Monday, November 10, 2008


We have finally taken power at a time when the younger voting populace has been sufficiently indoctrinated to implememnt our long term plans.

This can be measured in the positive reactions to Comrade Obama's statements. For instance, ten years ago, he would never dare to blame free market capitalism for today's economic woes.

The intelligencia of course understand that capitalism works. After all, we have engineered this collapse via government mandates and regulation. And a brilliantly executed plan it was! NOW, we offer the solution: Massive redistribution and (ultimately) the government takeover of private industry.

Painful yes, but the ends justify the means. Have the masses not proven that they must be led?

Currently, we must focus attention here, in order to establish, expand, and cement in place social programs to cultivate dependancy, and discourage independance. We have now easily complete our takeovers of the schools, media, and courts. We can silence capitalist voices using the Fairness Doctrine and it's successors along with the IRS.

The courts can then legislate whenever Congress fails to do so, without regard to the Consitution.

The decadent american lifesyle and standard of living will, of course, have to decline, The US Government can accomplish much through disarmament and redistribution of those resources to housing, food, health care, etc. While there will initially be some resistance, those dependant upon government will rapidly outnumber them, and more severe actions can be taken once it seems acceptable.

Ultimately, of course, we are not citezens of any one nation, but of a world. For too long, the United States has monopolized wealth while people starve elsewhere, so the ultimate redistribution must be worldwide. Our World Government is already in place in the United Nations, and given these resources, we can make world communism a reality.

Rejoice! Comrade Obama has openly promised redistribution, health care as a right, and blamed capitalism for the calamity which we have...rather obviously...caused in order to undermine it! AND THEY BOUGHT IT!!! He was confronted with the dictionary definition of Marxism and laughed! IT DIDN'T MATTER! Only a few are fellow travelers--the rest are simply...nevermind.

But there is still much work to do. Those who understand economics and cling to the few surviving remnants of the Constitution are galvanized, and the potential for their reclamation of the Republican Party from our many agents (including Comrades Graham and McCain) is real.

Not that they can stop us. But they could slow us. Their most prominant current leader is Governor Palin. Despite our best efforts to discredit and destroy her, too many see through this and remain loyal to her.

The damage we are about to do will be difficult to blame on Republicans and the free market, so long as Fox News and Conservative Talk Radio remain viable. It will be difficult to silence them. Palin could emerge as a threat to Comrade Obama four years from now, and as WE know, she is formidable.

The reasons they support her are telling. Despite Comrade Graham's efforts, she went off-message during the campaign, and sounded entirely too much like Ronald Reagan. It is dangerous when prominant people point out obvious realities, such as where jobs come from, and the reasons the United States became so wealthy and powerful.

This is why Comrade Obama is today working so hard to rewrite this history. And this is what you all must say: Americans have ALWAYS been one people and helped eachother (through the government). FDR was the greatest american president who, in the tradition of america, established social security and medicare, and massive public works. Only greedy unamerican capitalists caused all our problems by stealing all the wealth for themselves.

The time of the greedy individualist is past. We are all the same now. Everybody is equal.

I look foreward to seeing the IRS audit of Ms Palin, but don't hurry. Be thorough.

As always, do not relax, or stop. One item missing from the current agenda: The elimination of home-schooling and private schools. We must act now, while we have the majority--then delay the lawsuits until more comrades can be added to the Supreme Court.

Thank you.