Sunday, October 14, 2007

Little Rock

Christine. The bitch. Had to stand on the brakes with 43,000 lbs. at 70 (I brake for IDIOTS). Blew out a brake chamber diaphram. I bleed out at stoplights--have to use the hand-brake (trailer brakes) to keep from locking them.

Door handle broke off in my hand. I've been sticking a fork in the works in order to escape from the truck.

Another air-leak. Prodigeous. With the engine off, the low-air siren starts screaming in ten minutes. I think when I broke to avoid purifying the gene-pool, the trailer put about 140,000 lbs of pressure on my fifth wheel and blew out airbags or seals there. I think this because when I unhooked to get serviced at Kenworth, the leak stopped.

On my way, the check-engine light added itself to the ABS light in the "always on" dept. All I can do is top off oil and water. Then as I near Little Rock, I smell coolant.

I've added this to the crooked steering wheel which blocks my speedometer, the relentless power steering leak, the vibration and rattling in the front end, the loss of the low side of my com pression brake...

It was a hot load. I know Christine, so I busted ass to get to Kenworth over 24 hours ahead of schedule, then got the load taken off me as soon as I got the news I expected.

Think USA appreciates this?

After a couple weeks of decent runs, I'm now back to where I was when I quit them before. Pickup and deliver every day on one-day runs, and rarely a run over 1,000 miles on the weekends. My dipatcher insists it's random, but the most basic statistical alalysis precludes that.

I'm getting the weekly miles, and can't bitch about that. But if they'd simply let me run the way I was born to run, I'd make MORE miles---for USA, and my dispatcher. I mean, it's STUPID to insist on keeping me short, including on weekends, and make me quit again, but for whatever reason, they're doing it again.


Well I'm in Howard Johnson's again. Waiting for the Browns game. The Injuns whomped the Sox last night (had dough on it). I probably have to hear the Browns on the computer, and can't watch it again--but maybe I'll get lucky.

I'll take the truck if it's ready and roll again today, but won't unless everything is done, including the door-handle. I've got enough unneccessary stress worrying about what kind of stupid assenine loads USA is going to keep inflicting on me.

Well okbye.

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