Getting my APU fixed. Ordered cell signal booster. Went to AZ and got a load o pumpkins back. 3 stops in PA. Hit hotel room.
Got internet TV. Cheap. I can watch Browns games online now. The software downloaded and installed on this computer fine, but the .exe program vanishes on HAL. Won't save, either. So I saved the install program to my mammary stick and will try to install it from there. Dammit.
Couldn't find my reciepts for the APU. Wonder where I put them. Dammit.
With a max load and driving over 70 I got 5.9 mpgs. That's not bad. Can't wait for my ceramic junk. All that's left after that is the hydrogen generator. I'll order that next week.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Tucson, AZ
got my new windshield and had to pay another 480 to get repaired, plus hotel. The earlier deposit into my account was actually what was left of my USA security deposit after AEL got done with it. My first paycheck is only now in the mail, and because the fuel-deductions are to-date--it was pretty small.
Many truckers go ballistic over this kind of thing, but the fact is, you have to pay for the fuel now or later, and wind up netting the same money.
I finally ordered the Xado ceramic treatment stuff, and some nutritional supplements. This was a good tun, though I've averaged a little over 6.1 mpg's due to going 75 mph a lot. I didn't have to, since this delivers the day after tomorrow, but just can't help it.
Due to the staggered nature of my checks, I've had to hold off on any bigger purchases. I might also have been a bit stupid in having my paychecks snail-mailed. I may be able to deposit them myself at ATMs. I never considered it out of habit. At my other companies, I was all over the country and rarely at the main terminal. Here, I'm there every week, and could just grab my checks and deposit them myself (I think--I'll check it out).
I still get mighty nervous about letting a machine take my check.
Anyway, if the ATM thing works for my personal as well as my corporate account, I can just put my third or fourth paycheck in there to re-load it (the corp owes me over 25 G's, and I'd hate to have to break my kneecaps or something.)
The wireless signal amplifier and hydrogen generator will come first, and I think my second and third checks should cover them. I just need to get some money back in my personal account because I use that to shop for food and for road-money which isn't deductable.
The tax stuff lurks in the background. I thought about holding off on the generator to pay my accountant first, but dammit--once I have the engine ceramicized and that thing installed, I could easily be getting another 2 mpg's! That's a lot of extra money per-week, and the sooner I get that taken care of, the sooner I make the big bucks.
If I can't get another extension, I will have enough to pay my accountant and pick up the forms and my records, at least. And even if I have to dump the rest of my portfolio, I'll make sure to pay Uncle Sam to get myself current.
Jeez...then to set up with my new accountants...and they might want to get paid like a grand up-front...jeez...
Well it's late good night.
Many truckers go ballistic over this kind of thing, but the fact is, you have to pay for the fuel now or later, and wind up netting the same money.
I finally ordered the Xado ceramic treatment stuff, and some nutritional supplements. This was a good tun, though I've averaged a little over 6.1 mpg's due to going 75 mph a lot. I didn't have to, since this delivers the day after tomorrow, but just can't help it.
Due to the staggered nature of my checks, I've had to hold off on any bigger purchases. I might also have been a bit stupid in having my paychecks snail-mailed. I may be able to deposit them myself at ATMs. I never considered it out of habit. At my other companies, I was all over the country and rarely at the main terminal. Here, I'm there every week, and could just grab my checks and deposit them myself (I think--I'll check it out).
I still get mighty nervous about letting a machine take my check.
Anyway, if the ATM thing works for my personal as well as my corporate account, I can just put my third or fourth paycheck in there to re-load it (the corp owes me over 25 G's, and I'd hate to have to break my kneecaps or something.)
The wireless signal amplifier and hydrogen generator will come first, and I think my second and third checks should cover them. I just need to get some money back in my personal account because I use that to shop for food and for road-money which isn't deductable.
The tax stuff lurks in the background. I thought about holding off on the generator to pay my accountant first, but dammit--once I have the engine ceramicized and that thing installed, I could easily be getting another 2 mpg's! That's a lot of extra money per-week, and the sooner I get that taken care of, the sooner I make the big bucks.
If I can't get another extension, I will have enough to pay my accountant and pick up the forms and my records, at least. And even if I have to dump the rest of my portfolio, I'll make sure to pay Uncle Sam to get myself current.
Jeez...then to set up with my new accountants...and they might want to get paid like a grand up-front...jeez...
Well it's late good night.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Dear Great Satan:
I can't even laugh at you any more. Rather than entertaining, you are disgusting. I have no fear that telling you these truths will hinder our movement.
We have been killing you for decades, all over the world. You, and all other unbelievers. It is God's will and our destiny that you all shall either die, or join us. It was the same when we swept across the known world, until we were stopped in Spain.
We became complacent after your counterattack led to a stalemate. Oh, yes--it's true! Some of us know that the Crusades were counterattacks. To be sure, you committed atrocities and adopted out methods of conversion, but a few of us--the chosen of God--understand who were the aggressors.
We use the Crusades to motivate our warriors. They are taught what they need to be taught, from infancy, to inspire their absolute commitment. They are taught that we were peaceful until the Crusaders attacked us, that we have always been the persecuted, and that God wants you all dead or converted.
We also tell you this, and most of you actually believe it.
Why do we hate you? It is not merely that God tells us that you have no souls and are his enemies. Not simply that you stand in the way of our predestined worldwide caliphate. It is not your decadance, ostentation, materialism, and shallowness.
Above all, I think, it is your cowardice.
Oh, yes, you often die well, and in battle show courage. But you were not forged in the furnace of the desert, among hungry clans and tribes competing for scarce resources for many generations. Your definition of courage is shallow. Your sense of honor is childish.
For us, courage is a matter of survival. For thousands of years before Islam came to us, those who lacked courage died before they could sire children. To this day, death means far less to us than it does to you. We have all lost family members. We do not wallow in grief. We can't afford it. We feel the pain, as do you, but quickly overcome it. We understand it was the will of God, not to be questioned. We return to the mission, and look foreward to the time when we will join those we lost in Paradise.
Honor: Doing God's will, by any means neccessary. Obedience. Fidelity to the one God. Deception is a weapon. War extends to transactions, promises, and manipulation. The unbelievers have no souls, and warrant no respect. Cowards should die anyway.
Courage: Yes, courage in battle, or in hardship. This, you understand. Still, you are cowards.
Cowards lie to themselves. Cowards believe what they wish to believe, and not what is real. This is why, for all of our history, they died young in our culture.
Cowards seek peace with the implacable. For how long have even some Jews made concessions and sought peace with us? We tell you, it is about the Palestinians. We attack them, they strike back, and we call it oppression. We know that much of the world still hates all Jews, and use it. You see what you wish to see. There are more of us, in every part of the world. It is convenient for you to see our side of it.
We tell you it is about oppressed brothers, but we make no home for them ourselves. We wish the conflict to continue. The real mission is to destroy all Jews. You have heard this in our internal speeches and sermons, but pretend our words were never spoken. It is inconvenient for you to accept this reality.
We speak of the worldwide caliphate, and you pretend you never heard this as well. No--Islam is a religeon of peace, and these are only a few malcontents! It is all our fault for the Crusades, and for interfering with them, and for training and helping them for our own advantage. We must apologize more sincerely. We must compromise!
Such vomit. You are cowards. WE will never compromise, and the few among you understand this. WE will never stop seeking your destruction, killing you, and bleeding you with oil. For the few of you who know this, we have respect, at least.
For the rest of you, we complain about the poor Palestinians, desecration of our thousands of Holy places, our persecution. For the rest of you, we say all we want is to be left alone. And you are cowards--you turn against those who would protect you from us.
Why are you in Iraq, you want to know. How many times does it need to be explained to you? Ask yourself why WE are in Iraq!
Bin Laden anticipated the invasion of Afghanistan as a retaliation for 911. He planned to do to you what we did to the Soviets. Only your special forces and money bought the loyalty of indigenous tribes who could help you fight us on our own terms. A brilliant move.
However, we are not without our own resources, and could draw warriors from all across the middle east. It would take longer, but still, we could defeat you in Afghanistan. It did not matter how many of us you killed. We learned from Viet Nam: You are cowards. Your media will portray every costly victory as defeat. Your peace movements of cowards would grow, and force your humiliating withdrawel, and once more an abandonment of those who risked all to support you.
Iraq destroyed this plan. Now we are on the defensive; on toiw fronts. Iraq was a semi-secular state and an oil-producer. It's terrain favors your weapons systems. You have allies there, and have offered them freedom.
WE are in Iraq becasue this is the only way you can turn the tide against us. Their children will be educated, as only the chosen among us have been. They will not be taught about Jews drinking the blood of moslem babies, absolute obedience to us and the clerics, and the predestined worldwide caliphate, and America the Great Satan.
They will not be controlled, and will enjoy their freedom. And make no mistake: We hate freedom. Freedom is freedom from God. Freedom is disobedience. Freedom is a cancer, which we fear will spread. These are the stakes.
Because you are cowards, many of you will disregard all of this, for to confront it would require courage. You will TELL yourself that it is not true. You will find others, who think as you do, and feel encouraged. You will hear a politician tell you what you wish to hear, and feel your self-deception validated.
Yes, and how many of your politicians plead our case before you, and attack those who seek to protect you? They are not cowards. Though many are simply stupid themselves, many others care only for themselves.
You will continue to allow us across your borders, grant us access to your courts, restrict your soldiers, blind your intelligence officers, undermine all neccessary efforts, and deny reality.
What would the North Viet Namese done without American cowards and communists?
You will lose. It is not simply God's will. It is also nature. The weak should yield to the strong.
God is great.
We have been killing you for decades, all over the world. You, and all other unbelievers. It is God's will and our destiny that you all shall either die, or join us. It was the same when we swept across the known world, until we were stopped in Spain.
We became complacent after your counterattack led to a stalemate. Oh, yes--it's true! Some of us know that the Crusades were counterattacks. To be sure, you committed atrocities and adopted out methods of conversion, but a few of us--the chosen of God--understand who were the aggressors.
We use the Crusades to motivate our warriors. They are taught what they need to be taught, from infancy, to inspire their absolute commitment. They are taught that we were peaceful until the Crusaders attacked us, that we have always been the persecuted, and that God wants you all dead or converted.
We also tell you this, and most of you actually believe it.
Why do we hate you? It is not merely that God tells us that you have no souls and are his enemies. Not simply that you stand in the way of our predestined worldwide caliphate. It is not your decadance, ostentation, materialism, and shallowness.
Above all, I think, it is your cowardice.
Oh, yes, you often die well, and in battle show courage. But you were not forged in the furnace of the desert, among hungry clans and tribes competing for scarce resources for many generations. Your definition of courage is shallow. Your sense of honor is childish.
For us, courage is a matter of survival. For thousands of years before Islam came to us, those who lacked courage died before they could sire children. To this day, death means far less to us than it does to you. We have all lost family members. We do not wallow in grief. We can't afford it. We feel the pain, as do you, but quickly overcome it. We understand it was the will of God, not to be questioned. We return to the mission, and look foreward to the time when we will join those we lost in Paradise.
Honor: Doing God's will, by any means neccessary. Obedience. Fidelity to the one God. Deception is a weapon. War extends to transactions, promises, and manipulation. The unbelievers have no souls, and warrant no respect. Cowards should die anyway.
Courage: Yes, courage in battle, or in hardship. This, you understand. Still, you are cowards.
Cowards lie to themselves. Cowards believe what they wish to believe, and not what is real. This is why, for all of our history, they died young in our culture.
Cowards seek peace with the implacable. For how long have even some Jews made concessions and sought peace with us? We tell you, it is about the Palestinians. We attack them, they strike back, and we call it oppression. We know that much of the world still hates all Jews, and use it. You see what you wish to see. There are more of us, in every part of the world. It is convenient for you to see our side of it.
We tell you it is about oppressed brothers, but we make no home for them ourselves. We wish the conflict to continue. The real mission is to destroy all Jews. You have heard this in our internal speeches and sermons, but pretend our words were never spoken. It is inconvenient for you to accept this reality.
We speak of the worldwide caliphate, and you pretend you never heard this as well. No--Islam is a religeon of peace, and these are only a few malcontents! It is all our fault for the Crusades, and for interfering with them, and for training and helping them for our own advantage. We must apologize more sincerely. We must compromise!
Such vomit. You are cowards. WE will never compromise, and the few among you understand this. WE will never stop seeking your destruction, killing you, and bleeding you with oil. For the few of you who know this, we have respect, at least.
For the rest of you, we complain about the poor Palestinians, desecration of our thousands of Holy places, our persecution. For the rest of you, we say all we want is to be left alone. And you are cowards--you turn against those who would protect you from us.
Why are you in Iraq, you want to know. How many times does it need to be explained to you? Ask yourself why WE are in Iraq!
Bin Laden anticipated the invasion of Afghanistan as a retaliation for 911. He planned to do to you what we did to the Soviets. Only your special forces and money bought the loyalty of indigenous tribes who could help you fight us on our own terms. A brilliant move.
However, we are not without our own resources, and could draw warriors from all across the middle east. It would take longer, but still, we could defeat you in Afghanistan. It did not matter how many of us you killed. We learned from Viet Nam: You are cowards. Your media will portray every costly victory as defeat. Your peace movements of cowards would grow, and force your humiliating withdrawel, and once more an abandonment of those who risked all to support you.
Iraq destroyed this plan. Now we are on the defensive; on toiw fronts. Iraq was a semi-secular state and an oil-producer. It's terrain favors your weapons systems. You have allies there, and have offered them freedom.
WE are in Iraq becasue this is the only way you can turn the tide against us. Their children will be educated, as only the chosen among us have been. They will not be taught about Jews drinking the blood of moslem babies, absolute obedience to us and the clerics, and the predestined worldwide caliphate, and America the Great Satan.
They will not be controlled, and will enjoy their freedom. And make no mistake: We hate freedom. Freedom is freedom from God. Freedom is disobedience. Freedom is a cancer, which we fear will spread. These are the stakes.
Because you are cowards, many of you will disregard all of this, for to confront it would require courage. You will TELL yourself that it is not true. You will find others, who think as you do, and feel encouraged. You will hear a politician tell you what you wish to hear, and feel your self-deception validated.
Yes, and how many of your politicians plead our case before you, and attack those who seek to protect you? They are not cowards. Though many are simply stupid themselves, many others care only for themselves.
You will continue to allow us across your borders, grant us access to your courts, restrict your soldiers, blind your intelligence officers, undermine all neccessary efforts, and deny reality.
What would the North Viet Namese done without American cowards and communists?
You will lose. It is not simply God's will. It is also nature. The weak should yield to the strong.
God is great.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Well I'm hangin Here In Allentown...
I delivered here and then shut down.
And I'm waiting for a load back ho-oh-oh-ome--
More yo-yoing, but I found out some stuff:
1: I averaged 7.5 mpg's with light a/c use, 12k, Ohio and PA, APU running about 16 hrs...actually pretty good, and improved. I really think that Turbo3000 thing works!
2: My windshield crack is now half-way across.
3: My coolant leak seems to be getting worse.
4: Dammit.
They sent me back here, and I'll be doing the same thing--returning ro Wilmington OH overnight tonight. They said they could get me a Texas run next "over the weekend", but I won't get there til noon saturday. So I'll just take it to T/A for my coolant leak, see if somebody local will do my windshield, watch the game sunday night, check my mail monday, and try it again after that.
I got up early this morning and forced myself to stay awake so that I can pass out later (I'll be picking up after midnight). This sucks. My body won't adjust. Instead, it goes into manic-emergency mode. Probably some genetic trait. I manage to sleep only for minutes at a time. I get deprived. I don't nod at the wheel or anything, but I get spaced.
Nothing dangerous. If anything, my reflexes are better, and I automaticly do the correct things. I just don't think about it; it's like I go on autopilot. I can perfectly safely and legally completely miss an exit and not realize it for five more miles...
Fortunately, this route is simple.
Monday I'll go in there and talk to them, My first couple weeks have been spent in a hampster cage and I want out. If they were testing me, I've passed and that's enough.
Can't complain about the money, though. A lot goes into it. That 7.5 mpg's has much to do with the light weights I'm hauling. I net a significantly higher percentage of the rates on these runs. I will have racked up a decent week when I shut down saturday. I should get another load monday afternoon, and the pay period doesn't end til close of business tuesday. I'll either turn it into a really good week, or get a nice head start on the next. Don't care which. If you live paycheck-to-paycheck, you are a fool. Or have a wife who is.
PIA stuff: I have to get new SIM cards at the Post Office, then call ATT back to get the old ones turned off and the new ones activated. All this for a change-of -address. Then I have to make sure that my bill-payment stuff is set up. Several times, I thought that it was, then got shut down for non-payment.
I tried to use my credit card yesterday and got rejected. I forgot that I'd just put in for the address change. That should all be done by monday, so I'll just go online and order EVERYTHING, since my second paycheck will be in there, and my third one on the way.
This will put me back below my emergency safety margin for one week, but I'll feel much better knowing that I've knocked all that stuff out, and can go to work rebuilding for my past-due taxes. I have to do that, and then set up my new account with my new accountants, and send them all my reciepts and stuff.
Part of this is digging up my cost-bases for my stock purchases from E-Trade. The only way I can think of is to download every single monthly statement to-date. I have to copy my own biggest reciepts for warrantee and security purposes too.
Yeah. The whole rest of this year I'll be busy catching up and getting organized. next year I'll just have my system in-place and be able to just run. I'll have my monthly brokerage statements sent directly to the new accountants, along with my pay-stubs.
I have a rough filing system for reciepts in-place, which simplifies their job somewhat, so maybe I can save some money there too. As it is, if I just stick all my reciepts in an envelope and send them, it will cost me over a grand a year for the Corp. and myself.
...Nah. I'll just stock up on big envelopes and be lazy. They can sift them more intelligently than I can anyway. I never bothered getting all the categories.
Anyway I've made headway in poker. I switched from Sti-and-Go's to plain old games, and have done much better.
Now that I've put that out in the ether for THEM to read, let's see if from now on I get nothing but crap cards and lose flushes to boats and boats to quads.
OK time to call them to make sure they're working on my return load. OKbye.
And I'm waiting for a load back ho-oh-oh-ome--
More yo-yoing, but I found out some stuff:
1: I averaged 7.5 mpg's with light a/c use, 12k, Ohio and PA, APU running about 16 hrs...actually pretty good, and improved. I really think that Turbo3000 thing works!
2: My windshield crack is now half-way across.
3: My coolant leak seems to be getting worse.
4: Dammit.
They sent me back here, and I'll be doing the same thing--returning ro Wilmington OH overnight tonight. They said they could get me a Texas run next "over the weekend", but I won't get there til noon saturday. So I'll just take it to T/A for my coolant leak, see if somebody local will do my windshield, watch the game sunday night, check my mail monday, and try it again after that.
I got up early this morning and forced myself to stay awake so that I can pass out later (I'll be picking up after midnight). This sucks. My body won't adjust. Instead, it goes into manic-emergency mode. Probably some genetic trait. I manage to sleep only for minutes at a time. I get deprived. I don't nod at the wheel or anything, but I get spaced.
Nothing dangerous. If anything, my reflexes are better, and I automaticly do the correct things. I just don't think about it; it's like I go on autopilot. I can perfectly safely and legally completely miss an exit and not realize it for five more miles...
Fortunately, this route is simple.
Monday I'll go in there and talk to them, My first couple weeks have been spent in a hampster cage and I want out. If they were testing me, I've passed and that's enough.
Can't complain about the money, though. A lot goes into it. That 7.5 mpg's has much to do with the light weights I'm hauling. I net a significantly higher percentage of the rates on these runs. I will have racked up a decent week when I shut down saturday. I should get another load monday afternoon, and the pay period doesn't end til close of business tuesday. I'll either turn it into a really good week, or get a nice head start on the next. Don't care which. If you live paycheck-to-paycheck, you are a fool. Or have a wife who is.
PIA stuff: I have to get new SIM cards at the Post Office, then call ATT back to get the old ones turned off and the new ones activated. All this for a change-of -address. Then I have to make sure that my bill-payment stuff is set up. Several times, I thought that it was, then got shut down for non-payment.
I tried to use my credit card yesterday and got rejected. I forgot that I'd just put in for the address change. That should all be done by monday, so I'll just go online and order EVERYTHING, since my second paycheck will be in there, and my third one on the way.
This will put me back below my emergency safety margin for one week, but I'll feel much better knowing that I've knocked all that stuff out, and can go to work rebuilding for my past-due taxes. I have to do that, and then set up my new account with my new accountants, and send them all my reciepts and stuff.
Part of this is digging up my cost-bases for my stock purchases from E-Trade. The only way I can think of is to download every single monthly statement to-date. I have to copy my own biggest reciepts for warrantee and security purposes too.
Yeah. The whole rest of this year I'll be busy catching up and getting organized. next year I'll just have my system in-place and be able to just run. I'll have my monthly brokerage statements sent directly to the new accountants, along with my pay-stubs.
I have a rough filing system for reciepts in-place, which simplifies their job somewhat, so maybe I can save some money there too. As it is, if I just stick all my reciepts in an envelope and send them, it will cost me over a grand a year for the Corp. and myself.
...Nah. I'll just stock up on big envelopes and be lazy. They can sift them more intelligently than I can anyway. I never bothered getting all the categories.
Anyway I've made headway in poker. I switched from Sti-and-Go's to plain old games, and have done much better.
Now that I've put that out in the ether for THEM to read, let's see if from now on I get nothing but crap cards and lose flushes to boats and boats to quads.
OK time to call them to make sure they're working on my return load. OKbye.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Best Deal on Ceramic Treatment I'm having trouble getting the link in here, but at least you can copy/paste if it doesn't work. This is not an affiliate link, and I can't make a dime off you.
Xado's treatment will last as long as 100,000 miles, although 60,000 is the lower end of that, and I will personally re-treat with a little more at that point.
Xado has a three-step treatment schedule; first at operating temperature, then after several hundred miles, and then again later on. The other stuff is a one-time treatment. I don't know if the three stages are actually better--it just seems to make sense to me.
For my truck (16-quart oil capacity translates to a little over 15 litres), I'll need six tubes, and will have a tad left over for my APU. That's 200 bucks, and about 33% cheaper than any other product I've seen.
This company also has a fuel-pump treatment, and gearbox treatment. I don't think I can use any of this in my automatic transmission--you certainly wouldn't in a car's. But the fuel-pump stuff is a given for me.
Just being helpful for the few owner-operators an maintenance chiefs who have actual human brains.
This company also offers a hydrogen generator, which is how I stumbled across it. It's an advanced, fancy little unit, but delivers only one third of the gasses that mine (Onboard Vehicle Hydrogen Generators!),
To get three of them would also cost a whole lot more.
I'll order my Xado and signal booster monday, after my second paycheck is en route and my addresses have been updated. I'll also get more HGH, carb blocker, etc.
Then I'll order my hydrogen generator the following friday. This will leave me with emergency repair funds, just in case. (I could handle about anything, but don't want to sell yet still more stocks).
I delivered here at DHL in Allentown PA last night. I've accepted a return trip from here that doesn't pick up til about 0100.
Normally I hate that swing-shift stuff--it will really mess me up. At about 4 pm I'll take one of my very effective herbal sleeping pills and a couple seratonins--I aspire to achieve inconsciousness by 1900, and get 5 hrs sleep.
It delivers to DHL Wilmington at noon tomorrow, where I'll most likely get another load right away (hopefully to someplace besides FLA). I can keep going as long as neccessary on five hours sleep, and will be sufficiently tired to get back on schedule.
Yeah--sometimes I deprive myself of a little sleep on purpose in order to get past shift-lag.
I pretty much had to take it, since there's zero deadhead miles and I'll save a lot of fuel. I should also save fuel by remaining at Wilmington DHL, and should get out of there on my next one within three hours.
Today, I'll play some internet poker, do more research, read my book, and ponder my damn mysterious coolant leak which I can't get fixed here without driving 30 miles.
Xado's treatment will last as long as 100,000 miles, although 60,000 is the lower end of that, and I will personally re-treat with a little more at that point.
Xado has a three-step treatment schedule; first at operating temperature, then after several hundred miles, and then again later on. The other stuff is a one-time treatment. I don't know if the three stages are actually better--it just seems to make sense to me.
For my truck (16-quart oil capacity translates to a little over 15 litres), I'll need six tubes, and will have a tad left over for my APU. That's 200 bucks, and about 33% cheaper than any other product I've seen.
This company also has a fuel-pump treatment, and gearbox treatment. I don't think I can use any of this in my automatic transmission--you certainly wouldn't in a car's. But the fuel-pump stuff is a given for me.
Just being helpful for the few owner-operators an maintenance chiefs who have actual human brains.
This company also offers a hydrogen generator, which is how I stumbled across it. It's an advanced, fancy little unit, but delivers only one third of the gasses that mine (Onboard Vehicle Hydrogen Generators!),
To get three of them would also cost a whole lot more.
I'll order my Xado and signal booster monday, after my second paycheck is en route and my addresses have been updated. I'll also get more HGH, carb blocker, etc.
Then I'll order my hydrogen generator the following friday. This will leave me with emergency repair funds, just in case. (I could handle about anything, but don't want to sell yet still more stocks).
I delivered here at DHL in Allentown PA last night. I've accepted a return trip from here that doesn't pick up til about 0100.
Normally I hate that swing-shift stuff--it will really mess me up. At about 4 pm I'll take one of my very effective herbal sleeping pills and a couple seratonins--I aspire to achieve inconsciousness by 1900, and get 5 hrs sleep.
It delivers to DHL Wilmington at noon tomorrow, where I'll most likely get another load right away (hopefully to someplace besides FLA). I can keep going as long as neccessary on five hours sleep, and will be sufficiently tired to get back on schedule.
Yeah--sometimes I deprive myself of a little sleep on purpose in order to get past shift-lag.
I pretty much had to take it, since there's zero deadhead miles and I'll save a lot of fuel. I should also save fuel by remaining at Wilmington DHL, and should get out of there on my next one within three hours.
Today, I'll play some internet poker, do more research, read my book, and ponder my damn mysterious coolant leak which I can't get fixed here without driving 30 miles.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Time Out
Ok, I'm confiscating the word "hypocrite" from my pinkoid friends.
I know it sounds cool, but words mean things. I will return it to you when you show that you can use it responsibly.
That is all.
I know it sounds cool, but words mean things. I will return it to you when you show that you can use it responsibly.
That is all.
Wilmington, OH
Just confirmed my estimates for my first week's net were pretty accurate. That means week 2 will be pretty good, despite a ton of deadhead miles and downtime.
Got my PO Box, changed accounts over, ordered checkbooks. Now they're sending me to Allentown, PA. It's short but pays well. I'm not going to get picky right now, but will expect some longer runs soon.
However, this one has me shutting down around midnight, and Brian says I won't be stuck there; should get out the next day. To Georgia or to here.
If it's Georgia, I already know that I'll be brought back to the Jamestown area. In 3-5 days my new SIM-cards will be in my PO Box.
I have enough money in my Corp. account to start buying my enhancements, but have to wait a few days for the address-changes to go through the system. It's just as well--I want my second paycheck to get in there first, so I have some elbow room.
So I've knocked out most of it, and all that remains is
1: My shopping list of the ceramic engine treatment, the data signal amplifier, and hydrogen generator.
2: Treating the engine, installing the generator/booster, and replacing my damn windshield. stuck behind a truck that had an emergency and had to hit the shoulder fast. Another asshole was passing me at .001 mph faster than me, so I couldn't escape the gravel the first guy kicked up, and it hit me like a bullet.
I'm so sick of these idiots who have to go just a LITTLE faster than me when I'm already pushing the tolerance, and then can't goose it a little bit so they're not pinning me for six freaking miles.
You shitheads learn how to drive. You owe me a damn windshield.
Got my PO Box, changed accounts over, ordered checkbooks. Now they're sending me to Allentown, PA. It's short but pays well. I'm not going to get picky right now, but will expect some longer runs soon.
However, this one has me shutting down around midnight, and Brian says I won't be stuck there; should get out the next day. To Georgia or to here.
If it's Georgia, I already know that I'll be brought back to the Jamestown area. In 3-5 days my new SIM-cards will be in my PO Box.
I have enough money in my Corp. account to start buying my enhancements, but have to wait a few days for the address-changes to go through the system. It's just as well--I want my second paycheck to get in there first, so I have some elbow room.
So I've knocked out most of it, and all that remains is
1: My shopping list of the ceramic engine treatment, the data signal amplifier, and hydrogen generator.
2: Treating the engine, installing the generator/booster, and replacing my damn windshield. stuck behind a truck that had an emergency and had to hit the shoulder fast. Another asshole was passing me at .001 mph faster than me, so I couldn't escape the gravel the first guy kicked up, and it hit me like a bullet.
I'm so sick of these idiots who have to go just a LITTLE faster than me when I'm already pushing the tolerance, and then can't goose it a little bit so they're not pinning me for six freaking miles.
You shitheads learn how to drive. You owe me a damn windshield.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Lake City, FL

From the northern border of KY, I got a load to West Palm Beach. It was the replacement of a load which had been stolen, and was very important. I had to make use of all my knowlege of wormholes and temporal distortions.
It paid very well. The problem is, I have already dead-headed back here about 300 miles, and am awaiting a return load assignment. This will probably be at least another 100 miles away in GA. It will be paper, and very heavy, and pay very little.
Despite this, because of all the monies I have invested in this truck, I will probably have netted more money than I had been netting in a week.
I got 6.0 mpg's, but that was mostly at 71 mph, with 40+ thousand pounds, and through a lot of big hills and small mountains.
I wish I had my fuel monitor--I have to calculate mpg's the old fashioned way. I can only guess that for the deadhead miles I got 7.2 mpg's.
Things bother me already. Like, I call them from West Palm Beach and say I'm going to be HERE at a certain time and need a return load, and they say "call me when you get there".
In other words, they know I'll be here, but won't assign me a load until I physicly arrive. Then I get here, and there are no loads--I need to wait overnight and call again in the morning.
Now it's 0945 and they have started looking for my load. You see it, right? Why couldn't I have got a load assignment yesterday afternoon? Why couldn't I have gone right through here and been at the shipper last night? Why, instead of being here, couldn't I be 300 miles north by now, and probably arrive at the reciever tonight?
As it is, I won't get to any shipper before noon, and won't get out of there til 1300. Probably can't deliver til tomorrow afternoon, and--you can see the chain reaction.
And the Qualcom. Some of the guys use it to send directions. Others just use it to tell me to call them, so they can verbally deliver all information. I just don't get it.
It's my first full week, so I can't start complaining already. So for now, I'll try to work around it. When I get back to base, I'll ask them about this stuff.
Anyway, I did really well on this last load, which showed them something. (You always need to prove yourself to dispatchers. Your record at other companies doesn't mean a lot to them.)
Anyway, since they've got me stuck with probably delivering paper to Ohio tomorrow afternoon, maybe I'll get a south Texas load for monday delivery. That would be a very good week.
Freight coming out of southern Ohio pays well. The flip-side is, freight coming out of many parts of Texas pays very little.
Market forces dictate this. Where there are a lot of trucks available, the rate is lower. I could gross over 3k going down there, and 1.1k coming back (I get no surcharge, either). Factoring in fuel costs, the return trip might be damn near a wash. I simply have to regard the whole thing as one trip.
Damn, I have to talk to them when I get there. Ed, the boss dispatcher, told me to give them about an hour. Does that mean that when he finds a load for me, he just sort of puts it on his desk and waits for me to call?
I just called. Brian said that Ed had stepped out, and he would look on his desk. Yep. And I'm supposed to call back in about five minutes.
OK. They're pretty laid back. I hate making all these phone calls, but I guess I can get used to it.
My eye remains on the prize. Last week's check will be chump-change, but this week's will be pretty good. I won't go out of my way to get back to base and get my PO Box, but if I do, I can start ordering the smaller stuff I need, like the ceramic treatment and data signal booster.
After about mid-September, I can finally order my hydrogen generator. I should be close enough to my preventive maintenance to go ahead and get that all that stuff done at once.
...jeez. I just called again. Ed said nothing yet. I said I have a Qualcom and didn't want to keep calling him. He said that's okay--keep calling him every hour or two.
I hate that.
However, I was never one to dwell on the negative for more than about ninety seconds. This also means that whenever I need a 34 hour break, or to take care of some business, I can simply not call them. Seems as if, unless they have something urgent, they won't bug me.
So I got that goin for me....
Freight is slow. All he has right now is a paper load picking up tomorrow, and he's trying to get me something sooner.
Take the good with the bad. I can screw around here at this rest area, which aint so bad. I got grub, make tea in the microwave, got my APU keeping me comfy for relatively little money. I just made a good chunk of change, and what I do for the rest of this pay-period multiplies that.
With USA, Ryan tried to keep my running through the weekends, but often couldn't. That won't happen much with these guys: They have a lot of nice long runs. I can do 1500 miles (easily) on a saturday and sunday, and these guys have those loads.
I could get stuck, though. If Ed doesn't come up with a better load, and I'm delivering friday night, there might not be anything for me. In which case I'll get my PO Box and catch the Browns vs. the Cowboys.
Some guys are greedy and want to runrunrun. Others are lazy. I can do both. Life is good.
Monday, September 1, 2008
My First Trip

I took a light air-freight load to Orlando, Florida, Then I had to come back into Georgia, and got a cheap, heavy paper load to bring back here, to Cincinnati.
On the way down, I had to get the trailer fixed, and whule I was there, I noticed these "turbo 3000" things. They are incorporated into the diesel fuel feed. Much of it's over my head, but what they do is insure that the injectors uniformly inject the most finely-misted fuel possible. Inceases power and mpg's.
So I told them to put it on my truck and paid 380 bucks for it. Next, I'll get another set of "tornado"'s--as seen on TV. These reroute the air going into the air intake into a vortex. I believe the result is that more oxygen reaches the mixing chamber than would be possible with a straight-line flow.
I mean...if you are an oxygen molecule and go straight into the chamber, you get no closer to the other molecules than you were when you were floating around over the freeway, minding your own business. But if you get spun around in a spiral, all of a sudden, you get crowded in with a bunch more molecules.
Anyway, I installed these on Christine, and got about .8 mpg's more. So, now that I got the turbo 300 for the fuel end--to make sure those diesel molecules are as separate and ready-to-explode as possible, the tornado will help on the "air" side of the fuel-air mix.
Then, when I get my Onboard Vehicle Hydrogen Generators!, the tornado will also maximize the dispersal of the two types of hydrogen and extra oxygen as well. And, the ceramic coating will insure that hardly any of this extra power is lost.
They'll get me a load out of Cincinnati tomorrow, which is cool. I thought I'd have to dead-head about 40 miles to Jamestown.
I didn't make much money on this. The 900 mile trip down paid very well, but the 300-plus deadhead miles paid nothing, and the 600 miles from GA to here paid very little. I've put 500 gallons in my tanks at a cost of about 1900 bucks. I still have about 220 gallons of that in my tanks, but the pay period ends tomorrow (I think), so that paycheck will be pretty small.
It's okay. I still got 220 gallons, and that was only one yo-yo (and one that I'll try to avoid from now on).
I was also disturbed by my mileage calculations. I got about 6.65 mpg's on the way down with 27,000 lbs., then 300 empty, then 150 with 42,000 lbs. This was through southern Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee substantially, with a lot of hills. I drove 70 mph mostly, but also had to take a lot of backroads and drive 55-60, with several stops and starts. So 6.65 mpg's is pretty good.
But then. with the 42,000 lbs., I averaged about 4.5 mpg's--at least for about 300 miles.
I must have made a mistake., and there's a decent chance I overfilled the tanks. Diesel expands as it warms up, and if you put too much fuel in, you can lose up to several gallons as it leaks out. I got a real notebook, and from now on will write everything down each time I fuel.
This is a light, streamlined truck with a fuel-efficient engine. The APU adds 400 lbs. to it's weight, and I got a full refrigerator and stuff, so no doubt that costs me a little...
Anyway, I just need to take another load out and back starting tomorrow, and keep running. My small paycheck for this 2-way won't make it to my account for up to two weeks, as they'll snail-mail the check to my account. I want the second paycheck to be a good one.
I can order the ceramic stuff and the tornadoes as soon as I have my PO Box, but will need to wait on the Onboard Vehicle Hydrogen Generators! until I have more money in my business account. (You simply have to have insurance against major repairs, and I've gone into the danger-zone.)
Well, I'm now docked with my paperwork in the trailer. I will wake up when my trailer starts bouncing...this is how I like it.
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