Well, they fixed it. The factory protective temperature preset for my generator was 185 degrees. It's normal operating temperature is 180, so all it tool was a little extra sunshine and hot air to make it shut down before it's cooling fan could even get going.
Then H.A.L. took over. More internet issues. But he's settled down now. I even got Hotmail back.
Stopped by the Post Office this morning. No luck. Got to Jamestown ready to just go without Qualcom or the Box, but Tracy the administrator said that my Qualcom harness should be there tomorrow if not today. Randy thought I should wait and get everything done at once.
So the smart move for me is to go back tomorrow and hope the harness is there and that I can get all the truck stuff done, and...well......
Ok-ok the Btowns are playing thursday night, so I might as well watch it. My PO Box is now worth the wait anyway. I hate it, though. I miss the road badly, and am getting poorer by the day.
I hadn't done enough reasearch, as it turns out. Jamestown doesn't reimburse tolls for owner-operators. That's gonna hurt. At least it's a write-off, and I'll be free to set up my own accounts with the various states and regions. That way I don't have to stop and dig for money all the time, nor keep physical reciepts. I'll get monthly statements.
It will hurt, but the tax element will mitigate it a little. Over the course of a year, it could add up to several thousand bucks, reducing my taxable income and probably my bracket.
Now that I got the computer running okay, I was able to open up the HTML on this site and install a banner (previous post) for my hydrogen generator (Reduce Exhaust Emissions With Water For Fuel! Onboard On Demand Vehicle Hydrogen Generator). Too bad nobody ever visits my site.
I'm not clear on how exactly to push this thing yet. I hate selling, and bothering people. I used to know all the tricks, but I'm a trucker now--and was a spectacular failure with affiliate marketing before (THEM again). But it will percolate in my subconscious for awhile, and I'll do something with it.
I write this mostly for myself, and should do something more productive anyway.
This Blog used to be funny/entertaining, but when I kept seeing zero hits/comments--even from friends and family...I allowed it to degrade to a sort of diary which would bore most people to death. Another self-fulfilling prophecy.
Maybe I'll launch a new Blog dedicated to helping other truckers and companies. Yeah...the mental machinery is already at work. When I get my loose ends out of my hair and can hit the road and meditate, it'll all come to me.
I can spice it up, too. Check out the pics I'm about to upload:
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