Sunday, May 6, 2007

Greetings From the Vacuum

Hi Juan. I know that Juan will actually read this, plus my emails to him seem to be getting lost, so I'll focus on him...uh--you.

Well I'm outside Savannah. Got here way early so that, per D.O.T. regs, I can reset my hours of service and run like I'm capable of running for eight solid days--if I can get the loads to do it.

The actual hours of service aren't that much of a problem for a former professional unsuccessful science fiction writer like me. I quickly found out that my odometer was innacurate, and that I am able to go through worm-holes and such. But my company, like a number of others, cap me at four thousand miles during the same time period.

They do this as insurance against a D.O.T. audit. And I can't cheat. Unless I enter the weekend with 3500 miles or so--weekend dispatch is a skeleton crew, and can't keep tabs on me. My dispatcher arrives monday to discover that I am in violation. Just as I deliver. She shuts me down "until midnight", and I tell her "I was bad and deserve a more severe punishment. You must shut me down until 34 hours from now!" (34 hours is the down-time required for a reset.)

The reset zeroes out my miles, as well as hours.

Since rolling my truck right before New Year's, the thing has been possessed. It has tried to kill me a couple times, and landed me in the shop for several days several other times. I finally got a book on excorsism and performed some rites. For three weeks I've been running hard, making up for lost time.

My dispatcher has been extra-helpful and I appreciate it. When I get this one delivered, I'll go about 20 miles away for a Texas load, and most likely knock down 600 miles before I sleep again. And deliver that one early.

Did I tell you, I won an award for never being late for my first year with the company? I'm very proud of that, and it's rare. Even some of the best drivers there are are late once in awhile.

I'm a cyber-trucker. I have GPS routing. Through wireless internet, I now download and listen to full-length audiobooks, and also music. I have Sirius radio. It really helps the miles melt away.

Well...I just wanted to get this new blog started. My old blogs got glitched when Yahoo took this site over, so I just re-started them. My other one is That's for Juan, since he might not have got my emails. You other guys have already checked it out and made sure to remove all residual traces of it from your computers by now, probably.

I'll try to make this one more interesting to you, since you're not a big sports fan. Actually the other guys aren't nearly as obsessive as I am about the Cleveland Browns, but I write it anyway, since somebody who isn't prejudiced against me might stumble across it and actually bookmark it or something.

Seems silly to spend all that time on a football team, I guess, but for whatever reason, I'm just stuck to it. Really, what that site is about is picking on people who are full of beans, explaining why they are, and the flaws in their thought processes. The Browns are just the media I chose.

I guess on this one, I'll babble about trucking, the economy, and stuff like that--but it will also be a kind of personal log. I guess I'll write down some of my experiences, and the lessons learned. I believe it would be constructive for young readers.

Juan, I got your emails. Anyway, I got all day to investigate the latest on the Browns, update my trading program, and play internet poker, so okbye.

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