Sunday, October 26, 2008

When Reality Attacks

I just saw a report on a morning show in which a snippet of an interview of Joe Biden was shown. The interviewer said: "'From each according to his means, to each according to his needs'. This is from Karl Marx. Isn't this just what Barack Obama is advocatiing?"

Biden got that arrogant "what a stupid question" smirk on his face, and asked her if she was kidding. Later, the Obama campaign informed that station that there would be no further interviews, and asserting that this question was over the top.

I listened to a campaign spokeswoman dismissing the question as obviously beyond the pale...

REALITY ATTACK: This is EXACTLY what Obama advocates! It was not only a fair question, but long overdue! In the name of "civility", this guy gets away with murder, because the media wants to elect him! And this is exactly why Obama is surrounded by mentors and friends like Comrade Sol Alinski, Comrade William Ayers, Rev. White, and Father Wigger. He IS a marxist, and the change he wants is a change to socialism.

Yesterday, my sis forewarded another email to me. This woman was alarmed to see that a PBS poll had indicated that a lot of people felt that Sarah Pallin was qualified. She suspected that the right wing machine must have jammed up the phone lines.

REALITY ATTACK: Sarah Pallin, as the boss of Alaska's Energy Regulatory Commission, a mayor, a governor, and a small business owner, is MASSIVELY better qualified than any of the other candidates. The LEAST qualified, based on experience, is OBAMA.

And yet this woman encouraged everybody to foreward this survey to Obama voters and urge them to vote.

This is how they don't think. Don't let the facts get in the way.

And stand by. ACORn's defense for massive voter fraud will be voter suppression (as usual). True, we are trying to suppress the votes of under-represented groups like the deceased, the redundant, and the fictitious.

One more point; Not everybody SHOULD vote! Stupid people vote stupid, and a lot of other people vote only for whoever promises them personally the most. This is how freedom dies.

I said, this is how freedom dies.

Think with your brain.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Salt Lake City

I delivered my load here way early, went to Sapp's 5 blocks away for a shower, and have returned here to where I delivered. Tomorrow morning, I'll take a load from here back to where I came from (Niles, MI). I love it. No wasting fuel deadheading, and I fuel at Sapp Brothers en route, which are cheap, have low (and not ultra-low) sulphur fuel, and give my company a big discount.

I might ask for this on an ongoing basis. Can't right now, because my new APU engine is at my service point, and I need to get it done.

I got 5.2 mph's for the second leg out here. Considering my 75 mph, that's not as bad as it seems, but still not satisfactory. Part of that was the fact that I do have to idle more without the APU--probably should have got more like 5.4.

On the previous leg, in which I was idling a lot and bobtailed for awhile, but mostly taking an empty to Niles and then 12,000 lbs. to fuel at Peru, IL, I got 7.9 mpg's. I just can't wait for my hydrogen generator! I doubt that the turbo3000 and the ceramic stuff have helped me more than about ten percent.

Anyway, this is why I run so hard. Here I am with all kinds of time to kill. I've got my routes back inc. fuelstops mapped out, logs done, and my load number taped to my windshield so a yard dog can wake me up and tell me which trailer to hook up to.

It's also nice out here, since due to the time zone the 4-5 am times are my 6-7 am.

This should be my biggest week yet, I think...and I can get back in time to hit the nice inexpensive hotel next to my APU Service Point and watch the Keystone Browns. I deliver late afternoon saturday and might be able to get there in time to give them my key and tell them the truck is there (they're closed sunday and will have to do it monday...if they can.)

I don't quite understand my Big Sis. She forewarded a story about why progressive taxes don't work. (Ten guys splitting the tab for dinner based on income--til the other guys start squealing about fairness, demand more, and the fatcats get disgusted and let them fend for themselves.)

I had thought she was a socialist! Normally, she forewards marxocratic propaganda full discredited assertions, distortions, and overt lies.

Like Supply Side economics caused all our problems, and not excessive spending and the welfare state? Like deregulation caused the credit collapse, and not government MANDATED bad loans and political patronage? Like Bush was a coke addict, the 72 Swift-Boat eye-witnesses were all a part of the vast right-wing conspiracy?

I don't dare broach politics with her, but now I'm confused.

I mean, the last line of the progressive tax analogy was "For those who get it, no explanation is neccessary. For those who don't, no explanation is possible." Does SHE understand?

I mean, I give you one guess on who I'm almost certain she will vote for. And this would prove, she didn't get it.

Yeah..."It's much more complicated than that".

No. It's not.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Niles. MI

I pick ip here at 5 am and take a light load to Salt Lake City. Freight is slow, and this is the best and earliest load I could get. It's very very "tight", but once I escape Illinois I can hammer at 70-75 mph most of the way.

My WI-FI still doesn't work, but the memory stick steps I took on old reliable and the memory stick paid off, and I was able to download and install my missing programs. I think I deserve some extra credit for fixing something all by myself.

And I love my signal booster! I didn't know it worked this way, but here I have ONE BAR (and it says "weak signal", but I can surf and play poker almost like I have five bars or a broadband signal.

Yeah...I'm at a truckstop now around the corner from the shipped (DHL--expedited air freight). Later thisw afternoon I'll mosey on in. They'll have me drop my empty trailer and go to the waiting lot. I'll write my flight number on paper, hang it in my windshield, and take all my melatonin and herbal knockout pills at about 10:30.

I made the mistake of sleeping til 9 am.

They'll wake me up at 4-4:30 am and I'll go hook the trailer they send me to and try to sleep some more until it's loaded and they wake me up again. Then I pull it out of the door, they seal it for me, and I'm on my way.

I'll have all my logs and paperwork caught up and ready for a couple lines on the logsheet, and have Salt Lake City routed in. I'll adjust for the exact address later. Already nailed down my two fuelstops.

They say I'll have a load back lined up, and I might be able to deliver that before monday evening and get a big check (not that I care much, week-to-week). I still have to get my APU fixed, and the timing is good--the new engine should be there when I get back.

Iwent shopping and reloaded the fridge. I figured out that I can turn the fridge up to it's max setting, and shut down my inverter (it's power supply) before I go to sleep. It doesn't warm up enough to let stuff thaw much overnight. I'll feel better when I have the APU and don't have to worry about it.

My truck has a good protective feature. When the batteries take on too much load (as when the fridge fires up), it starts beeping a warning so I can turn on the engine. If I ignore it, the beeping gets faster and faster, then it shuts down everything--all my cigarrette plugs, the radio, etc.

But of course the inverter goes right to the terminals, so it just keeps on inverting. But I like knowing that Herbie (I've named him) will tell me when he needs energy. Herbie isn't very bright, of course (like the insideously diabolical HAL). The load doesn't have anything to do with how much juice he has in his batteries, so he starts beeping at me prematurely. I think he's a hypochondriac.

I like him. The transmission problem and coolant leaks were pains in the butt, but not unexpected for a truck with his mileage. He has been more reliable than most of my trucks. He seems to appreciate that I take good care of him with a turbo3000 and the ceramic treatment, plus an oil change after only 1600 miles.

Truckers...I tell a guy I got an automatic, and he nods sagely and says that's why I don't get the MPG's I want. FACT: Automatic transmissions get better fuel economy than manuals. Everybody wants to think they're smarter than any machine.

Well, I see part of it. My automatic will never skip gears. When you have a light load or are bobtailed or on a downgrade, you skip gears to save fuel and get going quicker. But despite this, the stats doen't lie about the efficiency of these systems.

This will be a good test for the ceramic treatment's effect on fuel economy. I made a mostly identical run 2 weeks ago, so I'll be able to compare numbers.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Jeffersonville, OH

Well, after waiting four days and being told by my service-point technicians that finally their calls were returned by the warrantee people, and that their supervisor would get back to them...I emailed the Corporate bosses myself and told them I was on the verge of smearing them all over the internet and reporting them to the CA and US Attorneys General for their bad faith.

They're sending a new engine. That will take about a week. I was at Jamestown saturday morning looking for a load, but got none. Things are tight freight-wise. So I checked into this hotel nearby, where I'm taking it easy and will watch the Browns game.

The rib joint/bar next door has several screens, and the owner said that I could have one for the Browns game. I'll see if I can tune it in here (where I can smoke cigarettes), but probably watch the first half and get buzzed over there.

HAL refuses to recognize the Wi-Fi signal here, which is a problem. It's a problem because every time I try to download anything using my aircard, I get a "Cannot blahblah the connection to the server was reset".

In re the other issues, none of my three advisors (inc. Jeff, the guy who fixed HAL), has gotten back to me. The Wi-Fi thing is inexplicable. I have the software and reciever, looked for a new driver, adjusted settings, and tried my aircard Wi-Fi function as well, and it says "no signals".

The server-reset thing every two minutes is, I hope, not one of my deeply-hidden idiot-proof settings, but rather some idiotic protocol of the local ISP's. (I tried three locations in a twenty-mile radius). The problem is, I WAS able to download Full-Tilt Poker, which took about ten minutes.

But I got Ole Reliable here out and got the Wi-Fi signal. I downloaded (and saved to my memory stick) the install program for DAP (Download Accellerator Plus) which is an excellent free product. It uses four sources simultaneously to literally speed up the download 400%, and (more importantly for me) has a resume function to counter "connection resets".

I used this on old reliable to download the install programs for the other stuff I needed. Later, I'll plug the stick into HAL and attempt to install at least DAP. I'm afraid to try, though. I've come to expect that "bloop" sound, the red exes, and some excuse for why I'm getting the middle digital message yet again. (Sometimes, I could swear I hear HAL's maniacal laughter).

And of course naturally, when I tried to eject the memory stick, an error occurred. After about nine attempts, I just shut Ole Reliable down and then pulled it out. The install programs were definitely still can only hope. But since I'm terrified of getting dicked again, I'm procrastinating on the rest. I mean, I'm just sort of beat down.

Between HAL and the APU, I've been Murphy personified for the last three weeks. Every time I think I'm out from behind the woodshed, I get yanked right back for some more stomping. Every time I see a light at the end of the tunnel, it's an oncoming train.

But my internet signal amplifier works great. The truck feels and sounds better after the ceramic treatment, though I haven't calculated fuel economy on it yet.

But what the hell. Here I am loafing in a hotel room, about to watch the Browns whup the Redskins...I think...and I can actually afford it.

Could I don't dare say that.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


HAL had to be reformatted and will have no memories left. I had to hook up my new surgeon to the meatball guys which reformatted him in the first place. They spoke geekeze to eachother and my current technosurgeon determined a solution.

I got my ceramic treatment and treated my truck. Can't say much yet, except I SEEM TO have more power on hills, and it is (definitely) quieter. The treatment isn't considered final for about another 1500 miles.

My APU malfunctioned again, and this time there were metal shavings in the oil. (That is a bad sign.) My shop was trying to get the warrantee people to call them back when I had to run. They'd ideally send a whole new engine, but the techs think it more likely that they'll have to disassemble it first (and keep me off the road some more).

I guess when I get mad I buy stuff. I finally nailed down a trucker-only GPS unit for the bargain price of 399 bucks. It lacks the functionality and flexibility of my other one, but can be trusted to keep me out of trouble.

I'm now sitting outside a shipper, and will try to get on a door at 11 pm. My shipment got delayed til 5 am but I just want to park on a door so I can sleep and wake up loaded. The woman at the recievers hope I can get it to her in Cinci by 5 pm tomorrow but doubts it.

She obviously never met me.

From Cinci, I'll have to deadhead back to drop at Jamestwon and return to my shop in Hebron to see about the damn APU. I think. Loose ends. Problems. They're like those carnivorous plants in horror movies (or the wires in my truck). They're constantly around my ankles tryiing to trip me, tangling together. Why why why can't I just drive my damn truck for just two freaking weeks without something blowing up?


Friday, October 3, 2008


I heard a radio spot for Alan Combes in which Sarah Palin says that Russian m i l i t a r y aircraft sometimes violated Alaskan airspace. Alan is great at "that's just like--", so he said that he lives in New York City, and aircraft from all over the world fly near him, so he guesses he's right in her league.

If you think he made anything like a point, you are an idiot.

In his predictable criticism of Sarah Palin in the first VP debate, he played a clip in which Sarah said "I apologize if I don't answer this question t h e w a y (you want me to)". Alan says, "Well, I guess that's okay for her not to answer the question".

Conservatives think with their brains, and don't deliberately misinterpret statements or distort reality whenever convenient.

Alan says anybody who calls Obama a socialist is a right-wing extremist, and asks "how would you like it if I called you a NAZI?"

Well, I wouldn't like it because Hitler's National SOCIALIST Party is antithetical to my loyalty to the US Constitution, and calling me one is totally assenine. And when you want to regulate everything on Wall Street, rob from the rich and give to the poor, nationalize health care, expand the government, sic lawers and the IRS on people who run political ads you don't like, etc. you are worse than a socialist.

Conservatives do not redefine terms. We look "socialism" up in the dictionary, listen to speeches, and call a socialist a socialist.

Alan says "isn't that what Amerika is all about? People being united, and helping eachother?"

Conservatives are honest, and clear. Churches and charities help people. Conservatives are much more charitable than socialists, because they accept charity as a personal thing, wgeras socialists expect the government to take care of it. We do barn-raisings and take collections for neighbors in need. We pull over to help somebody change a tire. This is indeed american.

A Big Brother government which controls our lives and takes care of everybody from cradle to grave is ANTI-american. And this is what Alan means.

Think with your brains.

The Lesser of Two Evils

While Commissar Obama talks about killing free enterprise and capitalism, John McCain and, to a lesser extent, Sarah Palin are talking about a slightly more benign form of socialism. After a brief show of mavericness for effect, Joh McCain has signed onto a pork-laden bailout bill which is illegal, destructive, and has nothing to do with the US Constiution.

ARTICAL 10: Any powers not specificly enumerated here fall to the states. The Federal Government had NO AUTHORITY to order banks to make bad loans, but it did. NO AUTHORITY to create Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but it did. Every such warm and fuzzy federal program which has handicapped and crippled the private sector has been illegal.

The framers were smarter than you think they were. This sort of crap is exactly why the Ennumerated Powers act was written in clear and unambiguous language. I'll make it even less ambiguous: The federal government is NOT ALLOWED to interfere with the private sector, beyond imposing tarriffs on international trade, prosecuting fraud, theft, etc.

The damage is done.

But as I write, your congresspeople are ignoring YOU and the Constitution and ramming through a bill which will constitute the largest yet intrusion onto the private sector. This will send us perhaps irretrievably deeper into socialism.


Don't be irrational or childish about this. Don't believe it won't effect you. Don't say "it can't happen here". It IS happening. The reason is the OPPOSITE of capitalism. The cause is socialism.


The Framers designed a small, unobtrusive government and a free society. Competition, self-interest, and opportunity fueled this engine, and made this the greatest country ever to have existed. SOCIALISM, beginning with the destructive and illegal programs instituted during FDR's administration, has caused every single major problem since.

Bigger and bigger problems, leading up to this mother of all boondoggles.

Perhaps some Resolution Trust type PRIVATE SECTOR solution is neccessary here, but what is happening now?

Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd, and the others who blocked Republican efforts to impose restrictions on Fannie and Freddie are the ones pretending to fix the problem their own socialism has caused, and their solution is MORE SOCIALISM. Rather than ENDING Fannie and Freddie, they intend to prop them up.


Sarah Palin, after saying she supports carbon credits--which are another socialist program, dammit--quoted Reagan. Freedom is not passed to your children geneticly. It is always under attack, and must always be defended.

If you say "It can't happen here", you are a coward. It's hard to describe McCain as a coward, but look at what he's doing. He promised to end earmarks and identify the culprits to the voters. He just signed onto an earmark-laden bailout bill. He allows marxocrats to blame capitalism for this socialistic mess, refusing to identify the policies and people who caused it.

George Bush was never a conservative, nor is McCain. Conservatives take their oath to PROTECT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION (from enemies foreign and DOMESTIC) seriously. None but a few isolated congresspeople are doing so now.

God help us.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Can't we all just...get along?

NO! Peggy Noonan, we are dealing with enemies of the constitution, of freedom, and free enterpirse. These people illegally use the Federal government to issue mandates to businesses (including banks) and otherwise interfere with the economy.

Because banks were FORCED to make bad loans, and because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are GOVERNMENT entities which prioritized officer bonusses and a fictional "right" to home ownership for everybody, the whole thing imploded. Bush and McCain both predicted it, and McCain authored legislation to impose limits and prevent it, and now what?

Now it's all Bush's fault? And Frank, Dodd, and Shumer are the very ones making this assertion?

ALL of our current problems are the result of socialism. Government interference in the free market, government giveaway programs, and government corruption. All this is provable and irrefutable, and yet half the country has now been convinced that "unrestrained" CAPITALISM is responsible, and wants MORE socialism to fix it!

The democratic definitions of bipartisan and compromise are everybody agreeing with them. Why don't you go compromise with Al Quaeda?

How can you be civil when the other guy is smearing you personally, blaming you for problems THEY CAUSED, indicting the foundations we are trying to protect, and have already severely undermined it? If three people reach a consensus, and one of them is a moron, the consensus is worthless.

Peggy Noonan, we ARE right, and they ARE wrong, and the future of this country and the very world are at stake!

George Bush tried to compromise. Look what we got. Massive new spending, and they STILL hate him! Know why his poll numbers are so low? Because WE hate him too! He SOLD US OUT.

You don't know Ronald Reagan. He was personally likeable, and kept to the issues, but he did NOT compromise. When the democrats tried to block him, he went directly to the american people, and generated pressure on them! Listen to his speeches.

And compromise with the people who destroyed his legacy? He doubles revenues to the treasury and they (deliberately) triple spending. (Remember he had to rebuild the military and they denied him the line-item veto?) They do this, and then blamed supply-side economics for the deficit!

Civility? They deliberately harm this country every day for political advantage. They lie and distort. They stuff ballot boxes and chase businesses overseas. Their agenda is marxist; confiscation and redistribution of capital and a paternalistic government. A dissolution of borders and the export of everything free enterprise has built to the permanent worldwide underclass which THEY HAVE CREATED.

FIGHT! SARAH PALIN SCREW THOSE IDIOTS WHO ARE COACHING YOU AND BE YOURSELF. MCCAIN IS A TERMINAL POPULIST, AND ONLY YOU CAN SAVE US. All of us who have not been brainwashed by a marxist press and educational system believe in the constitution and freedom, and you may be our last hope to salvage it.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bungles Country

In enema territory here to deliver my sixth and final stop. Yeah, six. Yuk. But that's what they have to do to bring us back home, and I appreciate it because it paid okay.

My APU parts haven't been delivered to my new favorite repair place yet. I'll take my empty trailer back to HQ, ask about when my first paycheck was mailed and for other info that E-Trade will want to know from me so they can find out why they LOST it, ask around for a computer repair place that can fix HAL, who got alzeimers and narcolepsy when I downloaded a program (including in safe mode) and whose damn power hjack is already loose, then drive 40 miles to the repair place and probably wait overnight for my damn part...

I'm just irked. Stuff just keeps coming up, one thing after another.

Well I'll also hit the post office and see if any of the stuff I've been ordering is there. Probably not. Probably delayed. Or maybe it's there and it's the wrong stuff. Or maybe the post office couldn't find the post office.


Palin vs. Biden Debate Moderator

She is a biographer who wrote a book about Alexander the...oops! Obama.

Also, according to Alan Combs, Katy Kouric is an objective journalist.