Saturday, July 10, 2010

It Just Keeps Getting Better!

When I called this Dealership from my stranded truck on the turnpike, they told me they could look at my truck the next morning. When I woke up as they opened their gates and went in, I was told that they were swamped. All day they never got my truck in, and now the weekend boss has informed me that they will get to my truck monday morning.

I had to call my agent and tell her this. She sounded weary. That's just peachy.

I called my old company six times yesterday dogging them for money. They gave me Dee's number. Dee is the "bookkeeper" for the intra-company cabal which has to be committing a crime by withholding the money, and left two messages for her begging for the money I'm owed.

I can't do anything about the late load, but my blood is boiling about the fact that I'm personally on life-support and will have to take advances from the people who gave me my first load for them about five days ago to bail out the trailer and truck! I swore I'd never be in this situation again, I did everything right, and now here I am! THREE MONTHS I held out--how can you get burned with a 90-day pad plus 1800 bucks I've spent for repairs? Are you kidding me?

I can't stay in my truck. They lock it in at night. I have to stay here at the hotel. I found just enough for one more night in my corp. account--so now my monthly billables will come up "nsf"--50 in my personal account, and 150 on my comdata card which I'm supposed to use for fuel.

I need to talk to Junior. He's not the bad guy and is caught in the middle of this (they owe HIM money too!). I don't want to hurt him, and need to find out if going after them legally will harm him, Ed, or the other good people who work there. I know it's too small an amout for a lawsuit, but maybe the Ohio Attorney General or some commission would be interested in auditing them.

After another call to Dee, restating my desperate situation and plea, I called Brian at my former company. I said I knew who the bad guys were and had called them. I asked for anything I could get. Brian was obviously busy because I got the "uh-huh" parade as I spoke. No doubt my situation is common knowlege there, and in reality the fact that I'm not with them anymore has probably put me at the bottom of the pay-list.

He said I should call back after 11:00.

I don't know that I've ever been in such an outrageous situation before. Yeah--the truck thing could have happened at any time and is just sort of an act of God. But my agents shouldn't have to cramp their budget to PAY for it TOO when...

Well, I'm being redundant again, and apologize to anybody who might accidentally read this.

Now I take a shower and go visit Herbie. I've got a fridge in the room so I can take food out of my truck's fridge and at least not pay for food. Plus I think I've got some change lying around.

I'll pay for saturday night with my Corp. Card and put it on ice, withdraw 50 and 100 from the ATM. If my former company can squeeze out any money for me in a comcheck, I can sign that over to pay part of my repair or tow bills.


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