and he said that he was the example of that--he started at the bottom.
Why don't they get it?
Anyway, now here I am.....okbye.
Friday, July 25, 2008
I had to dump almost everything in my portfolio. I've got maybe 12k left invested and the rest cash. Bummer.
At least I got a 2500.00 cash deposit in to get the inspection and stuff going. Tomorrow I can make another one of those and write the chack for all but 2500.00 of the rest. I had to do this, so that it would clear in a reasonable time.
Meanwhile I have to just...wait and wait some more, like I've been doing. Drives me nuts. So I'm driving all my peeps nuts via email.
Once the truck's been put on the dynometer for testing and gone over, (this is the main reason I paid another 3100 bucks for the warrantee--they have to make sure nothing is wrong with it.), I can try to get a mini-refrigerator stuck in it and, I think, start moving my stuff into it. I just need to make sure it's locked up, which I couldn't ask for without having laid my money down.
I hope to get that all done by wednesday, which is my last prepaid hotel room day, and take it back to Van Buren. That's sticky--once USA takes it's plates back, I need to get temp tags or something, and get it back to AEL ASAP.
So I'll hit my accountant first, then my mail, and USA last. When I leave Van Buren, it will be for good.
From AEL, I can prabably wrangle a shuttle ride back here, and be one cab ride from my newused truck...whenever the checks clear. I estimate that by this time, I'll have less than 2ok to my name. AEL could really stick it to me on the settlement, and any damage I did--well I can't argue. My accountant is doing two years worth of reciepts, and I made her total up the reciepts. She's gonna want some real money.
The taxes themselves...I'm afraid to think about, but as I understand it I can extend if neccessary, or pay installments. Yeah--this and the economy have got me pretty close to the bone. I'll almost be starting over, from scratch...except with a paid-for truck. (Gotta remember that part so I don't get bummed out. Paid for and warranteed.)
The bleeding will continue for several more weeks. Most carriers defer weekly settlements for one or even two weeks. However, they provide fuel cards: The company pays for fuel, and often gets discounts. They deduct this from that week's pay. And you can get cash advances on the card.
The truck, however, is clean. Their detailers did a great job on it. I know enough now to spot rust under paint, check hoses, belts, and lines, etc. It wasn't bad at all. The interior and sleeper are nearly identical to my own. Centuries and Columbias are very similar. Getting that refrigerator in there is important.
I can get a Wal-Mart mini-fridge for less than 100 bucks, but it's too wide for the cabinet. The fridge's they sell for trucks are about 500 bucks, and I refuse to get hosed like that. If I have to, I'll have one wall of the cabinet cut out.
With the fridge and a cheap microwave, I can save a lot of money on food. I have an electric cooler, but it's inefficient and runs 24/7. You'd think that a refrigerator would use more electricity, but I don't think so, since the fridge shuts down when it's cool enough. The cooler is also inefficient...I can't keep a pasta dinner in there for more than about 3 days.
Hell, I might even put the fridge in myself...oh! Oh! Maybe it'll fit in front of the passenger seat!! Then I could use the cabinet for storage, which would be even better!! Yeah I bet it'll fit and I can snug the seat up to it for stability! and put the microwave on top of it maybe! (The passenger seat itself is reserved for H.A.L. and his computer stand.)
Yes, yes...I'll take some measurements tomorrow when I make my payments. Maybe they'll let me put Hal's stand in too. There's an issue there, the way the seat's built--but I'm resourceful.
With this, my CB, and my inverter installed, the rest is moving loose stuff. I should do it in installements, and not all at once. I need to slow down and get methodical so that I get all the disorganized and messed up stuff organized. That's hard for me. If I do it all at once, I'll just start piling it up and tell myself I'll organize it later.
I should get masking tapes and label stuff. This truck has more room to stash tools and stuff--I can get more stuff outside the truck. The extra space where the fridge would have gone, and that, gives me a slight edge on the organization part. Getting rid of redundant fittings, wiring stuff, magazines, etc. will help....
There I go obsessing. Sometimes obsession is good, though. Maybe these delays are for the best, overall. They might cost me another 600 bucks, but then I can make sure everything is installed and moved right, and not kill myself doing it.
Yeah, I feel better now.
At least I got a 2500.00 cash deposit in to get the inspection and stuff going. Tomorrow I can make another one of those and write the chack for all but 2500.00 of the rest. I had to do this, so that it would clear in a reasonable time.
Meanwhile I have to just...wait and wait some more, like I've been doing. Drives me nuts. So I'm driving all my peeps nuts via email.
Once the truck's been put on the dynometer for testing and gone over, (this is the main reason I paid another 3100 bucks for the warrantee--they have to make sure nothing is wrong with it.), I can try to get a mini-refrigerator stuck in it and, I think, start moving my stuff into it. I just need to make sure it's locked up, which I couldn't ask for without having laid my money down.
I hope to get that all done by wednesday, which is my last prepaid hotel room day, and take it back to Van Buren. That's sticky--once USA takes it's plates back, I need to get temp tags or something, and get it back to AEL ASAP.
So I'll hit my accountant first, then my mail, and USA last. When I leave Van Buren, it will be for good.
From AEL, I can prabably wrangle a shuttle ride back here, and be one cab ride from my newused truck...whenever the checks clear. I estimate that by this time, I'll have less than 2ok to my name. AEL could really stick it to me on the settlement, and any damage I did--well I can't argue. My accountant is doing two years worth of reciepts, and I made her total up the reciepts. She's gonna want some real money.
The taxes themselves...I'm afraid to think about, but as I understand it I can extend if neccessary, or pay installments. Yeah--this and the economy have got me pretty close to the bone. I'll almost be starting over, from scratch...except with a paid-for truck. (Gotta remember that part so I don't get bummed out. Paid for and warranteed.)
The bleeding will continue for several more weeks. Most carriers defer weekly settlements for one or even two weeks. However, they provide fuel cards: The company pays for fuel, and often gets discounts. They deduct this from that week's pay. And you can get cash advances on the card.
The truck, however, is clean. Their detailers did a great job on it. I know enough now to spot rust under paint, check hoses, belts, and lines, etc. It wasn't bad at all. The interior and sleeper are nearly identical to my own. Centuries and Columbias are very similar. Getting that refrigerator in there is important.
I can get a Wal-Mart mini-fridge for less than 100 bucks, but it's too wide for the cabinet. The fridge's they sell for trucks are about 500 bucks, and I refuse to get hosed like that. If I have to, I'll have one wall of the cabinet cut out.
With the fridge and a cheap microwave, I can save a lot of money on food. I have an electric cooler, but it's inefficient and runs 24/7. You'd think that a refrigerator would use more electricity, but I don't think so, since the fridge shuts down when it's cool enough. The cooler is also inefficient...I can't keep a pasta dinner in there for more than about 3 days.
Hell, I might even put the fridge in myself...oh! Oh! Maybe it'll fit in front of the passenger seat!! Then I could use the cabinet for storage, which would be even better!! Yeah I bet it'll fit and I can snug the seat up to it for stability! and put the microwave on top of it maybe! (The passenger seat itself is reserved for H.A.L. and his computer stand.)
Yes, yes...I'll take some measurements tomorrow when I make my payments. Maybe they'll let me put Hal's stand in too. There's an issue there, the way the seat's built--but I'm resourceful.
With this, my CB, and my inverter installed, the rest is moving loose stuff. I should do it in installements, and not all at once. I need to slow down and get methodical so that I get all the disorganized and messed up stuff organized. That's hard for me. If I do it all at once, I'll just start piling it up and tell myself I'll organize it later.
I should get masking tapes and label stuff. This truck has more room to stash tools and stuff--I can get more stuff outside the truck. The extra space where the fridge would have gone, and that, gives me a slight edge on the organization part. Getting rid of redundant fittings, wiring stuff, magazines, etc. will help....
There I go obsessing. Sometimes obsession is good, though. Maybe these delays are for the best, overall. They might cost me another 600 bucks, but then I can make sure everything is installed and moved right, and not kill myself doing it.
Yeah, I feel better now.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
My business account won't wire money to any account without my name on it without prior written (mailed not faxed) authorization. Me debit card limit, as I found out...is 2500. Because I tried to deposit 10k on the truck, the hold prevented any further activity for today. I would have wrote a check, but the bastards have only now sent me the checkbook they were supposed to have sent months ago.
I had to write a 10k check from my personal account, in which I'm selling my stocks like mad. The check takes 1-10 days to clear. They won't prepare my newused truck until it does. I won't be able to take the truck until the other checks I write clear. I'll be owing 300/week-plus on my current truck.
Tomorrow, I'll go give them another 2400. Maybe I'll just have to go back daily and...oh yeah I can use both cards from both accounts...JEEZ!!! Ok-ok--write another check tomorrow if the sales I made today are cleared, and use both cards to add 4800 to it...yeah I MIGHT be able to knock out the 3400 (inc. 1 year warrantee) that they came down to on the truck.
...I'll have to...ummm...have the Corp. make a deposit in my name on the truck, then buy it from me...jeez!
Tomorrow, I need to drive to Van Buren to get my qualcom taken off and turn in my stuff...no I can't...got to do that last...JEEZ!
The truck is nice. No optimized idle on it, which is a big problem, because I can't be idling it all night. Generators cost 8 grand.
Yeah I'm in for some more hell. Waiting for checks to clear, filling and mailing more forms, checking out with USA, getting a verdict from my accountant who I might not be able to pay on taxes that I might not be able to pay, moving everything from one truck to the other, turning Christine into AEL who will no doubt tell me I owe them unmade payments and for stuff that needs fixed...
Within 2 weeks, I can be on my way to Ohio with my own warranteed truck. Might be another week before I can get out there driving again, and two to three weeks before I get my first paycheck.
Hmm...I'm ok for money. Despite the irrational depression of my stocks, I could stretch it out much longer if I had to. But man, this is going to hurt.
On the lighter side, the truck IS a deduction, as are the capital losses I'm taking. Even depreciating the truck, as I will, I won't owe ANY taxes for this year. I've been down for extended periods, and not even made that much as it is...I'll need to defer a lot of the write-offs and deductions if I can, somehow, since I'll also be getting the hydro-generator and stuff this year.
A truck generator replaces the truck's engine for keeping batteries charged and the driver warm or cool. It burns a lot less fuel, and also provides a/c outlets. If I run the engine all night, it could cost me 7 gallons.
See, even after I'm on with Jamestown, there's still that and the hydrogen generator; ten grand easy, and some more downtime. I'll have to see if Jamestown has a discount deal on the generators.
I guess the smart way for me to look at this is that 2008 is the investment, and the rest of it the future. I can probably have all this stuff done (and taxes paid) by November, and even have my stock portfolio partially rebuilt. By next year, I should be in decent shape.
Investment--yes. I've never owned a truck outright before, and there is the 300/week instaraise that goes with it....maybe I'll just sell everything and try to get the generator out of the way...
Jeez I need to do some more reasearch--and hit the bar dammit---I've earned it.
Tell you one thing: I wouldn't trade all this pain for welfare.
I had to write a 10k check from my personal account, in which I'm selling my stocks like mad. The check takes 1-10 days to clear. They won't prepare my newused truck until it does. I won't be able to take the truck until the other checks I write clear. I'll be owing 300/week-plus on my current truck.
Tomorrow, I'll go give them another 2400. Maybe I'll just have to go back daily and...oh yeah I can use both cards from both accounts...JEEZ!!! Ok-ok--write another check tomorrow if the sales I made today are cleared, and use both cards to add 4800 to it...yeah I MIGHT be able to knock out the 3400 (inc. 1 year warrantee) that they came down to on the truck.
...I'll have to...ummm...have the Corp. make a deposit in my name on the truck, then buy it from me...jeez!
Tomorrow, I need to drive to Van Buren to get my qualcom taken off and turn in my stuff...no I can't...got to do that last...JEEZ!
The truck is nice. No optimized idle on it, which is a big problem, because I can't be idling it all night. Generators cost 8 grand.
Yeah I'm in for some more hell. Waiting for checks to clear, filling and mailing more forms, checking out with USA, getting a verdict from my accountant who I might not be able to pay on taxes that I might not be able to pay, moving everything from one truck to the other, turning Christine into AEL who will no doubt tell me I owe them unmade payments and for stuff that needs fixed...
Within 2 weeks, I can be on my way to Ohio with my own warranteed truck. Might be another week before I can get out there driving again, and two to three weeks before I get my first paycheck.
Hmm...I'm ok for money. Despite the irrational depression of my stocks, I could stretch it out much longer if I had to. But man, this is going to hurt.
On the lighter side, the truck IS a deduction, as are the capital losses I'm taking. Even depreciating the truck, as I will, I won't owe ANY taxes for this year. I've been down for extended periods, and not even made that much as it is...I'll need to defer a lot of the write-offs and deductions if I can, somehow, since I'll also be getting the hydro-generator and stuff this year.
A truck generator replaces the truck's engine for keeping batteries charged and the driver warm or cool. It burns a lot less fuel, and also provides a/c outlets. If I run the engine all night, it could cost me 7 gallons.
See, even after I'm on with Jamestown, there's still that and the hydrogen generator; ten grand easy, and some more downtime. I'll have to see if Jamestown has a discount deal on the generators.
I guess the smart way for me to look at this is that 2008 is the investment, and the rest of it the future. I can probably have all this stuff done (and taxes paid) by November, and even have my stock portfolio partially rebuilt. By next year, I should be in decent shape.
Investment--yes. I've never owned a truck outright before, and there is the 300/week instaraise that goes with it....maybe I'll just sell everything and try to get the generator out of the way...
Jeez I need to do some more reasearch--and hit the bar dammit---I've earned it.
Tell you one thing: I wouldn't trade all this pain for welfare.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Dealing with Rejection
Of all things, I am told that I have NO credit history.
OK well I know that THAT wasn't true a few days ago. I joined Lifelock after finding out about the garbage they had on me, and told Lifelock about it. They've requested fraud alerts from the three bureaus. Something happened. Maybe they found out that ALL of it was fraudulant!
I'm supposed to call the broker guy but why bother? Today I'll identify and sell some stocks to free up cash, and tomorrow I'll drive to SelecTrucks to negotiate a cash purchase. I'm bleeding cash and can't keep doing this.
...of course, I can't let THEM know that! I've switched to a weekly rent here and prepaid it. I'll have to psyche myself into believing that I've got all the time in the world. I can be honest with them about having money, tied up in depressed stocks, and tell them that I'll be taking a 20% hit of I have to sell them.
I've got about 15k available. 8k of my money is locked into an IRA and a 401k. I'll ask them how far they can come down, and if they put the ball back into my court, offer 30k.
The fact is, I'm bluffing. I HAVE to nail down this truck, because of the time-factor, and the fact that they're hard to find. But THEY have to believe that I'll walk away, so that they really will come down as far as they can.
Part of it will be asking them if the 15k would do for a deposit, and could they let me drive for the rest? I know they can't--but will be conveying my financial distress to them.
But I'll get that truck. I can put the 15k down that day...deciding what to sell, and transferring the money (to the business account; I need Bat Owtahel Inc. to make the pruchase).
Damn. Better start my research okbye
OK well I know that THAT wasn't true a few days ago. I joined Lifelock after finding out about the garbage they had on me, and told Lifelock about it. They've requested fraud alerts from the three bureaus. Something happened. Maybe they found out that ALL of it was fraudulant!
I'm supposed to call the broker guy but why bother? Today I'll identify and sell some stocks to free up cash, and tomorrow I'll drive to SelecTrucks to negotiate a cash purchase. I'm bleeding cash and can't keep doing this.
...of course, I can't let THEM know that! I've switched to a weekly rent here and prepaid it. I'll have to psyche myself into believing that I've got all the time in the world. I can be honest with them about having money, tied up in depressed stocks, and tell them that I'll be taking a 20% hit of I have to sell them.
I've got about 15k available. 8k of my money is locked into an IRA and a 401k. I'll ask them how far they can come down, and if they put the ball back into my court, offer 30k.
The fact is, I'm bluffing. I HAVE to nail down this truck, because of the time-factor, and the fact that they're hard to find. But THEY have to believe that I'll walk away, so that they really will come down as far as they can.
Part of it will be asking them if the 15k would do for a deposit, and could they let me drive for the rest? I know they can't--but will be conveying my financial distress to them.
But I'll get that truck. I can put the 15k down that day...deciding what to sell, and transferring the money (to the business account; I need Bat Owtahel Inc. to make the pruchase).
Damn. Better start my research okbye
Monday, July 21, 2008
I hate it. I called Jamestown and Randy (the recruiter) was out with some drivers. He must also do the orientations.
Still waiting for a response from my affiliate application for. I could have got it started with articles and search-engine entries. I used to know how to enter words in the background "source" which the engines recoignize and count to elevate your listings, but forgot the codes...might look that up again.
But my best luck should be addressing the niche directly. I have my blog as a resource, and can copy/paste. These guys will listen to another trucker who they know is telling the truth. But what really bugs me is that the companies I'm in contact with are interested in the generators for their own sakes, and I have no link to give them. What are they waiting for?
Still waiting for the last-chance lender to finish combing through my largely false credit history and decide whether 25% of the truck's price, a healthy income, and more savings than the truck is worth, is enough to overcome the libel.
I can't jump to a cash offer at this point. I'll seem too desperate. It has to be a last resort, and they have to come down to their bottom line. I'll then have to figure out how I can screw myself the least in selling depressed stocks, make a big cash transfer, maybe wait for the transfer...God I'm bleeding buckets of money here.
I think I'll hit the hotel bar tonight. (Remarkably, I've only done that once. And I have beer in the fridge that I haven't touched. Man, have I Changed!)
Hate it hate it hate it.
That is all.
UPDATE: Jamestown Trucking in Jamestown, OH wishes to announce the imminent contracting of the best trucker in America. The Operations manager is partying and the dispatchers are fighting over him as I write.
Still waiting for a response from my affiliate application for. I could have got it started with articles and search-engine entries. I used to know how to enter words in the background "source" which the engines recoignize and count to elevate your listings, but forgot the codes...might look that up again.
But my best luck should be addressing the niche directly. I have my blog as a resource, and can copy/paste. These guys will listen to another trucker who they know is telling the truth. But what really bugs me is that the companies I'm in contact with are interested in the generators for their own sakes, and I have no link to give them. What are they waiting for?
Still waiting for the last-chance lender to finish combing through my largely false credit history and decide whether 25% of the truck's price, a healthy income, and more savings than the truck is worth, is enough to overcome the libel.
I can't jump to a cash offer at this point. I'll seem too desperate. It has to be a last resort, and they have to come down to their bottom line. I'll then have to figure out how I can screw myself the least in selling depressed stocks, make a big cash transfer, maybe wait for the transfer...God I'm bleeding buckets of money here.
I think I'll hit the hotel bar tonight. (Remarkably, I've only done that once. And I have beer in the fridge that I haven't touched. Man, have I Changed!)
Hate it hate it hate it.
That is all.
UPDATE: Jamestown Trucking in Jamestown, OH wishes to announce the imminent contracting of the best trucker in America. The Operations manager is partying and the dispatchers are fighting over him as I write.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Be Prepared
Well, I can't allow failure to be an option. I have to get this truck.
Aw dammit the italics are stuck again! Hmm...no okay it's the button--shows them as on but...nevermind.
If this lender fails to come through for me (and they have a stipulation: The truck can't have over a 60' sleeper. It's just rediculous! I HAVE to have a 72" sleeper--where do these clowns come up with this crap?)
...As I was saying before so rudely interrupting myself, I have to be ready for another rejection. I have to have a fall-back. And that has to be, pay cash.
I figured out the math. I'd have to sell a number of shares in my personal account, and accept some serious losses. These are, however, tax credits applicable against my top line. The truck is an asset, and I think that the purchase price is a cost of doing business, or something. Maybe not, though...sure would be nice...
Yeah, I'd have to eat some losses to free up the cash, and moreover reduce my insurance/nestegg.
However, I would now be earning 300 bucks more a week, in addition to the higher pay at the new carrier. I would now own it free and clear, and be able do whatever I wanted to it.
It's part of a package: 33% more gross income, plus 300/week I no longer pay, plus (down the road) 400/week more that I save on fuel after installing the hydrogen generator. I can catch up in a big hurry--still probably have time to re-acquire my cheap stocks at or near the bottom--and more of them.
Sometimes, you have to take a step back to take two foreward. You have to take some punches to get inside. And that's what I'll do, if the second lender won't finance me. And I can give Ryan the definitive answer he needs, when he needs it.
OK. Now, I'm prepared. See ya later.
Aw dammit the italics are stuck again! Hmm...no okay it's the button--shows them as on but...nevermind.
If this lender fails to come through for me (and they have a stipulation: The truck can't have over a 60' sleeper. It's just rediculous! I HAVE to have a 72" sleeper--where do these clowns come up with this crap?)
...As I was saying before so rudely interrupting myself, I have to be ready for another rejection. I have to have a fall-back. And that has to be, pay cash.
I figured out the math. I'd have to sell a number of shares in my personal account, and accept some serious losses. These are, however, tax credits applicable against my top line. The truck is an asset, and I think that the purchase price is a cost of doing business, or something. Maybe not, though...sure would be nice...
Yeah, I'd have to eat some losses to free up the cash, and moreover reduce my insurance/nestegg.
However, I would now be earning 300 bucks more a week, in addition to the higher pay at the new carrier. I would now own it free and clear, and be able do whatever I wanted to it.
It's part of a package: 33% more gross income, plus 300/week I no longer pay, plus (down the road) 400/week more that I save on fuel after installing the hydrogen generator. I can catch up in a big hurry--still probably have time to re-acquire my cheap stocks at or near the bottom--and more of them.
Sometimes, you have to take a step back to take two foreward. You have to take some punches to get inside. And that's what I'll do, if the second lender won't finance me. And I can give Ryan the definitive answer he needs, when he needs it.
OK. Now, I'm prepared. See ya later.
Alernator Output vs. Hydrogen Generator Load
First a disclaimer: I am not a technician nor mechanic, nor have I spoken to any. All I did was check the ampherage output of my Freightliner Century's alternator.
The hydrogen (or more accurately Brown's Gas) generator I'm going to install on my truck pulls 40 amps cold and 60 amps hot. My alternator kicks out 140 amps. (Delco/Remy 8700017).
Well, diesels don't have spark plugs. The procedure is, you start the engine, then flip a switch to activate the Hydrogen Generator. I guess this is why there's a separate switch; so that the alternator doesn't start under the 40 amp load.
Anyway, when running at night, how many amps could all your running lights pull? Can't be much. With the A/C on--that's the engine doing the work; only the blowers pull from the alternator.
I can't see an issue. 140 minus 60= 80 for the lights, blowers, your pc, a fridge maybe...
But then, aside from controlling current, I couldn't tell you how a regulator works, or is adjusted--or if mine could be.
Naturally, anybody thinking of doing this should check with a trusted mechanic--which I'll do, but can't right now because I'm stuck here waiting for a lender to make a decision on my newused Columbia.
OK--I can see the city and local driving thing, maybe--where your RPMs drop down a lot, reducing the alternator's output. I'm clueless about how a regulator works, but I do know that if your alternator (generator) drops below the output required to keep everything going, you pull the extra from the batteries, and then the batteries need to be "topped off" (charged up) when you get back to higher RPMs.
This would seem to make the alternator work harder. IF, I said, you drop below that threshhold.
I mean, probably 140 is my max output. The formulae I've seen, generally, indicate that at idle, I'm still probably kicking out around 70. (A VERY rough, uneducated estimate DOUBLE-CHECK EVERYTHING I SAY ABOUT THIS STUFF. I'M NOT A MECHANIC).
For me, I'll still check with some pros on this issue, but am not really worried about it. I'm OTR long distance, high RPMs 90% of the time.
And you know...every time you shut down and then start up again, your batteries are down to some extent, and you are recharging them. And you can disengege the Hydrogen Generator when you idle...I really think there are a lot of Chicken Littles on these Trucker Forums who never saw a mole-hill for what it was.
For most of us, or at least those with two brain-cells to rub together, we drain and recharge our batteries at least once daily. For those with optimized idle, it's more often than that. The rate-of-charge is restricted to a trickle, so you don't blow your batteries up.
But maybe I'm missing something. Don't rely on me; all I'm doing is analyzing what data is available to me at this time, and I remain largely ignorant about this stuff. Just don't let some other trucker who'd even MORE clueless talk you out of getting one of these things based on an assumption.
I might do a couple things, just to make sure: Maybe step my idle up slightly, and see about that regulator settings stuff (ie ask mechanics).
This issue addressed, I have another:
1: The oil companies made record profits. This is total (devalued) dollars, not as a percentage. They also paid record taxes. Various levels of government also raked in record revenues at the pump--more than double the pre-42% tax profits Marxocrats want yout to be enraged about.
2: There is NOT likely to be oil on the 68 million acres Marxocrats want you to think "Big Oil" is ignoring. They would go BROKE looking for it, do you understand? They KNOW about the reserves which have been carefully, and I suggest deliberately, walled off from them.
3: These include working wells which were capped by Comrade Carter, and need only to be re-opened.
4: Once oil is located, a portable rig can be brought to it and it can be producing oil in three to eleven WEEKS. (This is if it's on land). Those at sea can be brought on-line in from two to five years. When the Marxocrats cite longer time-frames, they are lying to you, deliberately. And so are their hired guns.
5: When Reagan deregulated, the bottom fell out of oil prices, long before domestic production could begin. OPEC understands supply-and-demand, and wanted to discourage domestic production by making it less profitable. (There is a great deal of risk and expense to exploration. This is why the Oil companies sometimes lose money.)
6: (This is for some of those conservatives who make us look bad sometimes): Solar, wind, geothermal, and nuclear power need not directly power cars and trucks in order to reduce petroleum prices. Part of our petroleum and natural gas now goes to produce electrical power. It aint rocket science.
7: We SHOULD have more wind-turbines, etc. DUH! But it will take some time. And ya want grass roots? Here's my retirement plan: Get some well-placed acreage where zoning isn't a big problem, put up some wind-turbines, let the power company install a 2-way meter, and produce enough juice to provide me with a nice income. It's amazing that more people aren't doing this, especially with the tax incentives as they are. In some areas, it's a 100% write-off; you can do it for free, and depreciate it 3 years if you need to! DUH!!!
8: It is cooler now than it was 10 years ago. The pattern fits the geological record. 51,000 environmental scientists signed a paper repudiating manmade global warming. The MAJORITY of environmental scientists, including many who earlier promulgated it, disagree with it. NASA admitted that the results of their study contradicted the theory. Were, in fact, entering an ice-age!
9: Renewables such as biodiesel and ethanol require more energy and government money to produce than a normal free market allows. They consume food-crops, and drive up those prices. Wind, solar, geothermal, diesel and hydrogen are the only sustainable alternatives.
10: Meanwhile, if we don't tap our domestic reserves immediately, we are going to collapse. This is another front in a World War. If you are a marxist, or a mindless tool of the same, you see no probem with it. We should share what we have with the world; from each according to his means, to each according to his needs.
But for those of you who believe in the America (and world) intended by the framers, and that which MADE us the pre-eminant world power, and in FREEDOM for us and everybody else, it is a war, and we are being destroyed economicly. DRILL HERE NOW because it's a matter of survival. IT'S NOT OPTIONAL, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?
Look what they've done to my country!
Save $1,000s On Your Vehicle Fuel Costs! Onboard On Demand Vehicle Hydrogen Generator
The hydrogen (or more accurately Brown's Gas) generator I'm going to install on my truck pulls 40 amps cold and 60 amps hot. My alternator kicks out 140 amps. (Delco/Remy 8700017).
Well, diesels don't have spark plugs. The procedure is, you start the engine, then flip a switch to activate the Hydrogen Generator. I guess this is why there's a separate switch; so that the alternator doesn't start under the 40 amp load.
Anyway, when running at night, how many amps could all your running lights pull? Can't be much. With the A/C on--that's the engine doing the work; only the blowers pull from the alternator.
I can't see an issue. 140 minus 60= 80 for the lights, blowers, your pc, a fridge maybe...
But then, aside from controlling current, I couldn't tell you how a regulator works, or is adjusted--or if mine could be.
Naturally, anybody thinking of doing this should check with a trusted mechanic--which I'll do, but can't right now because I'm stuck here waiting for a lender to make a decision on my newused Columbia.
OK--I can see the city and local driving thing, maybe--where your RPMs drop down a lot, reducing the alternator's output. I'm clueless about how a regulator works, but I do know that if your alternator (generator) drops below the output required to keep everything going, you pull the extra from the batteries, and then the batteries need to be "topped off" (charged up) when you get back to higher RPMs.
This would seem to make the alternator work harder. IF, I said, you drop below that threshhold.
I mean, probably 140 is my max output. The formulae I've seen, generally, indicate that at idle, I'm still probably kicking out around 70. (A VERY rough, uneducated estimate DOUBLE-CHECK EVERYTHING I SAY ABOUT THIS STUFF. I'M NOT A MECHANIC).
For me, I'll still check with some pros on this issue, but am not really worried about it. I'm OTR long distance, high RPMs 90% of the time.
And you know...every time you shut down and then start up again, your batteries are down to some extent, and you are recharging them. And you can disengege the Hydrogen Generator when you idle...I really think there are a lot of Chicken Littles on these Trucker Forums who never saw a mole-hill for what it was.
For most of us, or at least those with two brain-cells to rub together, we drain and recharge our batteries at least once daily. For those with optimized idle, it's more often than that. The rate-of-charge is restricted to a trickle, so you don't blow your batteries up.
But maybe I'm missing something. Don't rely on me; all I'm doing is analyzing what data is available to me at this time, and I remain largely ignorant about this stuff. Just don't let some other trucker who'd even MORE clueless talk you out of getting one of these things based on an assumption.
I might do a couple things, just to make sure: Maybe step my idle up slightly, and see about that regulator settings stuff (ie ask mechanics).
This issue addressed, I have another:
1: The oil companies made record profits. This is total (devalued) dollars, not as a percentage. They also paid record taxes. Various levels of government also raked in record revenues at the pump--more than double the pre-42% tax profits Marxocrats want yout to be enraged about.
2: There is NOT likely to be oil on the 68 million acres Marxocrats want you to think "Big Oil" is ignoring. They would go BROKE looking for it, do you understand? They KNOW about the reserves which have been carefully, and I suggest deliberately, walled off from them.
3: These include working wells which were capped by Comrade Carter, and need only to be re-opened.
4: Once oil is located, a portable rig can be brought to it and it can be producing oil in three to eleven WEEKS. (This is if it's on land). Those at sea can be brought on-line in from two to five years. When the Marxocrats cite longer time-frames, they are lying to you, deliberately. And so are their hired guns.
5: When Reagan deregulated, the bottom fell out of oil prices, long before domestic production could begin. OPEC understands supply-and-demand, and wanted to discourage domestic production by making it less profitable. (There is a great deal of risk and expense to exploration. This is why the Oil companies sometimes lose money.)
6: (This is for some of those conservatives who make us look bad sometimes): Solar, wind, geothermal, and nuclear power need not directly power cars and trucks in order to reduce petroleum prices. Part of our petroleum and natural gas now goes to produce electrical power. It aint rocket science.
7: We SHOULD have more wind-turbines, etc. DUH! But it will take some time. And ya want grass roots? Here's my retirement plan: Get some well-placed acreage where zoning isn't a big problem, put up some wind-turbines, let the power company install a 2-way meter, and produce enough juice to provide me with a nice income. It's amazing that more people aren't doing this, especially with the tax incentives as they are. In some areas, it's a 100% write-off; you can do it for free, and depreciate it 3 years if you need to! DUH!!!
8: It is cooler now than it was 10 years ago. The pattern fits the geological record. 51,000 environmental scientists signed a paper repudiating manmade global warming. The MAJORITY of environmental scientists, including many who earlier promulgated it, disagree with it. NASA admitted that the results of their study contradicted the theory. Were, in fact, entering an ice-age!
9: Renewables such as biodiesel and ethanol require more energy and government money to produce than a normal free market allows. They consume food-crops, and drive up those prices. Wind, solar, geothermal, diesel and hydrogen are the only sustainable alternatives.
10: Meanwhile, if we don't tap our domestic reserves immediately, we are going to collapse. This is another front in a World War. If you are a marxist, or a mindless tool of the same, you see no probem with it. We should share what we have with the world; from each according to his means, to each according to his needs.
But for those of you who believe in the America (and world) intended by the framers, and that which MADE us the pre-eminant world power, and in FREEDOM for us and everybody else, it is a war, and we are being destroyed economicly. DRILL HERE NOW because it's a matter of survival. IT'S NOT OPTIONAL, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?
Look what they've done to my country!
Save $1,000s On Your Vehicle Fuel Costs! Onboard On Demand Vehicle Hydrogen Generator
Friday, July 18, 2008
Hydrogen Generator Forums
My brother Eman pointed out potential issues with a Brown's gas generator for diesel trucks to me: 1: Heat, and 2: Pre-ignition.
Pre-ignition would be very bad. No ECM would catch it before you blew something up. He also pointed out that the engine temp could shoot up faster than the water temp, and damage the engine before the engine-protect function shut you down.
So I've started doing my home-work. Here's one statement from an engineering site:
"Hydrogen has an auto-ignition temp. of 932 oF. As long as the surfaces and air inside the chamber are not higher than this, it won't pre-ignite.The way this is supposed to work is that when the diesel is injected, as soon as the diesel starts to burn, it ignites the hydrogen. In turn, the hot, rapid burn of the hydrogen should cause a more rapid and therefore more complete burn of the diesel fuel before the exhaust valves open. It should be noted that the absence of smoke at the tailpipe is not necessarily an accurate indication of a complete burn. Combustion often continues in the exhaust manifold, after the exhaust valves have opened. Of coarse, any combustion that happens after the valves open is of no use.As we've seen, it does work. Just not very well, for the reasons that have been stated.Remember, I'm not trying mearly to make an engine run only on hydrogen. By it "working" I mean that it works as stated above."
There was a great deal of dispute on this site, much of which involved mathematical formulas and ratios which gave me a headache. It also included gasoline engines, which are quite different. I have to do a lot of sifting.
This was an engineer, so I need to translate "just not very well": Not 100%. Diesel engines work. Just not very well; they're 40% efficient. Get it?
But I'm not cherry-picking. Some of those guys pointed out that the exhaust valves run a lot hotter...well look: I won't try to be an engineer and this guy shouldn't try to be an Intelligence analyst: Diesel ignites at half the temperature of hydrogen, so big deal. The diesel, once you've been running for awhile, is also pre-heated, right?
So the ECM accomodates both the cold and the hot diesel. There's a useful hint.
Pressure is another matter. None of the engineers got specific about that. I'm pretty sure that if hydrogen would self-ignite at a lower psi than diesel, somebody would have said something.
Then I hit a trucker forum. The first thing I read was "you can't produce more energy than it takes to make it". Thanks, Yoda. We're talking about the generation of an explosive gas using spare current from the alternator, ok?
This I haven't fully researched yet. The pre-assembled commercial units I've checked out pull from 40 to 60 amps, and strain on alternators might be an issue. I'm frankly clueless (so far) as to what this means. Some guys said they had their alternator settings changed. One guy said he has a switch he can flip to alternate between a higher and lower output. I don't understand any of this...I will in later posts, but for now that's what I've seen: 40-60 amps--figure it out.
I do know this: If I can get 8-plus mpg's, I'll replace my alternators ever 3-4 months if I have to.
Man, I got to find out just how big a drain that is...
These guys, however, were again mixing in their personal vehicles--talking about 5-15 amps and stuff, and it was hard to sort out the gassers from the diesels. I wish the truckers would stick to trucks, ya know? They were also talking about home-made units, and issues that don't exist with the pre-made generators I talk about.
The current to the generator bank here is controlled. No issue.
I also found out about heat. If you add too much electrolyte (baking soda or sodium hydroxide) the water will get too hot. Invariably, those who mentioned this said that reducing the amount took care of that.
You know what I haven't found so far? Anybody saying "ma engine blowed up!"
But I'll keep looking. Stand by.
Save $1,000s On Your Vehicle Fuel Costs! Onboard On Demand Vehicle Hydrogen Generator
Pre-ignition would be very bad. No ECM would catch it before you blew something up. He also pointed out that the engine temp could shoot up faster than the water temp, and damage the engine before the engine-protect function shut you down.
So I've started doing my home-work. Here's one statement from an engineering site:
"Hydrogen has an auto-ignition temp. of 932 oF. As long as the surfaces and air inside the chamber are not higher than this, it won't pre-ignite.The way this is supposed to work is that when the diesel is injected, as soon as the diesel starts to burn, it ignites the hydrogen. In turn, the hot, rapid burn of the hydrogen should cause a more rapid and therefore more complete burn of the diesel fuel before the exhaust valves open. It should be noted that the absence of smoke at the tailpipe is not necessarily an accurate indication of a complete burn. Combustion often continues in the exhaust manifold, after the exhaust valves have opened. Of coarse, any combustion that happens after the valves open is of no use.As we've seen, it does work. Just not very well, for the reasons that have been stated.Remember, I'm not trying mearly to make an engine run only on hydrogen. By it "working" I mean that it works as stated above."
There was a great deal of dispute on this site, much of which involved mathematical formulas and ratios which gave me a headache. It also included gasoline engines, which are quite different. I have to do a lot of sifting.
This was an engineer, so I need to translate "just not very well": Not 100%. Diesel engines work. Just not very well; they're 40% efficient. Get it?
But I'm not cherry-picking. Some of those guys pointed out that the exhaust valves run a lot hotter...well look: I won't try to be an engineer and this guy shouldn't try to be an Intelligence analyst: Diesel ignites at half the temperature of hydrogen, so big deal. The diesel, once you've been running for awhile, is also pre-heated, right?
So the ECM accomodates both the cold and the hot diesel. There's a useful hint.
Pressure is another matter. None of the engineers got specific about that. I'm pretty sure that if hydrogen would self-ignite at a lower psi than diesel, somebody would have said something.
Then I hit a trucker forum. The first thing I read was "you can't produce more energy than it takes to make it". Thanks, Yoda. We're talking about the generation of an explosive gas using spare current from the alternator, ok?
This I haven't fully researched yet. The pre-assembled commercial units I've checked out pull from 40 to 60 amps, and strain on alternators might be an issue. I'm frankly clueless (so far) as to what this means. Some guys said they had their alternator settings changed. One guy said he has a switch he can flip to alternate between a higher and lower output. I don't understand any of this...I will in later posts, but for now that's what I've seen: 40-60 amps--figure it out.
I do know this: If I can get 8-plus mpg's, I'll replace my alternators ever 3-4 months if I have to.
Man, I got to find out just how big a drain that is...
These guys, however, were again mixing in their personal vehicles--talking about 5-15 amps and stuff, and it was hard to sort out the gassers from the diesels. I wish the truckers would stick to trucks, ya know? They were also talking about home-made units, and issues that don't exist with the pre-made generators I talk about.
The current to the generator bank here is controlled. No issue.
I also found out about heat. If you add too much electrolyte (baking soda or sodium hydroxide) the water will get too hot. Invariably, those who mentioned this said that reducing the amount took care of that.
You know what I haven't found so far? Anybody saying "ma engine blowed up!"
But I'll keep looking. Stand by.
Save $1,000s On Your Vehicle Fuel Costs! Onboard On Demand Vehicle Hydrogen Generator
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I did some more research, and have decided which hydrogen generator I'll buy and install on my truck...when I get out from under my lease and BUY one. On the low end, I can put four hundred bucks more per week in my pocket (and get over mountains faster).
I t's Save $1,000s On Your Vehicle Fuel Costs! Onboard On Demand Vehicle Hydrogen Generator
Another one I checked out includes a water-pump and cooling system, but nowhere else have I found any references to overheating; if there IS an issue, I can route an A/C vent to the self-contained diamond-plate box the six-pack of generators come in. (I'll get the skinny version and bolt it to the back of my sleeper.) I might also cut some vents--but I still don't see heat as an issue.
And the other one requires a drain and refill every 750 miles. For me, that's daily. This one, you refill every 250 operational hours. It's no doubt harder to refill, since (I think) you need to refill each of the six generators individually. But I can manage that once every 250 hours of driving!
I was also thinking that it would be great if every US big rig had one of these on it. Those mideast bastards hate us. Including Saudi Arabia. They're screwing us now in order to weaken us. I'm a patriot. (And if you just smirked, screw YOU.)
We can reduce demand. We SHOULD be drilling our own, but CONGRESS is preventing this. There isn't oil in the 68,000 acres, and they're just muddying the waters to block drilling...
But I digress: I'm also losing a boatload of money, sitting here idle trying to get credit approval (the potential lender stipulates a 60-inch sleeper! How much senseless crap do I have to deal with with these people? )...
But I digress again: So I thought to myself, well, why not see if I can make money by pushing this product, which (by creating a complete flame-spread and up to 100% combustion) eliminates (or at least drasticly reduces) carbon emissions? Which increases fuel economy by at least 20%? Which delivers more power? Which eliminates carbon deposits inside the engine? Which requires no circuits or adapters for big rigs, since fuel-air mixes are automaticly optimized by the ECM? Which would, if enough of us have them, drasticly reduce our national consumption of fossil fuels and, along with domestic drilling, could wipe out or need for foreign oil.
So I've signed up as an affiliate. I've tried this, unsuccessfully, before. Though I failed to generate much interest in those products, I learned a great deal about how it's done. NOW, I have the best product on the planet to promote!
And you'll note: I'm not automaticly pushing both of these products. I favor this one, and my targets are other owner-operators and carriers who are getting screwed right now. For me, the refill frequency thing is pretty huge. I'm too lazy for that: Each and every night, drain and refill. I just want to drive, eat, and sleep. And play internet poker.
And I am honorable and honest. (Are you smirking again? Who the hell told you that patriotism and these were a joke? Your marxist teachers and mass-media? All those war movies painting every situation as...ah the hell with it. And with you, you smirking pinko bastid.)
Anyway, I PROUDLY promote this product. I've been doing it for free. I told USA. I told SelecTrucks (would you want a truck that gets 8 mpg's? Huh? Would ya?) I've told everybody I know about the more common versions for gasoline engines. I've been prostelitizing about this simply because I want to help my peeps, and my country.
Hell--might as well make some money off it!
So, since I'm out of commission anyway, I'll be applying this to the internet, and getting the word out there.
I'll get a coded website. Maybe I can get some traffic over here (haha)---that's the one I'll be pushing in the engines and stuff.
P.S. I have embedded some subtle pitches somewhere on this page.
I t's Save $1,000s On Your Vehicle Fuel Costs! Onboard On Demand Vehicle Hydrogen Generator
Another one I checked out includes a water-pump and cooling system, but nowhere else have I found any references to overheating; if there IS an issue, I can route an A/C vent to the self-contained diamond-plate box the six-pack of generators come in. (I'll get the skinny version and bolt it to the back of my sleeper.) I might also cut some vents--but I still don't see heat as an issue.
And the other one requires a drain and refill every 750 miles. For me, that's daily. This one, you refill every 250 operational hours. It's no doubt harder to refill, since (I think) you need to refill each of the six generators individually. But I can manage that once every 250 hours of driving!
I was also thinking that it would be great if every US big rig had one of these on it. Those mideast bastards hate us. Including Saudi Arabia. They're screwing us now in order to weaken us. I'm a patriot. (And if you just smirked, screw YOU.)
We can reduce demand. We SHOULD be drilling our own, but CONGRESS is preventing this. There isn't oil in the 68,000 acres, and they're just muddying the waters to block drilling...
But I digress: I'm also losing a boatload of money, sitting here idle trying to get credit approval (the potential lender stipulates a 60-inch sleeper! How much senseless crap do I have to deal with with these people? )...
But I digress again: So I thought to myself, well, why not see if I can make money by pushing this product, which (by creating a complete flame-spread and up to 100% combustion) eliminates (or at least drasticly reduces) carbon emissions? Which increases fuel economy by at least 20%? Which delivers more power? Which eliminates carbon deposits inside the engine? Which requires no circuits or adapters for big rigs, since fuel-air mixes are automaticly optimized by the ECM? Which would, if enough of us have them, drasticly reduce our national consumption of fossil fuels and, along with domestic drilling, could wipe out or need for foreign oil.
So I've signed up as an affiliate. I've tried this, unsuccessfully, before. Though I failed to generate much interest in those products, I learned a great deal about how it's done. NOW, I have the best product on the planet to promote!
And you'll note: I'm not automaticly pushing both of these products. I favor this one, and my targets are other owner-operators and carriers who are getting screwed right now. For me, the refill frequency thing is pretty huge. I'm too lazy for that: Each and every night, drain and refill. I just want to drive, eat, and sleep. And play internet poker.
And I am honorable and honest. (Are you smirking again? Who the hell told you that patriotism and these were a joke? Your marxist teachers and mass-media? All those war movies painting every situation as...ah the hell with it. And with you, you smirking pinko bastid.)
Anyway, I PROUDLY promote this product. I've been doing it for free. I told USA. I told SelecTrucks (would you want a truck that gets 8 mpg's? Huh? Would ya?) I've told everybody I know about the more common versions for gasoline engines. I've been prostelitizing about this simply because I want to help my peeps, and my country.
Hell--might as well make some money off it!
So, since I'm out of commission anyway, I'll be applying this to the internet, and getting the word out there.
I'll get a coded website. Maybe I can get some traffic over here (haha)---that's the one I'll be pushing in the engines and stuff.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Little Rock, New Truck
Well, the Ryder deal sort of fell through. The lease wasn't escape-proof, and it became clear that my best deal overall would be the purchase of a used truck. So yesterday I drove Christine to Little Rock, straight to SelecTruck.
Figured I only had time to give them my credit info to get the ball rolling, and was prepared to hit five dealerships (and junk yards), shopping and applying, today.
But at SelecTrucks I parked directly facing a 2004 Columbia--which I of course ignored.
Then the guy says he has a 2004 Columbia automatic with less than 5000 miles on a Mercedes engine rated for 9000 miles--in a 430 configuration--for under 40k. Destiny!
I stopped looking, right there. There is my price, my mpg's, my automatic.
I'll ask for new batteries and maybe a left steer (but it's a gouge; not uneven wear, so the alignment seems ok). They offer a 2-year extended warrantee for under 4k. Sounds like a rip-off to 4-wheelers, but when one of my alternators costs over 300 bucks, and exhaust pipe section 200, one tire from 120-300? Yeah...I'll have to see what all is covered.
SelecTrucks has a good rep. Forget all the marketing stuff. Drivers know.
I looked it over. They'd painted the visible frame, and I easily found the corrosion underneath, but it was nothing serious in a 2004, and the paint will stall it for awhile. The batteries appeared a little old. The interior was clean.
I have to wait til this afternoon for the guy to get my credit report back and call me. I have some unjustified crap in my history, but I should be able to just make a down payment and be ok. I can pay it off early, except that if it's within two years there's a 2% charge on the balance. I can make extra payments to attack the equity, too.
Assuming we make a deal, they have to put it on an aerodyne unit for testing. This simulates loads and grades, and if there are any existing problems in the ecm or drive-train, they should show up. This I like. It's value-added yes, but they no doubt also do it for their own protection.
Before or after this, I have to move all my worldly goods from Christine into it. This will include getting my CB, inverter, and computer stand installed. It could take 6-8 hours. (Once I'm set up again, I really have to find someplace to stash my extra shoes, winter clothes, redundant spare wiring and parts, paperwork, etc.)
I'll try asking my brothers. Simon LaGree wouldn't let me before, but things might have changed. Never asked Eman. Worst case I'll rent a locker. If I'm making more money it won't sting so much.
I found two possible hydrogen generator kits--assembled and ready to install--for under 2200. One will work on diesel; but, based on it's size, is for 4-wheelers. The commercial one uses six individual generators, and comes in a case designed to be installed on the back or side of the truck. Either can be installed within two hours.
But I got red flags. The first one requires no catalyst, and includes circuits to adapt the oxygen sensor and ECU (ECM for cars). This might well mean that the second, commercial unit, would mess me up...
Although I can't imagine they'd be selling these units en-masse without having addressed that. All the same, I shot of an email interrogating them about it.
Why Iam I so determined to get one of these on my truck? Because it would save me over 400 bucks a WEEK (plus help climb mountains.)
Well, now I've got to call the recruiter and hope for an offer. No...I'll wait til after lunch. People are in a better mood after lunch. They're on the downhill side of the road to home.
Figured I only had time to give them my credit info to get the ball rolling, and was prepared to hit five dealerships (and junk yards), shopping and applying, today.
But at SelecTrucks I parked directly facing a 2004 Columbia--which I of course ignored.
Then the guy says he has a 2004 Columbia automatic with less than 5000 miles on a Mercedes engine rated for 9000 miles--in a 430 configuration--for under 40k. Destiny!
I stopped looking, right there. There is my price, my mpg's, my automatic.
I'll ask for new batteries and maybe a left steer (but it's a gouge; not uneven wear, so the alignment seems ok). They offer a 2-year extended warrantee for under 4k. Sounds like a rip-off to 4-wheelers, but when one of my alternators costs over 300 bucks, and exhaust pipe section 200, one tire from 120-300? Yeah...I'll have to see what all is covered.
SelecTrucks has a good rep. Forget all the marketing stuff. Drivers know.
I looked it over. They'd painted the visible frame, and I easily found the corrosion underneath, but it was nothing serious in a 2004, and the paint will stall it for awhile. The batteries appeared a little old. The interior was clean.
I have to wait til this afternoon for the guy to get my credit report back and call me. I have some unjustified crap in my history, but I should be able to just make a down payment and be ok. I can pay it off early, except that if it's within two years there's a 2% charge on the balance. I can make extra payments to attack the equity, too.
Assuming we make a deal, they have to put it on an aerodyne unit for testing. This simulates loads and grades, and if there are any existing problems in the ecm or drive-train, they should show up. This I like. It's value-added yes, but they no doubt also do it for their own protection.
Before or after this, I have to move all my worldly goods from Christine into it. This will include getting my CB, inverter, and computer stand installed. It could take 6-8 hours. (Once I'm set up again, I really have to find someplace to stash my extra shoes, winter clothes, redundant spare wiring and parts, paperwork, etc.)
I'll try asking my brothers. Simon LaGree wouldn't let me before, but things might have changed. Never asked Eman. Worst case I'll rent a locker. If I'm making more money it won't sting so much.
I found two possible hydrogen generator kits--assembled and ready to install--for under 2200. One will work on diesel; but, based on it's size, is for 4-wheelers. The commercial one uses six individual generators, and comes in a case designed to be installed on the back or side of the truck. Either can be installed within two hours.
But I got red flags. The first one requires no catalyst, and includes circuits to adapt the oxygen sensor and ECU (ECM for cars). This might well mean that the second, commercial unit, would mess me up...
Although I can't imagine they'd be selling these units en-masse without having addressed that. All the same, I shot of an email interrogating them about it.
Why Iam I so determined to get one of these on my truck? Because it would save me over 400 bucks a WEEK (plus help climb mountains.)
Well, now I've got to call the recruiter and hope for an offer. No...I'll wait til after lunch. People are in a better mood after lunch. They're on the downhill side of the road to home.
Monday, July 14, 2008
To-Do List
1: Get debit card and checkbook done
2: Activate card done
3: Recieve, fill out, and fax application (call Randy to explain rollover) done
4: Have free lunch with Ryan and inform him that if the job is there I have to take it.
5: Hang out, watch cable, play poker, wait for phone calls
1: (Probably) drive to Little Rock to see Ryder about leasing a truck; finalize applications etc.
2: If possible--or when possible: Move my stuff out of Christine and into new truck.
3: (If accepted by new company) Drive back to Van Buren to have qualcom unit removed, turn in black book and plates.
4: Drive back to Little Rock to turn in Christine.
5: Take cab to Ryder, get truck, drive to southern Ohio to start orientation with new company.
6: Find new accountant.
7: Get new mailing address.
8: Change all accounts over to new address. Get new checkbooks.
Not included, to be handled in between all this crap:
1: See accountant back from vacation, see about taxes, get copies of all files and my articles of incorporation (before going to Ryder--I'll need them for the application, and might for the new company as well. Bat Owtahel Inc. will be the lessor and the entity which gets paid.)
9: Just DRIVE, baby.
Randy the recruiter sounded positive, even after I told him about the rollover. (Rollover is the hugest red flag there is. It usually means a load of freight lost, for which the carrier's insuror is responsible. It also usually means that the driver was irresponsible and reckless.
Randy seemed not put off, and I got the impression that I will get contracted by them. I know they won't find anything else of consequence in my record, and that anybody they contact about me will give rave reviews (blush-blush) including Central Hauling's safety man.
I have a Scheider application for back-up. I just don't believe in sending applications in and then telling some recruiter that you changed your mind. You waste their time for nothing.
I've just realized that I now have about five years' experience, which puts me in the top echelon experience-wise. It's got to be over seven hundred thousand miles, and every state. In fact, some of the companies I hit with USA, I also hit with Central Hauling. This will be the case with Jamestown (the company I've applied to).
So I've paid my dues.
Another option was Landstar, which is similar to Schneider percentage-wise, and in self-dispatching on the internet. But I found several hidden fees and charges in talking to their drivers, and at this point Schneider has them beat.
But this company, Jamestown: 74% is 9% more. It doesn't sound like a deal-breaker, but here's the thing: I still have to pay for fuel, and those costs will continue to rise. I'll NEED that extra 9%. And the percentage is deceptive:
The pay difference between Jamestown and Schneider averages out to about 18 cpm, and I drive over 3000 miles/week. Since my fuel consumption doesn't go up whether I'm hauling for .90, 1.30, or 1.48 cpmile, every penny of that is pure gravy, and it amounts to about 200 gallons of fuel per week.
It's hard to describe coherently--my fixed costs are what they are, and every penny over it is not offset. The 18 cpm all goes into my coffers.
I'd love to get to watch more Browns games with my peeps in Cleveland, and to look for property myself, but I'd be throwing away over 500 bucks per week!
I'm 52 (today) and don't even have more than 100k yet. Sure, my portfolio is smart and will ultimately go up a lot or a helluva lot (especially if we get in big trouble and I suffer as a trucker; so it's like insurance), but I aint secure yet, and need to make up for lost time.
Moe munnah moe munnah moe munnah. With this gig, I could be just just scooping up all those depressed stocks at their bottoms; averaging down my cost-basis, bargain-hunting--and doing it weekly. I could be working with my bro, Simon LaGree Coyote, in grabbing real property at the bottom, too.
I don't want to rent it or sell it, like Simon. I just want a home or homesite, along with someone to manage it til I'm ready to come off the road (somewhat) and do something with it.
And I have a lot of good ideas. Like I want at least one wind-generator and solar cells. If I'm on a grid, I can wholesale the surplus (after batteries are charged), and establish a nice monthly cash-flow. (As I've said, the new ones really crank out a ton of juice...this aint nickles and dimes, here).
Oh--time for lunch okbye
2: Activate card done
3: Recieve, fill out, and fax application (call Randy to explain rollover) done
4: Have free lunch with Ryan and inform him that if the job is there I have to take it.
5: Hang out, watch cable, play poker, wait for phone calls
1: (Probably) drive to Little Rock to see Ryder about leasing a truck; finalize applications etc.
2: If possible--or when possible: Move my stuff out of Christine and into new truck.
3: (If accepted by new company) Drive back to Van Buren to have qualcom unit removed, turn in black book and plates.
4: Drive back to Little Rock to turn in Christine.
5: Take cab to Ryder, get truck, drive to southern Ohio to start orientation with new company.
6: Find new accountant.
7: Get new mailing address.
8: Change all accounts over to new address. Get new checkbooks.
Not included, to be handled in between all this crap:
1: See accountant back from vacation, see about taxes, get copies of all files and my articles of incorporation (before going to Ryder--I'll need them for the application, and might for the new company as well. Bat Owtahel Inc. will be the lessor and the entity which gets paid.)
9: Just DRIVE, baby.
Randy the recruiter sounded positive, even after I told him about the rollover. (Rollover is the hugest red flag there is. It usually means a load of freight lost, for which the carrier's insuror is responsible. It also usually means that the driver was irresponsible and reckless.
Randy seemed not put off, and I got the impression that I will get contracted by them. I know they won't find anything else of consequence in my record, and that anybody they contact about me will give rave reviews (blush-blush) including Central Hauling's safety man.
I have a Scheider application for back-up. I just don't believe in sending applications in and then telling some recruiter that you changed your mind. You waste their time for nothing.
I've just realized that I now have about five years' experience, which puts me in the top echelon experience-wise. It's got to be over seven hundred thousand miles, and every state. In fact, some of the companies I hit with USA, I also hit with Central Hauling. This will be the case with Jamestown (the company I've applied to).
So I've paid my dues.
Another option was Landstar, which is similar to Schneider percentage-wise, and in self-dispatching on the internet. But I found several hidden fees and charges in talking to their drivers, and at this point Schneider has them beat.
But this company, Jamestown: 74% is 9% more. It doesn't sound like a deal-breaker, but here's the thing: I still have to pay for fuel, and those costs will continue to rise. I'll NEED that extra 9%. And the percentage is deceptive:
The pay difference between Jamestown and Schneider averages out to about 18 cpm, and I drive over 3000 miles/week. Since my fuel consumption doesn't go up whether I'm hauling for .90, 1.30, or 1.48 cpmile, every penny of that is pure gravy, and it amounts to about 200 gallons of fuel per week.
It's hard to describe coherently--my fixed costs are what they are, and every penny over it is not offset. The 18 cpm all goes into my coffers.
I'd love to get to watch more Browns games with my peeps in Cleveland, and to look for property myself, but I'd be throwing away over 500 bucks per week!
I'm 52 (today) and don't even have more than 100k yet. Sure, my portfolio is smart and will ultimately go up a lot or a helluva lot (especially if we get in big trouble and I suffer as a trucker; so it's like insurance), but I aint secure yet, and need to make up for lost time.
Moe munnah moe munnah moe munnah. With this gig, I could be just just scooping up all those depressed stocks at their bottoms; averaging down my cost-basis, bargain-hunting--and doing it weekly. I could be working with my bro, Simon LaGree Coyote, in grabbing real property at the bottom, too.
I don't want to rent it or sell it, like Simon. I just want a home or homesite, along with someone to manage it til I'm ready to come off the road (somewhat) and do something with it.
And I have a lot of good ideas. Like I want at least one wind-generator and solar cells. If I'm on a grid, I can wholesale the surplus (after batteries are charged), and establish a nice monthly cash-flow. (As I've said, the new ones really crank out a ton of juice...this aint nickles and dimes, here).
Oh--time for lunch okbye
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Van Buren AR
I scheduled/am taking time off to take care of much overdue business.
1: Pick up my new debit card and checkbooks for my new personal account. These should have been mailed six weeks weeks ago. Naturally, they weren't there. Somehow their server omitted stuff out of the address, and they were returned. So...here we go again.
2: See my accountant about my taxes. She is on vacation til tuesday. I also need a copy of my articles of incorporation for other business.
3: Dump Christine (pending). Yeah...AEL tells me that after almost 3 years and 46k on a 3 year 47.5k lease I still owe ten grand. They say the maintenance deficit is 38k. Well they're getting the truck, and that's all. (Not productive or useful to waste time hellraising or whining or suing. Ya got to focus on practical matters.)
4: (Should be before 3, actually) Locate and nail down a truck that won't earn the name "Christine".
I internet searched, sent several emails and made some calls. Ryder appears to be my only option, unless I want to buy--which I don't in this economy. (Plus leasing is a better tax-deal). They have automatics and can provide the make/model of my choice. The problem is, all their automatics seem to be NEW.
Also, their leases aren't walk-aways. I don't think you're tied to the balance when you turn it in, but there are certainly penalties. I'll have to sort these details out face-to-face in Little Rock. (Those guys are, of course, on vacation too--but I fortunately got the guy in Van Buren, and he's writing it up for them. I should get a contact monday or tuesday.)
Little Rock is where I turn Christine in so that's the Ryder I want to deal with. I can empty her out on the Ryder lot, take her in, and get a cab back.
They have a good deal as far as monthly costs are concerned. As-is, I pay 300/week on my current lease, plus 12 cents/mile into my maintenance escrow. Ryder could provide me a truck for about 2k/month, and I think 6 cents a mile (non-refundable).
The thing is this: I get free maintenance, and they provide road assist. This includes my insurance, which I currently pay in addition to my lease. On a new truck, many of the warrantees run for three years. It is a lease-to-own, and I can get an early buy-out clause.
What all this means is that, as far as weekly average nets are concerned, I could run the new truck cheaper than I now run Christine.
They'll want all this stuff on my credit, and no doubt there's a lot of false BS on my report. But I can put down a big deposit, prove that I make good money, and have liquid collateral. Plus it will not be me, but rather the Corp. which will lease the truck.
I don't mind the deposit, either. It's just equity that I can use later to buy the note. It's an investment, and since I intend to own the truck, why should I get all bent out of shape? I shrug this stuff off.
But right NOW, being down for what appears to be more than ten days is painful. I still have to make my truck and insurance payments, and I'm still burning fuel.
But since I'm stuck anyway, I'll just make the most of it. Catch up on my cable. Play internet poker. Maybe go to a bar (in a cab, of course).
Oh: And I'm checking out other opportunities. I do like USA, and do well here. But I just can't ignore better deals when I see them.
I currently make .90/mile plus the surcharge (no surcharge on empty miles). At Schneider, I could make 65% of the line-haul (what the carrier charges) plus the surcharge. No pay for empty miles.
That's an average of about 1.30/mile. If I factor in the no pay for empty miles, it's still over 1.20/mile, or a 33% raise. AND I could self-dispatch; picking my own loads off the internet. Schneider also has a few other deal-sweeters--plus they have a terminal in Akron, Ohio, so that I could bother my relatives more often, watch some Browns games, get an old car maybe to park at the terminal, and watch some Browns games.
However, another company in southern Ohio pays 74%, and runs mainly LONG runs. (With Scheider I'm concerned about length-of-haul). Now THIS would average about 1.48/mile; 1.40 omitting empty miles. This extra .20 could mean 600/week!
I've had that one fax me an application. I need to find more out about Scheider, and at any rate can't do anything 'til the truck problem is settled; you must provide that information.
Each has it's pros and cons. The latter is a no-frills outfit, and small. I have to consider what might happen to them in a trasportation industry which, under pressure of fuel prices and inflation, could lose freight, and consolidate.
The thing is, then I could just return to USA or go with Schneider. This company is doing well, even now. If anything happens, it would be bought out by a larger company. I'd remain there, or else could always go to Scheider.
Their terminal is about 180 miles from Cleveland, but maybe I could still get an old car and cruise up there for Browns games occasionally--or at least to a Browns-freindly hotel/bar. (And yes--it DOES matter!)
At this point, I'm leaning heavily towards the smaller, higher-paying company in Bungles territory. I have a rollover on my record, which is huge. It wasn't my fault, but that might not matter to Schneider. I'll have a better chance with the smaller company, since most often if there's an insurance issue, I can get my own. Smaller companies tend to be more flexible--and to trust their own judgement more.
That's the bird-in-hand in terms of length-of-haul. They run freight from coast-to-coast.
Yeah, writing stuff down like this forces your brain to slow down to your typing-speed. You think more clearly and deliberately. You weigh everything.
I'm almost 52. I don't have enough piled up. I have to go for the big bucks, and start piling it up. With this gig, I'd be a lot mopre secure a lot faster. In fact, I'd use the lease-term to determine my (optional) retirement. I could buy the land I'll need much sooner; like during this housing crisis--and have somebody to manage it 'til I'm ready.
Yeah...thanks for making sure never to read this, everybody. You've helped me make my mind up.
I haven't told Ryan that I'm looking around yet. He'll understand, of course--money is money and that's how this business works. But it's still real uncomfortable, so I'm putting it off. I really should tell him though, since saying "surprise! I quit!" is pretty classless.
Wow. I just did some mental calculating...Ryan will absolutely understand.
1: Pick up my new debit card and checkbooks for my new personal account. These should have been mailed six weeks weeks ago. Naturally, they weren't there. Somehow their server omitted stuff out of the address, and they were returned. So...here we go again.
2: See my accountant about my taxes. She is on vacation til tuesday. I also need a copy of my articles of incorporation for other business.
3: Dump Christine (pending). Yeah...AEL tells me that after almost 3 years and 46k on a 3 year 47.5k lease I still owe ten grand. They say the maintenance deficit is 38k. Well they're getting the truck, and that's all. (Not productive or useful to waste time hellraising or whining or suing. Ya got to focus on practical matters.)
4: (Should be before 3, actually) Locate and nail down a truck that won't earn the name "Christine".
I internet searched, sent several emails and made some calls. Ryder appears to be my only option, unless I want to buy--which I don't in this economy. (Plus leasing is a better tax-deal). They have automatics and can provide the make/model of my choice. The problem is, all their automatics seem to be NEW.
Also, their leases aren't walk-aways. I don't think you're tied to the balance when you turn it in, but there are certainly penalties. I'll have to sort these details out face-to-face in Little Rock. (Those guys are, of course, on vacation too--but I fortunately got the guy in Van Buren, and he's writing it up for them. I should get a contact monday or tuesday.)
Little Rock is where I turn Christine in so that's the Ryder I want to deal with. I can empty her out on the Ryder lot, take her in, and get a cab back.
They have a good deal as far as monthly costs are concerned. As-is, I pay 300/week on my current lease, plus 12 cents/mile into my maintenance escrow. Ryder could provide me a truck for about 2k/month, and I think 6 cents a mile (non-refundable).
The thing is this: I get free maintenance, and they provide road assist. This includes my insurance, which I currently pay in addition to my lease. On a new truck, many of the warrantees run for three years. It is a lease-to-own, and I can get an early buy-out clause.
What all this means is that, as far as weekly average nets are concerned, I could run the new truck cheaper than I now run Christine.
They'll want all this stuff on my credit, and no doubt there's a lot of false BS on my report. But I can put down a big deposit, prove that I make good money, and have liquid collateral. Plus it will not be me, but rather the Corp. which will lease the truck.
I don't mind the deposit, either. It's just equity that I can use later to buy the note. It's an investment, and since I intend to own the truck, why should I get all bent out of shape? I shrug this stuff off.
But right NOW, being down for what appears to be more than ten days is painful. I still have to make my truck and insurance payments, and I'm still burning fuel.
But since I'm stuck anyway, I'll just make the most of it. Catch up on my cable. Play internet poker. Maybe go to a bar (in a cab, of course).
Oh: And I'm checking out other opportunities. I do like USA, and do well here. But I just can't ignore better deals when I see them.
I currently make .90/mile plus the surcharge (no surcharge on empty miles). At Schneider, I could make 65% of the line-haul (what the carrier charges) plus the surcharge. No pay for empty miles.
That's an average of about 1.30/mile. If I factor in the no pay for empty miles, it's still over 1.20/mile, or a 33% raise. AND I could self-dispatch; picking my own loads off the internet. Schneider also has a few other deal-sweeters--plus they have a terminal in Akron, Ohio, so that I could bother my relatives more often, watch some Browns games, get an old car maybe to park at the terminal, and watch some Browns games.
However, another company in southern Ohio pays 74%, and runs mainly LONG runs. (With Scheider I'm concerned about length-of-haul). Now THIS would average about 1.48/mile; 1.40 omitting empty miles. This extra .20 could mean 600/week!
I've had that one fax me an application. I need to find more out about Scheider, and at any rate can't do anything 'til the truck problem is settled; you must provide that information.
Each has it's pros and cons. The latter is a no-frills outfit, and small. I have to consider what might happen to them in a trasportation industry which, under pressure of fuel prices and inflation, could lose freight, and consolidate.
The thing is, then I could just return to USA or go with Schneider. This company is doing well, even now. If anything happens, it would be bought out by a larger company. I'd remain there, or else could always go to Scheider.
Their terminal is about 180 miles from Cleveland, but maybe I could still get an old car and cruise up there for Browns games occasionally--or at least to a Browns-freindly hotel/bar. (And yes--it DOES matter!)
At this point, I'm leaning heavily towards the smaller, higher-paying company in Bungles territory. I have a rollover on my record, which is huge. It wasn't my fault, but that might not matter to Schneider. I'll have a better chance with the smaller company, since most often if there's an insurance issue, I can get my own. Smaller companies tend to be more flexible--and to trust their own judgement more.
That's the bird-in-hand in terms of length-of-haul. They run freight from coast-to-coast.
Yeah, writing stuff down like this forces your brain to slow down to your typing-speed. You think more clearly and deliberately. You weigh everything.
I'm almost 52. I don't have enough piled up. I have to go for the big bucks, and start piling it up. With this gig, I'd be a lot mopre secure a lot faster. In fact, I'd use the lease-term to determine my (optional) retirement. I could buy the land I'll need much sooner; like during this housing crisis--and have somebody to manage it 'til I'm ready.
Yeah...thanks for making sure never to read this, everybody. You've helped me make my mind up.
I haven't told Ryan that I'm looking around yet. He'll understand, of course--money is money and that's how this business works. But it's still real uncomfortable, so I'm putting it off. I really should tell him though, since saying "surprise! I quit!" is pretty classless.
Wow. I just did some mental calculating...Ryan will absolutely understand.
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