The veil is lifting off the true agenda of those who have dominated the Democratic Party for decades, and have corrupted the Republican Party since Reagan.
Real Republicans are conservative, and never change their ethos. The US Constituion is not obsolete, and can never become obsolete. It's made to seem abstract and nuanced by those who seek to subvert and ultimately destroy it.
The founders' debates and correspondance make interesting reading. They reveal just how brilliant and sincere these men were. They knew that what they were bulding was unprecedented in human history. They knew that they were making history.
If we can, for a moment, clear the smoke from the grenades revisionists have thrown in, at the core of the Constitution and Bill Of Rights is this: Natural Law.
NATURAL Law. Until then, everywhere in the world, there had been the peasants and the princes. You were born noble, or born nothing. You could be a farmer, but had to pay rent on the land, and a percentage of your crops to those fortunate enough to be born owning the land on which you lived.
You could become a merchant, but again, Royalty could take away all you'd accumulated without consequence. They had the power of life and death, and de facto slavery existed throughout the world.
There were good Earls, Dukes, Kings, etc., of course. To be benevolent was actually in their interests. Their taxes and rents were lower. Their subjects were grateful, and more willing to serve as soldiers (and not flee at the first opportunity) in times of war. Their loyalty was genuine, and not forced. These taxes were deferred in times of drought or crop-failures. Was it smart for the Lord to force the poor saps to sell their oxen and seed to pay taxes?
The founders--by the way--learned from this, as well.
But in principle, they felt that this system was evil. It gave the few power over the many. Power to murder, rape, destroy, steal, torture...and it kept the vast majority trapped in diffucult circumstances, in which their struggles were about survival in thrall, with no hope of ascending above their stations.
Natural Law: All men are created equal. They didn't mean that everybody was equally as intelligent, or capable, They meant that every man (yeah they were masogonists--cut them some slack) had the same rights to success, justice, public office, land, and freedom.
FREEDOM: You are free to succeed, or to fail. You choose your path. Free enterprise: You can sell your labor. If it's skilled, or otherwise exceptional, it has greater value. You can make things to sell. You can go to place A where an item is cheap, and travel to place B where it has more value, and make a profit. You can invest in people with good ideas. You can invent things.
In nature, everything competes. A well-tended garden will be destroyed in one season if the tender leaves. Nature is massively stronger. It needs no protection. And it's beautiful, and alive.
The founders wanted this; a thriving wilderness (with laws, of course. I mean--no stealing or killing and stuff--duh). They understood that the cream would rise to the top. Rather than the most fortunate, the most able would achieve. One who had earned his station could never be matched by one who was born into it.
Here, there was incentive to work, strive, build, and create. If you succeeded, you would be rewarded. Prior to this, your invention and all benefits therefrom were usurped by the Lords. Why bother? You were not allowed to be anybody, so why learn?
The papers these people authored were immutable. The priniciples that you own your labor, enterprise, and destiny are not subject to societal changes or technology.
This is why, to this day, people from throughout the world flee their own countries to come here--to the land of opportunity. Ask a Cuban about Marx.
Have you been watching the Democratic Convention? What are they saying? America is no longer what it was supposed to be? That's true, but they are the ones who undermined it. With the very programs that they are promoting: Bigger government, higher taxes, and wealth redistribution.
When they talk about not "giving" oil companies windfall profits, they are talking about taking yet another dump on the Constitution. Any person or entity is entitled to make whatever profit they can manage. That's fundamental. "Giving" them tax subsidies? What's that, when they paid fourty two percent on those profits, even after the at-the-pump royalties and various other gouges?
The founders were very clear about government: It was the enemy, to be feared. It was to provide for the common defense. Police, courts, education, etc, were state and local matters. That was it. All land not used for military bases or ports were to revert to the states. Today, this includes Alaska and Florida, who have the right to drill for oil.
Listen to them: They want the Goverment to steal from those who lived the dream and achieved the most (the real job-creators), and deliver the proceeds to the rest in the form of national health-care, welfare, and various other programs. All requiring more beaurocracies. They want more regulation, more restrictions, more control.
It's even toned down at the convention: They've already talked, on record, about taking over the oil industry. Do you really think they'll stop there? Do you think they'll do a better job than people who built and have linked their livlihoods to it? Which sector will be next? After all, McDonalds is making people fat, and that means they'll need more government health care.)
This is Maxism. It's a cancer. It will destroy capitalism and the free market--and make no mistake: THESE are what made us a superpower, and the one place where the huddled masses fled in pursuit of freedom.
Those on the stage are carreer politicians. They never worked for anything. They spent their lives conning people into voting for them, and paying for those votes with more giveaways. They WANT you dependant on them. That is the opposite of independant.
And they regard themselves as the intelligencia. They will be the "stewards", who will take care of and supervise you--their children. Because they are far more enlightened, and smarter than you. They can do a much better job than all those greedy capitalists! Yes--and create jobs, too!
Of course, some aren't even true believers, but rather just opportunists who will do whatever it takes to gain more power and make more money. Bill Clinton is one of those. Hillary is a true believer.
At any rate, have you ever read the letters, debates, and the official documents the Founders authored? Most of you have not, because the government controlled schools no longer teach them. Nor do they teach about Marx, unless it's to endorse him. Nor the true history of the USSR. You are taight court decisions, which in many cases crapped on the constitution itself.
And now, young, brainwashed kids are swooning as Obama talks about taking care of everybody, and "going after" all those evil rich people. They don't understand what they're supporting.
George Orwell, a former Marxist himself, understood quite well. That's why he wrote 1984. Ayne Rand did as well. ATLAS SHRUGGED has now literally been brought to life--it's already happening. Read it! You won't believe it!
From each according to his means, to each according to his needs.
So, do you want a mommy and daddy to take care of you? Do you want to be supervised and restricted by the new Lords (intelligencia) "for your own good"?
If so, you are not an american, and I officially question your patriotism. Freedom is not obsolete. It is american, and you are throwing it away.
Add this to your reading list: THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO. Once you read that, you can translate all the speeches you're hearing democrats make.
And be afraid. Be very afraid.
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