Monday, June 30, 2008

Think with your Brain

True conservatives are libertarians. Bush and McCain are not true conservatives. Reagan and Goldwater were. The current Republican party is full of Bush's and McCain's, who betrayed their conservative bases.

True conservatives are loyal to the founders and their constitution--as it was written and intended. The principles set forth in this document are timeless, and transcend population, technology, and societal changes. It was designed that way, by some of the smartest people who have ever lived.

True conservatives, like the founders, believe in the smallest, most limited federal government possible. In FREEDOM, LIBERTY, AND INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. This is the core of it: These elements are not the governments' to grant or restrict. These are enate.

Libertarians in the first continental congress attempted to end slavery. These were MY antecedents. New York and the southern colonies--the antecedents of the democratic party--threatened to withdraw and (presumably) form a separate nation over this issue. Now there would be two separate nations, slavery would continue anyway, and both might be doomed to conquest.

So the issue was tabled, and omitted.

Abolitionists--my antecedents--fought to end slavery until, finally, Abraham Lincoln was elected President. On this very day, the south ceceded, and the war began shortly thereafter.

Lincoln's actions were technicly unconstitutional, as I've heard scholars point out. But you have to understand--it was the intent of the founders to end slavery, and they were prevented from doing it by extortion. These included Jefferson and other slave-owners, by the way.

And the main constitutional issue was states rights. Do you mean to tell me, Professor, that States were meant to have the right to legalize the OWNERSHIP of people? Hey, how bout let's legalize rape and murder? No sir--it's not legal for a state to legalize an abomination.

Slavery was the singular issue in the Civil War.

And again, the antecedents of the democrats fought a war to preserve it. The cannon fodder were convinced that it was about federal oppression, but there WAS no oppression, other than the threat to slavery. We must honor their courage and motives, but in truth, they fought the North to preserve slavery, and the wealth of their "top" whatever "percent".

Once again, our beliefs remained constant and immutable, as the Constitution: Freedom is enate. NO government has the right to take it. This applies to EVERY (honest) citezen, including black ones.

After a generation of my antecedents was decimated, more of my antecedents (especially the rich ones) founded the first black schools and colleges, and provided scholarships. This was all private money, from those greedy selfish rich white people. These were the first Republicans, and they were the real ones.

Within twenty years of the end of the war, communites of former slaves and their children had established thriving communities. They HAD to, because the democrats wouldn't give them their rightful place in the broader communities.

These were farmers, blacksmiths, barbers, doctors, etc.; mostly owners of their own businesses, which formed the base of these communites. They hired their own police to protect their businesses, extending this protection to their customers (and friends). They didn't complain about the poor farmer not helping pay the bills.

They didn't need anybody's help. They were Amercans, living the dream. WE were happy for them.

Then the Democrats burned all these communities down.

The 14th amendment was passed by Republicans to tell southern democrats that if they prevented black people from voting, owning guns or property, etc. they were comitting a crime.

LBJ, obliged to get JFK's Civil Rights act passed, was blocked by democrats. Al Gore's father filibustered against it. It was the unanimous Republicans in Congress who forced this through.

LBJ also passed his own Bill: WELFARE. He had the strong support of the very people who a year before stood behind water cannons and attack dogs, and filibustered Civil Rights. The Republicans fought it.

"AHA!", you say? THINK! This bill was INTENDED to BUY your votes, and establish an exponetially-expanding base of loyal democratic DEPENDANTS. The Republicans fought it because the government has no business subsidizing a permanent under-educated underclass. This was POISON to a free society, and especially to the "beneficiaries" of the free money.

It destroyed the black family. It discouraged enterprise, competition, and achievement. It created criminals, and ghettos.

Those who fought it were the same people who wanted to educate the slaves and their children--so that they would be equipped to SUCCEED.

Well, the new Plantation worked like a charm. You fell for it.

Today, the majority of the Domocratic Party is eager to vote for Obama. Every rebuttal or question will be portrayed as a "vicious racist attack".

Idiots. True conservatives and libertarians ARE color-blind. It is YOU who are going to vote for this guy BECAUSE he is black! Because you feel guilty, or he's the same color, or it's affirmative action--whatever. It's all about race for YOU.

WE judge people by the content of their characters. Do you?

WE would prefer Colin Powell to McCain. We like Condi Rice even better. We'd go right to the WALL for Watts, Steele, or Blackwell.

Their color or sex means nothing to us. All that matters to us is their honesty, and where they intend to take this country. WE think with our brains. Logical, rational, mature, sane.

YOU, conversely, think with your hearts. None of his american terrorist or america-hating or criminal friends and mentors matter to you. His lies and flipflops don't matter either. You perform olympic-calibre mental gymnastics of rationalization to explain them all away--lying to yourselves. He's black (and promises to screw rich people and give you free stuff), and that's all that matters to you. Little freaking kids!

And he's a Marxist. You say that's just the Republican attack machine (what a joke). You have been indoctrinated. Schools don't teach about communism or Marx anymore. You haven't checked out the Communist Manifesto yoursels, and have no idea what you're talking about.

I was a communist. That doesn't matter either, does it? He's talking about sticking it to the rich and giving you free stuff. That's Marxism, and it never, ever works. It's FATAL to a free economy. Rich people provide jobs in the course of their business. As it is, they pay the bulk of the taxes. When you tax a corporation, it cuts costs by reducing labor, and passes the tax onto YOU, the consumer. These PT Barnums tax YOU more through corporation, and then YOU believe it when they blame greedy rich people for it! Are you retarded or something?

When you institute labor laws and restrict businesses, they LEAVE. They throw up their hands and move facilities overseas, because they can no longer survive over here.

And you blame REPUBLICANS for these problems?

Back to Marx: Another pillar of communism is to confiscate the property of rebels and EMIGRANTS--so stand by.

Marx wanted the state to provide education, where the curriculum could be controlled and everybody could be raised to be unselfish good little commies with zero ambition. This is why, contrary to the constitution, education became a Federal institution. And today, you are not taught about Marx, or the Contitution, or economics, or real history. You are indoctrinated.

Obama wants to extend this through college. Aside from buying your votes, this is his agenda.

Marx believed in the collective. That's you, Mr. Worker ant. We believe in INDIVIDUAL rights. Marx didn't believe in competion, calling it destructive. We believe competition is good. The framers patterned the constitution based on natural law and human nature. Marx no doubt studied ants and bees. Grow up. We're people.

Obama regards himself as the intelligencia. He and his Comrades in the Democratic Party (and unfortunately several who infest the Republican Party as well) know what's good for you, and intend to take care of you.

They want to institute a windfall profit tax on the oil companies, like Jimmy Carter did in the seventies. Comrade Carter also instituted price-caps. The results were shortages and rationing. He also raised taxes on "the wealthy". Almost immediately, we got up over 15% unemployment. He CAPPED DOMESTIC WELLS, too, and now here we are. In fact, we'll never recover from all the damage this man did, and now you want to elect somebody who's even worse.

Do you understand this? Reagan undid this, and we rebounded, bigtime. (Remember--Federal spending is a SEPARATE issue...think with your brain.)

Social Security is Marxist. Medicare and medicaid are marxist. Public Education is marxist. Welfare too. ALL GOVERNMENT ENTITLEMENTS ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Because of all this CRAP, our growth has been stifled. It's not the land-of-opportunity the framers intended. We are not as strong, and not as free.

All this CRAP makes everything you buy cost more, sucks something like 40% of the money out of free people's hands, and has all but destroyed our individualism and enterprise. Free market capitalism made us the most powerful and prosperous people on the planet, and marxism is out to destroy it. It's been under attack since the Revolution.

Free market capitalism has not caused problems. Socialism is the huge monkey-wrench in these gears, and Obama says the solution is MORE SOCIALISM are you insane?

If not for the meddling of parasites, the whole world might be free, right now.

Marx also understood that socialism couldn't compete with free market capitalism. This meant that the rest of the world needed to be socialist before true communism could be instituted. (They have substantially accomplished this everywhere but here...and have eroded us a bunch.) They don 't believe in national borders. Marxism trancends patriotism. A marxist here is more loyal to a marxist in Russia or Korea than he is to the USA.

This, along with a simple lust for personal power, is why today's Marxocratic Party has no problem crippling our economy and undermining our soldiers at war. This is the real reason why you haven't been told that the global warming theory has been discredited.

They won't drill because they reckon you are stupid enough to blame "Big Oil" and Republicans for the high oil prices. They think that, in a few more years of steady indoctrination, you'll allow the government to take over the oil industry...which will be only the first.

1: Create a Problem. 2: Blame it on capitalism and the burgoise. 3: Offer a solution.

Another element of the Marxist agenda is wealth redistribution on a worldwide scale. The UN is the tool. Wealth redistribution is integral to it, on every scale. The ultimate goal is a World Government overseen by the UN.

They will use every excuse and pretext to accomplish this. They lie and create problems, for what they percieve is a higher purpose. The scum floats to the top within their movement, and they are corrupt. They have to hide their real agenda, until the general population is better "prepared". Conservative radio is exposing them. That's what the Fairbess Doctrine is all about: silencing Radio Free America.

I don't lie. Our message has remained constant since the First Congressional Congress. Liberty, freedom, and more freedom. We don't offer separate messages to minorities, gays, or women. Our message is for everybody, because everybody is created equal, and everybody is free to pursue their own happiness.

Free market capitalism leaves your life up to you. This is the most precious thing we own, don't you understand that? It is what MADE us the land of opportunity!! Why immigrants come here and get rich, while you idiots demand more hand-outs and repeat conspiracy theories about how you're kept down and oppressed.

Somebody works 70 hrs/week, studies, risks everything, and makes some money and you say "where's MINE?" YOU HAVE BEEN INDOCTINATED! BRAINWASHED!

A free society and free enterprise is the real greatest good for the greatest number. Think with your brain. Grow up. It's almost too late.

Be careful what you wish for.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Memphis, TN

This time it was Christine's driver's side wiper blade assembly. It disintegrated. And my usual coolant leak...the pressure leak from hell. Once this is fixed, the air leak from hell will be back. She hasn't got around to leaking fuel or oil. YET.


Anyway I also really hate Freightliner--which is why I took my Freightliner truck to Kenworth. But Freightliner screws you anyway. At 3 pm friday Freightliner's parts guy told me it was "after the deadline" to get a particular part, which is why I'm stuck here til monday afternoon.

And can I have some peace? Well, here comes this black woman knocking on my door. Oh, sorry, a friend of hers was staying here. But could she please use the john? Do I have anything else to drink? Shoes off, parked in bed. Hey I just really want to be alone and not lose my ass in the internet poker game you interrupted. No I'm married. And broke. No not a blowjob either.


On the plus side, I had fallen into a regular run. Now, I'm an OTR driver and like it that way. I've been all over this country and that's cool. But THIS run is a load at Longview, TX and deliver/reload at the same plant in Spring Lake, TX, and back to the same place in Longview to repeat the process.

A thousand miles each way, early delivery not a problem, surcharge paid on every mile, and because of the combinations of weights, terrains, and speeds, I got SEVEN POINT THREE mpg's.

This, of course, is why Christine threw another damn fit. I was too happy.

Ryan is going to try to get me back on it when I come back.

Meanwhile, I've checked out a couple other options. One: I might convievably buy a truck. That's a last resort: I'm afraid that because of congress not allowing drilling and obstructing refineries (in order to engineer nationalization per Marx), our economy will be a casualty of this noble cause. Incurring a 45k debt on a commercial truck is very, very risky.

There's another company in Ohio which pays 74% of the line haul--the total charges. That would translate to nearly 1.50/mile, or half again what I earn now. Since they're OTR and other specs meet my needs, this is mighty attractive.

I dunno. Lots to think about.

Ok, now to test your Objectivity:

One rule for this: We are only concerned with employment levels and revenues to the treasury here. You are not allowed to muddy the issue with memorized talking points, or to raise any other issues. Gevernment spending has nothing to do with this.

John F Kennedy promoted a tax bill which drasticly cut capital gains and corporate taxes, and reduced top marginal rates "for the rich". The results were a drop in unemployment and a big increase in revenues to the treasury, per the IRS. You should not be running your mouth yet. This is empirical fact, so shut up.

Ronald Reagan did the same thing, with the same results. Specificly, I think the revenues increased 87%.

In the 90's, Gingrich and the Republicans won congress, and the first thing they did was to undo Clinton's tax increase. After being forced to sign the tax cut, he took credit for it. I don't care. Same results. Unemployment down, t-revenues up.

Then Bush Jr. Same results.

Are we seeing a pattern here? Please admit that the Laffer curve works, or that you are an idiot. Those are your only two choices.

Now, deficits come from spending. LBJ escalated the war in Viet Nam and launched his "Peoples' Para..." I mean, "Great Society" in which he massively increased welfare in order to estblish an exponentially expanding underclass of loyal dependant democratic voters.

Reagan rebuilt the gutted military, and Tip O'Neal increased discretionary spending by over 150% in order to undermine Reagan and buy votes. Spending outraced increased revenues.

Gingrich's congress fixed welfare and reigned in spending, for which Clinton was credited. We got a surplus.

Most recently, we were hit by 911, went to war, got hit by some of the worst natural disasters in national history, earmarks went through the roof, and Bush himself never met a spending bill he didn't like (trying to be by-partisan-he's a big brown-noser), so now we have a deficit again.

So, repeat after me: Supply-side economics works. The Laffer curve has been proven. Deficits come from spending, OR punitive tax-rates--regardless of who you want to blame.

Are we thinking clearly, with our actual brains yet? I mean, about reality?

Carter "punished the rich", (and imposed a windfall tax on "big oil") and just about destroyed the economy. Obama wants to do exactly the same thing. Congresspeople are now out of the closet, talking openly about nationalizing the oil companies. For all the damage which they KNOW this will cause, they already plan to blame the Republicans, and know that you will believe them.

I told you. I predicted all this. You thought I was nuts. Well, do you see it yet? If you don't, we're about to turn into France DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

Ah! I feel much better now. God bless what's left of America (with a "c").