Monday, January 5, 2009

Beat Down In Dallas

First the APU went, and I'm supposed to go someplace around here to get it fixed today.

Then I bashed my head. Then my secondary tank starved my primary and I ran out of fuel. 240 bucks. Then I got TWO flat tires and had to replace them. 420 bucks. 240 bucks for a PM (you just can't skip these). I've found no viable loads out of here (where I delivered 24 hrs early anyway).

My primary laptop spazzed out. I'll try to drop the trailer on a street here and go to a repair place I know. This laptop keeps unplugging itself, and has it's own glitches. Hell, I just spent 240 bucks on both of these--new power cords!

Here I am at the dock, constantly re-checking my email trying to beat the pihrannas to a load out--on the seventh, to make sure I can take care of all the rest of this crap...

Last night, I thought about USA. I might still be getting flats and busted laptops, but at least I wouldn't have to be struggling for low-paying loads. Freight might be slow there and I might only get 2200 miles/week or whatever, but I'd make more than I'm making now, and could let the company find my loads.

I could go anywhere-there are terminals all over the place, and a number of big accounts.

I enjoyed cooling my heels at the cheap motel (which I could use as a driver's license address), and having free lunch with my dispatcher. Could wash my clothes for free sometimes. Could save money fueling at various terminals. The trailers were pretty well-maintained, and there were usually enough of them.

I didn't have to call dispatch. They were pickier on logs and I had to send qualcom updates and stuff, but compared to having to keep calling dispatch, my pay getting bogged down and misdirected, having to eat tolls, and now spending days looking for loads, that's nothing.

So I'm trying to get back there. I emailed both of my old dispatchers and got some news from them. I can use them as references.

Sounds like I'll need it. Sounds like I still might not get back there. Freight is slow. I'm real good--but that might not matter if they've already got too many of us.

Well, I'll keep trying for a load out of here, and wait for the personnel people to get back to me.

If I can get re-leased, then I have to get back to Jamestown OH to give back my qualcom and plates. When I get to Van Buren I'll need a new driver's license (with a Hazmat endorsement, I think) because my current company is my address now, and that won't work.

Then I'll have to get a new mailing address, and change all my accounts over all over again.

At least near Van Buren there's a great laptop repair place.

Yeah, they have a lot of drivers and not much freight, but I am Mr. always-early account-protector zero refusals with strong references. I'll give it a shot.

...and get my APU and laptop fixed (I hope) and get out of here...jeez I miss just driving.

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