Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Herbie wasn't brain dead. The problem took a lot of exploratory surgery to locate, but was a butt connector. I didn't think Herbie had a butt, and am going nuts trying to figure out what it's connected to, but I didn't ask.

I checked my accounts and found a total of 890 bucks between them. The bill was 855. So I made it without having to ask my brand new company to advance me money right away.

I personally get irked with drivers who need money immediately ASAP each and every week. How can you stand living like that? I never cared if it took 2 or 3 weeks--just get it in the pipeline, and meanwhile I'll get the one before it, and I've got some saved.

But this time it's different. My comfort margin is all gone. I got food for awhile...

They got me a load out here to western NY pretty quick. It was short, heavy, and I think pays peanuts, but I understand they're just moving me, and I'll get my better loads. The two I missed because of Herbie's siezure were good ones.

My former company still has not paid me any of the 2600 they owe me.

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