Friday, September 12, 2008

Well I'm hangin Here In Allentown...

I delivered here and then shut down.
And I'm waiting for a load back ho-oh-oh-ome--

More yo-yoing, but I found out some stuff:

1: I averaged 7.5 mpg's with light a/c use, 12k, Ohio and PA, APU running about 16 hrs...actually pretty good, and improved. I really think that Turbo3000 thing works!

2: My windshield crack is now half-way across.

3: My coolant leak seems to be getting worse.

4: Dammit.

They sent me back here, and I'll be doing the same thing--returning ro Wilmington OH overnight tonight. They said they could get me a Texas run next "over the weekend", but I won't get there til noon saturday. So I'll just take it to T/A for my coolant leak, see if somebody local will do my windshield, watch the game sunday night, check my mail monday, and try it again after that.

I got up early this morning and forced myself to stay awake so that I can pass out later (I'll be picking up after midnight). This sucks. My body won't adjust. Instead, it goes into manic-emergency mode. Probably some genetic trait. I manage to sleep only for minutes at a time. I get deprived. I don't nod at the wheel or anything, but I get spaced.

Nothing dangerous. If anything, my reflexes are better, and I automaticly do the correct things. I just don't think about it; it's like I go on autopilot. I can perfectly safely and legally completely miss an exit and not realize it for five more miles...

Fortunately, this route is simple.

Monday I'll go in there and talk to them, My first couple weeks have been spent in a hampster cage and I want out. If they were testing me, I've passed and that's enough.

Can't complain about the money, though. A lot goes into it. That 7.5 mpg's has much to do with the light weights I'm hauling. I net a significantly higher percentage of the rates on these runs. I will have racked up a decent week when I shut down saturday. I should get another load monday afternoon, and the pay period doesn't end til close of business tuesday. I'll either turn it into a really good week, or get a nice head start on the next. Don't care which. If you live paycheck-to-paycheck, you are a fool. Or have a wife who is.

PIA stuff: I have to get new SIM cards at the Post Office, then call ATT back to get the old ones turned off and the new ones activated. All this for a change-of -address. Then I have to make sure that my bill-payment stuff is set up. Several times, I thought that it was, then got shut down for non-payment.

I tried to use my credit card yesterday and got rejected. I forgot that I'd just put in for the address change. That should all be done by monday, so I'll just go online and order EVERYTHING, since my second paycheck will be in there, and my third one on the way.

This will put me back below my emergency safety margin for one week, but I'll feel much better knowing that I've knocked all that stuff out, and can go to work rebuilding for my past-due taxes. I have to do that, and then set up my new account with my new accountants, and send them all my reciepts and stuff.

Part of this is digging up my cost-bases for my stock purchases from E-Trade. The only way I can think of is to download every single monthly statement to-date. I have to copy my own biggest reciepts for warrantee and security purposes too.

Yeah. The whole rest of this year I'll be busy catching up and getting organized. next year I'll just have my system in-place and be able to just run. I'll have my monthly brokerage statements sent directly to the new accountants, along with my pay-stubs.

I have a rough filing system for reciepts in-place, which simplifies their job somewhat, so maybe I can save some money there too. As it is, if I just stick all my reciepts in an envelope and send them, it will cost me over a grand a year for the Corp. and myself.

...Nah. I'll just stock up on big envelopes and be lazy. They can sift them more intelligently than I can anyway. I never bothered getting all the categories.


Anyway I've made headway in poker. I switched from Sti-and-Go's to plain old games, and have done much better.

Now that I've put that out in the ether for THEM to read, let's see if from now on I get nothing but crap cards and lose flushes to boats and boats to quads.

OK time to call them to make sure they're working on my return load. OKbye.

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