We have hit the wall.
We have done well to feign urgency in order to pass the first bail-out and Cap-and Trade before anyone including the legislature could read them. By this means, we have achieved more than we have managed for the past century--in a few months.
The media and academic sections have done an admirable job of quietly supporting our movement and of fomenting confusion and apathy. They have been an immense help. (Side-note: Comrade Cronkite's death is a sad thing. It is very possible that we owe him our people's victory in Viet Nam. Rest in peace, comrade!)
However, we have not been as successful in silencing conservative radio, FoxNews, or the internet. These have exposed the contents of the previous bills, and of the pending Health Care bill. Too many among the masses have awakened to what we are doing, and it's too late to put them back to sleep.
Our core supporters are true believers, and will never desert us. They may turn on Comrade Obama on the rare occasions that politics force him to temporarily deviate from the real agenda, but they are ruled by emotion and cannot be persuaded intellectually away from our ethos.
But too many among the masses, while still oblivious to our violations of the US Constitution and the fact that we indeed exist as a coordinated worldwide force, retain a critical thinking ability which remains troublesome.
The bills have now been read, and details exposed. The fact that we have lied a great deal is having the most negative impact. Of course, we knew that this would happen, but had hoped that we could delay it until we had a fete accompli, and had permanently, if not utterly, destroyed the remaining vestiges of free market capitalism.
Unfortuantely, the truth is out now, and Comrades Obama and Pulosi, among others, are exposed as manipulative liars.
This is no censure. They have accomplished a great deal in a short time, and the ends justify the means. Comrade Obama will rank with FDR as a great reformer. While the creation of Social Security and Medicare, along with the premise of Public Works and Kanesian economics is diffucult to match or surpass, Comrade Obama has taken over large corporations and instituted central planning. He has secured 24 trillion taxpayer dollars for our use and political entrenchment.
He is quietly overseeing the erosion of the military and destruction of the CIA.
We cannot find fault with the President. This was inevittable, and he accomplished as much as was possible on the tide of emotion we have created.
We always knew that it would take a long time. We've been undermining and expanding for nearly a century now, and only a shadow of the Founders capitalist dream remains intact. The sleeping giant has awakened now, and we can expect the tide to turn against us.
Time to let the tide take us back to sea, and feign conservatism in order to retain power. Thanks to what Comrade Obama has accomplished in a short six months, the next wave to wash upon this shore could well be the last.
In the meanwhile, continue to label FoxNews as biased so that the masses will remain under our sway. The Fairness Doctrine probably can't work yet, but see if we can find some way of silencing conservatives on the radio. Without these outlets, the Great Society would have long since become a reality.
We still have an opportunity to ratify Cap-and-Trade. The bill in it's current form cannot survive, but some token concessions can be made, and we can probably sieze control over the entire economy, and finish off capitalism permanently.
Yes, Comrades...we just might still manage to pull this rabbit out.
The catastrophe this would cause would give Comrade Obama emergency powers, and whether or not the masses actually believe that it was caused by capitalism rather than our actions wouldn't really matter. The actions taken to "fix" the problems would kill the old form of government permanently.
Remember that global warming is a proven fact. The facts don't matter--we control the media. It is important that we maintain this illusion for Cap-and-Trade to ratify without significant reduction. If the masses do not believe this illusion, they will rebel, and boot our lesser comrades out of office.
The ends justify the means. The greatest good for the greatest number. From each according to his means, to each according to his needs. Power is everything. Patriotism is shallow and ignorant. Communism rocks. Capitalism sucks...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
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