Saturday, March 29, 2008


In order to cut down on pollution, low sulpher and then ultra low-sulpher diesel fuels were mandated for all trucks.

These fuels cause engine damage, reduce power, and (especially) reduce fuel economy. Trucks consume and burn more fuel, especially on hills. The wear on the engines reduces efficiency over time, producing more pollution.

More pollution. More consumption. More demand. Higher fuel prices.

In response to a tired trucker killing some people, hours of service regulations were imposed on us. These rules are neccessarily based on the lowest common denominator, and medical theory.

I require less sleep than average, and have surprising endurance. I could easily drive half again the miles I'm allowed to now, and probably 15-20% of the drivers out there are in my ballpark. Since I started driving a truck, the average quality of truckers has steadily declined. There are a lot of idiots out there.

Stick with me: Because of hours-of-service regulations as they are, there are probably 20% more trucks on the road than are neccessary to move available freight. The idiots aren't getting fired. And are getting hired.

MORE fatal accidents, more roadwork and traffic jams, more fuel consumption, higher fuel prices.

Look for the pattern.

Recently a MAD-like consumer safety group, in order to justify even more stringent hours-of-service regulation, cited statistics which "proved" that trucks were more dangerous than ever.

The stats actually prove that trucks are SAFER than ever. The organ ization conveniently forgot to mention that taken per-capita (factoring in the much greater number of trucks that THEY and their regulations have neccessitated), there are fewer accidents. In other words, fewer accidents per truck.

I had to incorporate. Why? Because FDR created social security. SEVENTEEN PERCENT of my money as an individual goes down that sewer.

See it yet? Government? Do-gooders?

Yeah. Now I'm incorporated, and furthermore I mean to use every loophole I can, because I'm pissed. Obama wants to raise the corporate tax! I'll fight back. Ever hear of the Laffer curve?

Worship the truth. Think with your brain. Don't make up your mind about something, and then cherrypick and distort in order to prove it. Truth is God.

So: The Laffer curve is thrice proven. The Laffer curve, in a nutshell, says that revenues to the treasury INCREASE as taxes are lowered. (Yeah, yeah--there is a point of diminishing returns, but this point is much LOWER than current tax rates--don't start the distorting stuff here.)

What? Deficits? Failure?

WHAT DID I SAY? I said "revenues to the treasury". I didn't say anything about spending or waste. Revenues to the treasury. That's all. Now, per the IRS: When Kennedy, Reagan, and Bush lowered taxes, treasury revenues went up dramaticly, every time.

SPENDING is a separate issue, and is what was responsible for deficits. Plus 50, minus 100. Doesn't mean the plus 50 didn't happen. Think with your BRAIN. Seek clarity. Discriminate. Don't let people stick mud in your brain.

Recently, a major supplier of parts to a Toyota plant went on strike. Toyota closed the plant and moved it overseas. They said "that's it for north america. We're fed up with this". (Of course, I'm paraphrasing.)

I just mentioned the Laffer curve and corporate taxes. Why do american companies move overseas? I won't tell you. This is a test to see if you're still lying to yourself.

Now. Where do jobs come from? They come from greedy people who start businesses and invent stuff. The purpose of business is to make money. It naturally occurs that people get to sell their services to the owners in helping that happen. This is called a job.

Did you know that for a long time, the SMARTEST people from all over the world came here to enrich our gene-pool and prosperity? Do you know why? Because HERE, they could be free, and REWARDED for their contributions.

Make no mistake: A FREE market is the reason we quickly became dominant. Motivated by their own self-interest, creative people pioneered breakthroughs in science and technology. Entrepreneurs refined production. Competition improved quality and lowered prices. Everyone benefitted. The rising tide floated all boats.

Nothing wrong with honest labor if you're not a genius or whatever. Just don't hate those who are better off, or sign your checks. Because of them, you make your living.

The social security act was the first major blow to the free market. It is a socialist program diametricly opposed to our founding principles. The "war on poverty" and welfare crippled us.
Two years before it was enacted, the same people who pushed for and voted for it were fighting AGAINST civil rights legislation, and cheering on Bull Connor as he hit MLK's people with fire-hoses.

Black fathers were taken out, and poor women turned into baby factories. War on poverty? Poverty became a family TRADITION, along with voting for those who paid you to raise your kids that way!

That's right, Virginia: They did it on purpose, and they still get 90% of the black vote. Dependancy is just the new plantation.

The Bill of Rights does not list our rights. Your freedom is ennate. This document restricts the government's ability to infringe on your rights! And when a government confiscates money from some people and gives it to others? were supposed to have retained the right to YOUR money.

Read the INTENT. Here's an example: ", liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". PURSUIT. You have the right to PURSUE, not to be happy. Get it? The government's role is to just stay out of your freaking WAY! You can pursue, but it's YOUR job to succeed--or fail. The government has no place here. The founders were adament on this core principle.

Suggested reading: The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. If you made a face when I said that the democratic leadership was socialist, you really need to read this, as I did...

Oh yeah, I did, and when I was a kid, I believed in it. That's right. I know a pinko when I see one because I WAS one, so get that smirk of your face, and read the book! You've been brainwashed. You do not think clearly, rationally, or logicly if you can't even identify a socialist platform as such.

You're also irrational if you think that socialism and capitalism can co-exist. They do now, but because of it we're declining. Because of socialism here, we're far less than we could be. We might have set the whole planet free by now (and not by force), of we'd remained rugged individualists a little while longer.

Oh yeah. And freedom is not IMPOSED. Nobody has a right to deprive another innocent of it. Sic Semper Tyrannis. Freedom good. Tyranny bad. Some things aren't debatable.

Logic. Reason. Clarity. TRUTH. Reality.

They're not just for breakfast anymore!

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