The first phot0 is of Christine wile I was moving. For eighteen hours, in two shifts, forgetting toe eat, drinking from a garden hose, and getting mild heat-stroke despite idling each truck and resting while boxing. I wish I could say this looks signifcantly worse than it did normally.
the second photo is of my view of the new truck's interior from my sleeper. What you see is the corner of my laptop screen, and beyond it the toaster overn atop the microwave atop the refrigerator. And the garbage-box.
The generator is installed and is keeping me cool. I'm parked at the Pilot truckstop. I borrowed a drill and a reamer from the inverter guys and tried to install my lapstand. My seat-bolt holes are covered by the fridge, so I had to improvise and drill my own hole. Where I had to drill it, it was inaccessable from the bottom. the stand bottom is threaded, and the carpet is thick. I didn't want to cut a big hole in the carpet, so I had to leave a gap between the stand-base and floor.
I stuck the other end of the "L"-shaped base-mount under the edge of my center console, and siliconed the hell out of it. It wobbles a little, but I think it might work when the silicone dries.
I used duct-tape to hold the microwave on the fridge, and then and bungies to hold the toaster oven on the microwave.
The generator came with two a/c outlets, and everything is plugged in.
I got impatient waiting for my drill to recharge--plus I lost my bits--so I just got some gorilla glue and now my privacy-curtain racks are glued and braced. Since both ends are achored iny-holes, and this is a light type of curtain, it should work fine.
Clearly, I'm a half-assed Rube Goldberg. Not done yet, either: When I complete the laptop stand, I'll use more duct-tape to stabalize it.
I missed Randy the recruiter, so I'm parking here til tomorrow. I need to get the address from him and, more importantly, insurance coverage. I'll be crossing three state borders with a temp-tag in my window, and feel extremely insecure. Until now, I've been sneaking around. Part of my stragety is not getting into any accidents.
In the morning I'll get the laptop stand set up, and write off that day to travel. I might be able to track down a UPS Store, but that's about it. Their mechs will need to install my Qualcom (NOT "QWELLCOM" dammit) and stickers, and my day will probably be getting oriented (NOT "ORIENTATED. Or ORIENTATIONALIZED, for that matter). I hope to have my new address set up by the end of the day.
this company's orientation is short and sweet, and I might be back on the road the next day. After I get my accounts switched over and stuff, I'll order my hydrogen generator immediately if I have sufficient funds left in my business account, and just not worry about it. If I haven't been back after six weeks, I'll ask them to bring me in.
It'll cost me another couple hundred bucks for fuel tomorrow. I'll also hit a Wal-Mart at some point and pack up my refrigerator. Man--that is just a luxury to me! I'm all set up here--it's so COOL! Life will never be perfect, and we all need to learn that--but I'm very close to living a dream.
When I first started trucking, I started dreaming about my own paid-for truck, with a fridge, APU, microwave, toaster oven, and computer with internet. And long runs. Now--here I am.
...except I've got to study that manual some more--the thing won't shut down. It's looking like it'll run all night.
Well, I'll try to publish this now--got internet issues. I think it's all the blabbermouths on the CB's--keep disrupting my signal. Talking about nothing. Arguing. Spewing communism and unsoliceted advice. It's why I turn mine on only when absolutely neccessary. Well, okbye.
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